簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳明輝
Ming-hui Wu
論文名稱: 一個從影像序列中擷取臉部特徵點的人臉表情辨識系統
A Facial Expression Recognition System Based on the Facial Landmarks Extracted from an Image Sequence
指導教授: 范欽雄
Chin-Shyurng Fahn
口試委員: 邱舉明
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 人臉表情辨識類神經網路人臉特徵抽取人臉偵測支向機AdaBoost演算法
外文關鍵詞: face detection, facial feature extraction, facial expression recognition, neural network, support vector machine, AdaBoost algorithm
相關次數: 點閱:590下載:0
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Owing to the demand of more efficient and friendly human computer interfaces, the researches on face processing have been rapidly grown in recent years. In addition to offering some kinds of service for human beings, one of the most important characteristics of a favorable system is to autonomously interact with people. Currently, many researchers are making a lot of efforts on the hot topic of facial expression recognition. A completely automatic facial expression recognition system is presented in this thesis, which consists of three main procedures. The first is based on skin color blocks and geometrical properties applied to eliminate the skin color regions that do not belong to the face in the HSI color space. Than we find proper ranges of eyes, mouth, and eyebrows according to the positions of pupils and center of a mouth. Subsequently, we perform both the edge detection and binarization operations on the above ranged images to obtain 16 landmarks. After manipulating these landmarks, 16 characteristic distances are produced to represent a kind of expressions. Finally, we subtract the 16 characteristic distances of a neutral face from the 16 characteristic distances of a certain expression to acquire its 16 displacement values fed to a classifier with an incremental learning scheme, which can identify six kinds of expressions: joy, anger, surprise, fear, sadness, and neutral. During the development of facial expression classification, we evaluate the performance of neural network, support vector machine, and Adaboosting techniques. From the experimental outcomes, we can observe that the average recognition rates obtained from both the AdaBoost algorithm and neural network are better than that from a support vector machine, but the training time of the neural network takes quite a long time. Comparatively, the AdaBoost algorithm has an advantage of facilitating the speed of convergence. Thus, we can update the training samples to deal with comprehensive circumstances of using varied expression features, but need not spend much computational cost. Finally, we choose the AdaBoost algorithm as the core technique to implement our strong facial expression classifier. Moreover, we develop a bottom-up hierarchical classification structure for multi-class expression recognition. Through conducting many experiments, the statistics of performance reveals that the accuracy rate of our facial expression recognition system reaches more than 90% for a single kind or multiple kinds of expressions appearing in an image sequence.

中文摘要………………………………………………………………ii ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………iii CONTENTS………………………………………………………………v LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………vii LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………1 1.1 Overview………………………………………………………1 1.2 Background and Motivation…………………………………2 1.3 Thesis Organization and System Architecture……………4 CHAPTER 2 RELATED WORK…………………………………………6 2.1 Reviews of Face Detection and Feature Extraction………6 2.2 Reviews of Facial Expression Recognition………………9 CHAPTER 3 FACE DETECTION…………………………………13 3.1 Color Space Transformation………………………………14 3.2 Connected Component Labeling………………………………17 3.3 Face Detection Strategies……………………………………20 3.4 Pupils Detection………………………………………………22 3.5 Center of Mouth Detection……………………………………24 CHAPTER 4 FACIAL FEATURE EXTRACTION……………………27 4.1 Landmarks of Eyes Extraction………………………28 4.2 Landmarks of Eyebrows Extraction…………………………32 4.3 Landmarks of Mouth Extraction………………………………35 CHAPTER 5 FACIAL EXPRESSION RECOGNITION…………………40 5.1 Feature Distances……………………………………………41 5.2 Multi-Layer Perceptrons………………………………………45 5.2.1 The back-propagation algorithm…………………………45 5.2.2 The MLP-based classifier…………………………………48 5.3 Support Vector Machines………………………………………52 5.3.1 Linear support vector machines……………52 5.3.2 Non-linear support vector machines……………………57 5.3.3 The SVM-based multi-classifier…………………………59 5.4 Adaboosting Schemes…………………………………………62 5.4.1 The AdaBoost algorithm…………………………………62 5.4.2 The weak classifier………………………………………68 5.4.3 The AdaBoost-base multi-classifier……………………70 CHAPTER 6 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS…………73 6.1 The Facial Expression Database……………………………74 6.2 The Results of Face Detection………………………76 6.3 Comparison of Three Different Classifiers………………78 6.4 Experiment of Multi-Type Expressions……………………90 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS……………………93 REFERANCES……………………………………………………………95

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