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研究生: Nguyen Dang Tien Dung
Nguyen - Dang Tien Dung
論文名稱: 太陽能集光板之產能規劃與資源分配多目標最佳化問題
Multi-Objective Optimization of Capacity Planning and Resource Allocation with Efficiency for Solar Concentrators
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: Allen Jong-Woei Whang
Allen Jong-Woei Whang
Yu-Chung Tsao
Yu-Chung Tsao
Kuo-hwa Chang
Kuo-hwa Chang
Kung Kuang-Yuan
Kung Kuang-Yuan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 資源組合規劃遺傳基因演算法多目標規劃柏拉圖邊界分析隨機規劃
外文關鍵詞: Resource portfolio planning, Chance constraint programming, Multiple objective planning, Pareto frontier analysis
相關次數: 點閱:455下載:11
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Solar energy is one of the promising renewable energy options to substitute the increasing demand of conventional energy. Therefore, there are a number of research studies have focused on sunlight as a means of saving energy and creating healthy lighting. Natural light illumination systems have been collected and transmitted through static solar concentrators. However, these concentrators have not been manufactured significantly and then providing to community. Meanwhile, there is few research about manufacturing economics issue. Therefore, this study presents a model for a plant to fabricate these solar concentrators with considerations for both of uncertain demands and the energy saving for community. To be more specific, when we optimize the energy saving for community as consideration to brightness of such solar concentrator system, we also need to consider the tradeoff manufacturing cost needs for maximizing profit with uncertain solar concentrator demand from the community. Obviously, this model is stochastic model since it contains uncertain demand. Thereby, there are two approaches such as conventional genetic algorithm and a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with chance constraint technique to solve this stochastic model. Pareto frontier analysis for the dual objectives (brightness vs. profit) investigates the feasible, compromised solution region for plant manager making decisions. Experiments show that the proposed approach significantly improves the efficiency of brightness and earned profit simultaneously.

摘要i Abstractii Acknowledgementiii Contentsiv Content of Figurevi Content of Tableviii Chapter 1. Introduction1 1.1 Research background and motivation1 1.2 Research objectives and contribution3 1.3 Dissertation organization4 Chapter 2 . Literature Review6 2.1 Solar concentrators6 2.2 Stochastic model24 2.3 Meta-heuristic algorithm25 Chapter 3 . Mathematical Modeling28 3.1 Profit and brightness model30 3.2 Model conversion by chance-constrained programming33 Chapter 4 . Solution approaches38 4.1 Setting given value to each objective function38 4.2 Solving MOOP by non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm41 4.2.1 Pareto-Optimal solution42 4.2.2 Non-dominated sorting44 4.2.3 Crowding distance sorting47 4.2.4 NSGA II49 Chapter 5 . Experiments51 5.1 Algorithm parameter setting51 5.2 Results from GA52 5.3 Sensitivity analysis on demand variation and satisfied probability61 Chapter 6 . Conclusion and Discussion64 6.1 Conclusion64 6.2 Discussion66 References67 Appendix75 Appendix 1: The data set of the benchmark example75 Appendix 2: rm,t Theoretical throughput of solar concentrator t manufactured by main machine type m76

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