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研究生: 邱柏盛
Po-sheng Chiu
論文名稱: 跨雲端運算之負載平衡機制研究
Load-Balancing Mechanism in an Inter-Cloud Computing System
指導教授: 陳俊良
Jiann-liang Chen
口試委員: 郭耀煌
Yau-hwang Kuo
Tsung-nan Lin
Hwa-chun Lin
Bih-hwang Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: Inter-cloud computing軟體定義網路負載平衡OpenFlow
外文關鍵詞: Inter-cloud computing, Software defined network, Load balancing, OpenFlow
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:3
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本研究提出一套跨雲端運算之負載平衡機制,並進行以下系統分析。首先,針對提出之雲端代理人管理機制進行研究分析,於負載過高之雲端服務供應者進行機制研究,根據本研究結果顯示,本研究所提出之管理機制可有效降低負載過高之雲端服務供應者,從而將雲端服務轉移至另一雲端服務供應者。其次,針對所提出之CSLA (Cloud Service Level Agreement)排程機制進行分析,根據研究結果顯示,透過本機制能有效平衡各個OpenFlow switches之負載,並於路徑使用率上與Dijkstra以及Single Path策略相互比較,能分別改善6.4%與10.8%。

With the rapid development of the Internet, cloud computing has emerged as an important issue cause of change to typical network services. Unlike conventional point-to-point connection services, cloud services will enable the goal of user-led diversified services to be achieved. Nowadays, cloud computing has provided users with diverse and highly flexible application services. In this work, various clouds are connected to each other to develop an Inter-Cloud system that offers users more diverse range of services.

This work proposes a load-balancing mechanism in an Inter-Cloud computing system to implement the service-related decision policies by analyzing the resource of cloud and utilization of OpenFlow-based SDN switches to optimal processing performance. The concept of the SDN (Software Defined Network) is used to optimize the distribution of network traffic in dynamic Inter Cloud system. This mechanism supports a new generation of communication network services to realize the goal of optimizing the quality of services in an Inter-Cloud system.

This work analyzes the proposed load-balancing mechanism in an Inter-Cloud computing system. First, it analyzes the overloading of the cloud provider with an agent-based manager mechanism. Based on the results, the agent-based manager mechanism reduces the loading of the overloaded cloud and provides services to users with another quality of service cloud. Second, this work analyzes the proposed CSLA (Cloud Service Level Agreement) scheduling. Based on the results, the proposed CSLA scheduling balances the loadings of the OpenFlow-based SDN switches and improves the route utilization by 6.4% and 10.8% achieved using Dijkstra routing and Single Path routing mechanisms .

摘要 III Abstract IV 致謝 V Contents VI List of Figures VIII List of Tables IX Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Contribution 3 1.3 Organization of This Thesis 4 Chapter 2 Background Knowledge 5 2.1 Cloud Computing 5 2.2 Open Source Cloud Computing Platforms 11 2.3 Cloud Virtualization 13 2.4 The Net Field Programmable Gate Array 15 2.5 OpenFlow 16 2.6 OpenFlow Switch 18 2.7 Secure Channel 18 2.8 Controller 18 Chapter 3 Proposed an Agent-based Manager Mechanism with SLA on Virtualized Networks 21 3.1 System Overview 21 3.2 System Operation and Architecture 23 3.3 Load Balancing Module 24 3.3.1 Agent-based Monitor 25 3.3.2 Load Balancer 27 3.3.3 Agent-based Manager Mechanism with SLA on Virtualized Networks 30 Chapter 4 System Design and Performance Analysis 32 4.1 System Design 32 4.1.1 OpenFlow Switch Design 32 4.1.2 OpenFlow Controller Design 34 4.1.3 Eucalyptus Design 35 4.2 System Implementation 37 4.3 Performance Analysis 41 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 45 5.1 Conclusion 45 5.2 Future Work 46 Reference 48

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