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研究生: 李季倫
Ji-Lun Lee
論文名稱: 應用影像處理技術於電腦斷層影像之胸腔淋巴結三維量測並建立肺癌侵襲性預測指標
Using Image Processing Technique for 3D Measurement of Thoracic Lymph Node in CT and Establishing Lung Cancer Invasiveness Prediction Indexes
指導教授: 邱智瑋
Chih-Wei Chiu
Chung-Feng Kuo
口試委員: 徐先和
Hsian-He Hsu
Chang-Chiun Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 淋巴結腫瘤侵襲性適應性K-means三維表面重建
外文關鍵詞: lymph node, tumor invasiveness, adaptive K-means, 3D surface reconstruction
相關次數: 點閱:449下載:0
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This study developed automatic segmentation of lymph node in CT image, and the short diameter, long diameter, long-short diameter ratio and volume information were calculated automatically, so that the doctors have more objective reference information when using lymph node to evaluate the tumor. Finally, the volume surface of lymph node was reconstructed for the doctors to learn about the shape structure of the whole lymph node, with more reference information for diagnosis. This study was comprised of two parts, Part 1 proposed an image processing system to circle and calculate the lymph node image in CT. First, the center-weighted median filter image preprocessing was implemented to eliminate the noises and external interference from the image and to protect the image detail texture from damage. Afterwards, the maximum entropy method is combined with adaptive K-means to complete the image clustering. The clustering made the measurement results of each segmentation free from the initial point position influence, overcoming the result inconsistency of radiologist during circling and measurement. However, the lymph node portion may be connected to adjacent organ tissues, so the watershed algorithm is used after clustering to correct adjacent portions. For contour extraction, the Canny edge detection is selected considering the speed and accuracy, and the former and latter images were compared according to characteristic condition to check whether there were lymph nodes or not. Finally, the volume surface reconstruction of lymph node was completed by using the edge detection result and feature judgment conclusion.
Part 2 was medical indicator analysis. Currently, the lymph node for tumor invasion evaluation was based on short diameter 10 mm, this study would use other indexes, such as long diameter, ratio and volume conditions, to compare whether the present short diameter 10mm was more accurate for tumor invasion evaluation. The evaluation result was judged by comparing the area under ROC curve. The experiment showed that the volume for the area under ROC curve 0.90 of tumor invasion evaluation is better than the area under ROC curve 0.82 of short diameter, meaning the lymph node volume is highly correlated with tumor invasion, and the sensitivity and specificity of ROC optimum cut-off point are 90.0% and 85.6% respectively.
This study used adaptive clustering algorithm to overcome the effect of initial point on the lymph node segmentation result, and if the segmentation result was consistent, the doctors were provided with more objective reference information when evaluating the lymph node. Finally, the indexes of lymph node for tumor invasiveness were established.

摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.2.1 淋巴結分割 2 1.2.2 分群演算法 3 1.2.3 淋巴結侵襲性指標 4 1.3 研究目的 6 1.4 論文架構 6 第二章 相關醫學介紹 9 2.1 縱膈腔 9 2.2 肺臟 10 2.3 胸腔淋巴結 10 2.4 癌症 14 2.5 淋巴結評估標準 15 2.6 肺腫瘤評估方法 16 第三章 醫學影像擷取與系統環境 18 3.1 醫學影像擷取 18 3.2 系統環境 19 第四章 研究方法及理論 21 4.1 影像前處理 21 4.1.1 中值濾波 21 4.1.2 中央加權中值法 22 4.2 影像分割 23 4.2.1 Otsu法 23 4.2.2 最大熵值法 25 4.2.3 K-Means 分群演算法 26 4.2.4 Fuzzy C-Means 分群演算法 27 4.2.5 適應性K-Means 分群演算法 28 4.2.6 分水嶺演算法 28 4.2.7 歐幾里得距離轉換 31 4.3 形態學 32 4.3.1 膨脹與侵蝕 32 4.3.2 斷開與閉合 33 4.3.3 洞的填充 34 4.3.4 連通標記法 34 4.4 輪廓提取 35 4.4.1 影像梯度 35 4.4.2 Laplacian邊緣檢測 37 4.4.2 Sobel邊緣檢測 38 4.4.2 Canny邊緣檢測 38 4.5 影像特徵 39 4.5.1 質心 40 4.5.2 平均灰階值 40 4.5.3 面積與周長 41 4.6 三維重建 41 4.7 醫學指標分析 41 4-7-1 變異數分析 42 4-7-2 接收者操作特徵曲線 42 4-7-3 常態分佈分析 44 第五章 實驗結果與分析 45 5.1 影像處理流程 45 5.1.1 影像分群 46 5.1.2 影像分割與邊緣提取 47 5.1.3 三維重建與指標 48 5.2 體積驗證 49 5.3 侵襲指標評估 51 第六章 結論 60 參考文獻 62 附錄:淋巴結量測數據 67

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