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研究生: 陳繹安
Yi-An Chen
論文名稱: 朝B型企業邁進的布洗布可公司 - 行「銷」與行「善」的抉擇
Bookbook Laundry Services Company moving towards a Type B Corp.-the choice between marketing and doing good
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wan
口試委員: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
Chiung-Ju Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 40
中文關鍵詞: 商業模式身心障礙員工B型企業第二曲線
外文關鍵詞: Business model, B Corporations, employees with disabilities, The second curve theory
相關次數: 點閱:471下載:0
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  • 在傳統產業的紅海競爭中力行弱勢族群照顧,是一項極具挑戰性的企業決策。本個案是探討一間以雇用弱勢的身心障礙者為主力員工的中型洗衣工廠,一位來自電子業服務近20年的空降經理,試圖在這個長期不被政府重視、科技自動化程度不高、勞力密集、低門檻、殺價競爭的傳統洗衣市場中,帶領這一間中型工廠找出商業模式的利基點以追求個人職涯第二曲線之成就。洗衣業的工作內容單調很適合弱勢的身心障礙族群,所以公司的創辦人擘畫出一個立意良善的公司願景,在追求公司永續經營的理念之下,以雇用100名身障員工為其使命。本論文以第二曲線、商業模式、成本-數量分析、差異化策略為主要教學目標,經由個案實例並運用以上教學理論,尋找可行的解決方案,以達到理論與實務案例結合相互呼應的教學目的。未來布洗布可公司試圖透過申請B型企業的認證,除彰顯公司照顧弱勢員工的事實,亦可以對公司的形象加分,惟能否為公司帶來商業利益跟影響力,則有待通過認證之後的表現。

    It is a challenging decision for enterprises to take care of disadvantaged groups in the Red Sea competition of traditional industries. This case is about a medium-sized laundry factory with weak physical and mental disabilities as the main staff. An out-side manager from the electronics industry for nearly 20 years, trying to lead this me-dium-sized factory to find the basis for a business model in pursuit of the achieve-ments of the second curve of personal career in a traditional laundry market that has long been unsupported by the government, low levels of technological automation, la-bor-intensive, low-threshold, and price-killing competition. The monotony of the laundry industry's work content is very suitable for vulnerable groups with disabilities. Therefore, the founder of the company drew a well-intentioned corporate vision, in the pursuit of the company's sustainable business philosophy, to hire 100 disabled em-ployees for its mission. This thesis addresses the second curve development, innova-tive business model, cost-economic analysis, and differentiation strategy as the main teaching goals. Through case examples and using the above theories, we find feasible solutions to achieve the teaching purpose of combining theory and practical cases. The case company tries to apply for certification of B Corporation. In addition to high-lighting the fact that the company takes care of disadvantaged employees, but also op-timized the company's image. Whether it can bring business benefits and influence to the company, the firm will be certified by its operational performances.

    第一章 個案本文 1 1.1 沒有報酬的自願役員工 1 1.2 急驚風嫁給慢郎中 2 1.3 個案公司簡介及洗衣業概況 3 1.4 自動化的紅海市場 6 1.5 逐年攀昇的身心障礙人口 8 1.6 認真但狀況外的媽寶 10 1.7 手作的溫度 12 1.8 流口水? 13 1.9 B型企業 14 第二章 教師手冊 16 2.1 個案討論 16 2.2 個案總覽 16 2.3 教學目標及適用課程 17 2.4 個案分析 18 2.5 教學建議 20 2.6 學生課前討論問題 21 2.7 可能的解決方案 22 2.8 板書規畫 38 2.9 後記 39 參考文獻 40

    1. B 型企業協會 (2021) http://blab.tw/service
    2. 中華民國全國創新創業總會 (2021) https://www.careernet.org.tw/modules.php?name=csr&op=csr_detail&nid=486
    3. 陳龍潭、廖勇凱 (2011) 企業策略管理Corporate Strategy Management,智勝
    4. 麥可‧波特 (2009) 策略大師:經理人月刊 3月號/2009 第52期
    5. 游忠敏,2014,細說台灣洗衣業與洗衣 技術,中國生產力中心顧問專欄,http:// www.cpc.org.tw/consultancy/article/680, 08/2014。
    6. Handy C. (2016) The Second Curve: Thoughts on Reinventing Society, Random House UK
    7. Osterwalder A. and Pigneur Y. (2012) Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. ISBN: 978-0-470-87641-1 獲利世代:自己動手,畫出你的商業模式,尢傳莉譯,早安財經文化出版
    8. Osterwalder A., Pigneur Y., Bernarda G., Smith A., Papadakos T. (2014) Value Propo-sition Design. ISBN: 978-1-118-96805-5
    9. Porter, M. (1980) Competitive Strategy,ISBN 957-621-438-6 (周旭華 譯, 競爭策略:產業環境及競爭者分析 天下文化)
    10. Stevenson, W. J., Hojati, M., & Cao, J. (2014). Operations management (p. 182). McGraw-Hill Education.

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