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研究生: 孫劍莉
Chien-Li Sun
論文名稱: 語料庫分析國際商務合同法律英語文體分佈
A Corpus-Based Approach to Analyzing Stylistic Distributions of Legal English in International Business Contracts
指導教授: 王世平
Shih-Ping Wang
口試委員: 曾文鐽
Wen-Ta Tseng
Zhao-Ming Gao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 國際商務合同法律英語文體語料庫
外文關鍵詞: International Business, Contract, Legal English, Stylistic, Corpus
相關次數: 點閱:390下載:0
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  • 國際商務為全球經濟崛起之關鍵。國際商務通常在國際商務合同(合同)下進行,以維護雙方和諧關係。合同具有法律效力,常以法律英語之古英語、外來語、術語和縮寫詞撰寫,尤其擅用長句結合所有意圖。因此,從事國際商務人員視閱讀和制訂合同為挑戰性工作。
    本研究採用定量研究及以語料庫為基礎之研究方法回答四個研究問題。數據收集以九種國際商務合同為主。最終收集 1,033 份合同,共 6,386,923 個單詞。

    International business is a key to the rise of the global economy. Conducting international business is often performed under an International Business Contract (IBC).
    However, reading and drafting the IBC is challenging, as an IBC is a legally binding
    document that is written in Legal English. Although English is easy to learn, Legal English has a linguistic form that usually uses a lot of Old English, Loan Words, Terminology, Abbreviations, and Long Sentences to write the conventions.
    This study is to explore the stylistic distribution of Legal English among the nine types of IBC through four research questions. The result of this study is used to provide an alternative suggestion and determine if the nine types of IBC can create a template that can serve as training material to advance workers' abilities. The four research questions are: a) To what extent are different types of contracts similar to each other? b) Are there overlapping words among the nine types of IBC based on the top 1000 words on WordList? c) What is the average sentence length among the nine types of IBC? d) What is the stylistic distribution of Legal English based on the top 1000 words on WordList?
    This study employed a quantitative method and a Corpus-Based Approach in answering
    the research questions systematically. Finally, 1,033 IBC and a total of 6,386,923 words were collected.
    The results of the study analyzed the extent of the similarity, the overlapping words, and sentence length among the nine types of international business contracts. In addition, the results analyzed the stylistic distribution of Legal English to present the distribution of parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, and Old English, Loan Words, Abbreviations, and Terminology.
    The research results provide suggestions for business workers to understand the correct use of words and sentence structure in a contract. With these suggestions, business workers will be able to master the rules for contract reading, drafting, and rhetoric.

    Table of Contents 摘要 ...........................................................................................................................................i ABSTRACT..............................................................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................. iii Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................iv List of Figures ...........................................................................................................................v List of Tables ............................................................................................................................vi Chapter I Introduction ............................................................................................................1 Background and Motivation ..................................................................................................1 Research Purpose...................................................................................................................2 Research Gap and Research Questions ..................................................................................4 The Significance of the study ................................................................................................6 Definitions of Terminology ....................................................................................................6 Overview of the Paper ...........................................................................................................7 Chapter II Literature Review .................................................................................................9 Corpus-Based Approach ........................................................................................................9 Constructing a Written Corpus ............................................................................................10 The Analysis Tools of the Corpus ........................................................................................10 International Business Contract ...........................................................................................14 The Features of Stylistics .....................................................................................................18 The Features of Legal English .............................................................................................19 Chapter III Methodology ......................................................................................................27 Research Design ..................................................................................................................27 Data Collection Procedure ...................................................................................................27 Research Instruments ...........................................................................................................30 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................................31 Chapter IV Results and Discussion ......................................................................................36 Results and Discussion for Research Question One ............................................................36 Results and Discussion for Research Question Two ............................................................37 Results and Discussion for Research Question Three .........................................................39 Results and Discussion for Research Question Four ...........................................................39 Chapter V Conclusions ..........................................................................................................53 Summary of the Major Findings ..........................................................................................53 The Limitations of the Study ...............................................................................................64 Suggestions for Future Study ...............................................................................................64 Research Implications ..........................................................................................................64 References...............................................................................................................................65 Appendices..............................................................................................................................68

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