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研究生: 何宇龍
Yu-leng Ho
論文名稱: 不銹鋼纖維與多種纖維交織後電磁屏蔽與靜電逸散效能之探討
A Study on Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness and electrostatic propensity of Stainless Steel Hybrid Fabrics
指導教授: 蘇舜恭
Shuenn-Kung Su
口試委員: 邱士軒
Shih-Hsuan Chiu
Ming-Chien Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 頻譜分析儀電磁波屏蔽效應靜電逸散
外文關鍵詞: electromagnetic shieldineffectiveness(EMSE), stainless steel fiber, electrostatic dissipating properties
相關次數: 點閱:364下載:0
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This experiment adopts the stainless steel fiber for the main raw material, joined with cotton fiber and polyester fiber and rayon fiber to manufacture the stainless steel composite yarn. Discussion the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness(EMSE) of different fiber and different content and different wave. The stainless steel/polyester blended yarns are spun with the ratios of 5%/95%, 10%/90%, and 20%/80%. Then these yarns were woven into plain weave and balanced twill weave and stain weave. Using a coaxing transmission equipment, the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness(EMSE) of these fabrics is measured in the frequency range of 30MHz to 3000 MHz. and antistatic test-frictional charge Fabrics with different structures, number of layers, and blend ratio are studied to realize their effect on the EMSE and antistatic test-frictional charge.
The experiment results showed that the larger amount of metal the fabrics contain, the higher EMSE they have. And the EMSE of the fabrics made of the stainless steel fiber are better than the fabrics made of the multifilament stainless steel. In addition, the woven fabrics made of the core yarn have the higher EMSE than the other two fabrics made of the over yarn and the fold yarn. In respect with the analysis of the geometrical structure, the woven fabrics have higher EMSE and antistatic test-frictional charge than the knitted fabrics. And the more layers display the higher EMSE.

目 錄 中文摘要.............................................................................................. Ⅰ 英文摘要.............................................................................................. Ⅱ 謝誌...................................................................................................... Ⅲ 目錄...................................................................................................... Ⅳ 圖表索引.............................................................................................. Ⅷ 第一章 緒論...................................................................................... 1 1-1 研究動機............................................................................... 1 1-2 研究目的............................................................................... 3 1-3 研究架構............................................................................... 5 第二章 原理及原料介紹.................................................................. 6 2-1 不銹鋼金屬纖維纖維........................................................... 5 2-2 電磁波的相關理論............................................................... 8 2-2-1 電磁波....................................................................... 8 2-2-2 電磁波干擾理論....................................................... 10 2-2-3 電磁屏蔽理論........................................................... 14 2-3 電磁屏蔽材料....................................................................... 19 2-4 抗靜電原理........................................................................... 22 第三章 實驗方法與設備.................................................................. 25 3-1 實驗材料................................................................................. 25 3-2 實驗設備與測定..................................................................... 27 3-3 實驗步驟................................................................................. 28 第四章 結果與討論............................................................................ 29 4-1 不同纖維與L316交織後之電磁屏蔽效應分析.................. 29 4-2 單一纖維與L316在不同交織比率下之電磁屏蔽效應分析 ................................................................................................ 31 4-3 單一纖維與L316在不同交織結構組織下之電磁屏蔽效應 分析........................................................................................ 32 4-4 電磁屏蔽效應與靜電逸散測試............................................. 35 第五章 結論與建議............................................................................ 38 5-1 結論......................................................................................... 38 5-2 建議......................................................................................... 40 參考文獻................................................................................................. 41

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