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研究生: 黃宏銘
Hong-Ming Huang
論文名稱: 高效能抽油煙機設計與開發之整合研究
An Integrated experimental and CFD study on developing a high performance, low noise Range Hood
指導教授: 林顯群
Sheam-Chyun Lin
口試委員: 陳呈芳
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 219
中文關鍵詞: 抽油煙機風扇設計
外文關鍵詞: Ramg Hood, fan design
相關次數: 點閱:399下載:1
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  • 根據行政院衛生署的統計,惡性腫瘤為國人十大死因第一名,其中肺癌高居女性癌症死亡率第一名,然而國內女性吸煙人口比率並不高,但肺癌卻是一直位居女性癌症之首,因此推測其主要因素與烹煮所產生的油煙脫離不了關係;所以若有一台高性能、低噪音的抽油煙機,則能將油煙有效抽除以減少得到肺癌機率,並可使廚房的空氣品質更加良好。有鑑於此,本文將應用風機設計理論進行抽油煙機之性能改良,先藉由計算流體分析軟體的流場可視化功能,來探討抽油煙機內部所產生的物理現象,並系統化地分析評估其結果,再根據其流場缺失進行改善。而所改良之參數主要有入口圓錐體、葉輪、翼型葉片與蝸型流道等,經模擬後發現各個改善參數對抽油煙機之整體性能皆有影響;本文最後所得之最適化抽油煙機設計,在相同的轉速下,其出口流量與錶壓分別較原始市售產品大幅提升了64.7%與49.7%,而在相同出口流量為基準下相比,最適化設計之風機其所需要之馬力與扭力值皆比較低,可以說是一項達到節能效果之高性能設計產品。

    Based on Taiwan governmental report, lung cancer is the most popular disease and has become the leading fatal factor for female patients during the past decade. Because of the small smoking female population in Taiwan, thus it is inferred that this phenomenon primarily results from the cooking smoke and soot pollutions inside the kitchen, where utilizes the range hood as the ventilation tool. Hence, a substantial demand for the high-performance, low-noise range hood exists and motivates this integrated CFD, experiment, and fabrication research. Firstly, a commercial range hood is chosen as the reference model based on the test report from the consumer magazine. Then, a comprehensive CFD simulation is executed to visualize the flow patters inside this device and identify the adverse circulation and reversed flow for finding out the possible improvement alternatives. In addition, this work considers several essential modifications such as inlet cone, rotor, airfoil blade, and casing redesign, which affect the overall performance of range hood. Consequently, with the aids of parametric study, the optimum range hood demonstrates a considerable enhancement on the maximum flow rate and static pressure by 64.7% and 49.7%, respectively. In addition, this numerical simulation provides the required motor torque, which is much lower than that of the reference model operating at the same condition.
    With intension to support the CFD prediction, a prototype of range hood is fabricated via CNC machine to carry out the aerodynamic and acoustic performance tests inside the AMCA chamber and the semi-anechoic room for ensuring the reliable experimental outcomes. As a result, the calculated and measured results correlate well with an acceptable 4% deviation over the entire performance curve. Besides, a noise reduction is observed from comparing the test results between the reference and optimized range hoods. To clearly demonstrating the superiority on both aerodynamic and efficiency viewpoints, this study uses the fan law to transform those experimental performances under the same comparison criteria, such as a specified pressure output. It follows that the optimal design can deliver an extra 27% airflow at the same static pressure and only need 79% power consumption of the commercial range hood. Therefore, it is obvious that this optimal design is not only a high performance and low noise, but also an energy saving product. In summary, this research successfully establishes a rigorous and effective design scheme for serving as an important R&D tool to design and manufacture the high performance range hood.

    摘 要 I Abstract III 致 謝 V 目 錄 VI 圖索引 X 表索引 XIV 符號索引 XVI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 文獻回顧 9 1.2.1 廚房通風 10 1.2.2 離心式風扇 12 1.2.3 噪音研究方面 17 1.2.4 數值模擬 21 1.3 研究動機與方法 23 第二章 抽油煙機與離心式風機 33 2.1 抽油煙機概論 34 2.1.1 抽油煙機構造簡介 39 2.1.2 抽油煙機安裝使用重點 44 2.1.3 CNS-3805之抽油煙機規範及選購注意事項 46 2.2 離心式風機概論 48 2.2.1 流體機械的分類 49 2.2.2 送風機分類 50 2.2.3 離心式風機之構造及分類 56 2.2.4 速度三角形法 61 2.3 風扇葉輪設計 65 2.3.1 NACA翼剖面參數定義 66 2.3.2 葉輪參數設計 69 2.4 風機外殼設計 73 第三章 數值方法 85 3.1統御方程式 86 3.2紊流模式理論 89 3.3 數值模擬基本流程 92 3.4 數值計算方法 94 3.4.1 離散化方程式 94 3.4.2上風差分法(Upwind Differentiating) 97 3.4.3 速度與壓力耦合 98 3.5 數值邊界條件設定與收斂判定法則 100 第四章 改良型之數值結果 106 4.1模型網格之建立 107 4.2 F-3風機之流場分析與改善方案 110 4.2.1 完整的流場分析 115 4.2.2 流場缺失之改善方案 116 第五章 性能改善的參數分析研究 122 5.1 蝸型流道出口處之改善 122 5.2 翼型葉片之型式與弦長 124 5.3 蝸型流道入口處之改善 133 5.4 葉輪高度之設計 136 5.5 入口圓錐體之設計 138 5.6 蝸型流道出口角度之設計 141 第六章 抽油煙機之內部流場分析 148 6.1 蝸型流道之流場分析 151 6.1.1 縱向剖面之流場分析 151 6.1.2 徑向剖面之流場分析 158 6.2 葉輪剖面流場分析 166 6.2.1 縱向剖面之流場分析 166 6.2.2 徑向剖面之流場分析 167 6.3 舌部逆流量現象 174 第七章 實驗測試與結果分析 178 7.1 風扇性能實驗設備 179 7.2 噪音測試實驗設備 184 7.3 實驗結果分析 188 7.3.1 風扇性能與噪音測試結果分析 194 7.3.2 利用風扇相似定律推算在相同流量與壓力之分析 197 第八章 結論與建議 204 8.1 結論 204 8.2 建議 209 參考文獻 211 作者簡介 218

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