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研究生: 王曰文
Yue-Wun Wang
論文名稱: 3D列印客製化鞋墊商業模式規劃–以連杏生醫為例
The business model of 3D printing customized insole – Acon Biomedical Company
指導教授: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
Chun-Ming Chen
口試委員: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
Shang-Chih Lin
Chun-Ming Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 積層製造客製化鞋墊多孔性晶格結構足壓量測足弓問題
外文關鍵詞: Laminated manufacturing, custom insoles, porous lattice structures, foot pressure measurement, arch problems
相關次數: 點閱:208下載:0
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  • 鞋子是現代人的生活必需品,適合的鞋子可以矯正體態,不適合的鞋子還會造成腰痠、腳痛等問題,對於足部有病變或長期站立工作的人來說,鞋子內的鞋墊就扮演非常重要的角色。而近年來積層製造的技術快速發展,由於積層製造不受元件複雜度影響的特性,改善了傳統加工無法一次性成型與製造工時冗長的缺點,加上3D列印的方便性(製造及設計的靈活度)等優點讓知名鞋廠NewBalance、Adidas、Nike 也紛紛推出 3D 列印技術的鞋款。
    本研究將 3D 列印與足壓量測相結合,客製化晶格結構鞋墊,規劃一套合適的商業推廣模式進行商業化。與市場產品進行比較,透過足壓驗證效果並進行問卷發放,直觀瞭解市場需求。

    Shoes are the necessities of life for modern people. Suitable shoes can correct posture. Unsuitable shoes can also cause problems such as backache and foot pain. For people with foot lesions or long-term standing work, the insoles in the shoes becomes a very important role. important role. In recent years, the technology of layered manufacturing has developed rapidly. Due to the characteristics of layered manufacturing that is not affected by the complexity of components. The shortcomings of traditional processing that cannot be formed at one time and the lengthy manufacturing hours are improved, and the convenience of 3D printing (Flexible Manufacturing and Design) and other advantages have led well-known shoe manufacturers NewBalance, Adidas, and Nike to launch shoes with 3D printing technology.
    This study combines 3D printing with foot pressure measurement to customize lattice structure insoles and plan a suitable commercial promotion model for commercialization. Compare with market products, verify the effect through foot pressure and issue questionnaires to intuitively understand market demand.
    In this study, the insole model was imported into the lattice software nTopology for design. After printing the finished product, the static and dynamic pressures were measured. Through this process, it was found that this kind of porous lattice structure insole can effectively relieve the average force of the foot. For each region in Taiwan, use different parameters such as foot habits, age, occupation, and exercise habits to compare, and find the target market for commercial promotion.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 IV 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景及動機 1 1.2研究目的 1 1.3論文架構 2 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1 鞋墊產業概況 4 2.1.1腳型結構 4 2.1.2鞋墊自定義 9 2.1.3 3D列印七大製程 18 2.1.4鞋墊發展現況 20 2.2商業模式 22 2.2.1產業結構模型 22 2.2.2現行鞋墊商業模式 27 第三章研究方法與成果 32 3.1研究流程 32 3.1.1列印鞋墊前置作業 33 3.1.2足壓量測驗證作業 38 3.1.3問卷調查 40 3.2 3D列印鞋墊 41 3.2.1材料應用於3D列印製程 41 3.2.2 3D列印製程應用鞋墊 43 3.3研究統計分析 47 3.3.1量測分析 47 3.3.2問卷交叉分析 54 3.3.3商業策略規劃 71 第四章 市場分析 73 4.1台灣市場分析 73 4.1.1鞋墊政策面管理現況 73 4.1.2 3D列印鞋墊供給通路 74 4.1.3 3D列印鞋墊主要客群分析 76 4.2總體環境分析 78 4.2.1國外網站鞋墊市佔率統計 78 4.2.2國內外3D列印鞋墊運營情形 81 4.2.3各國鞋行業商業模式 87 4.3連杏鞋墊行銷模式 92 4.3.1連杏鞋墊行銷架構 92 4.3.2連杏生醫目標市場定位 93 4.3.3連杏生醫商業模式結果討論 95 第五章 結論與建議 99 5.1結論 99 5.2未來展望 100

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