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研究生: 林俊佑
Chun-Yu Lin
論文名稱: 低滲透土壤內地工不織布排水效果與改善措施之試驗研究
Experimental Study on Drainage Efficiency and Improvement Measures of Low Permeable Soil with Geosynthetic Drainage Layers
指導教授: 楊國鑫
Kuo-Hsin Yang
口試委員: 林宏達
Hung-da Lin
Chau-shian Wu
Chia-chun Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 165
中文關鍵詞: 低滲透性土壤水力傳導係數薄砂層長短期滲流細顆粒阻塞
外文關鍵詞: Geosynthetic, Low Permeable Soil, Drainage, Sand Layer, Clogging
相關次數: 點閱:367下載:8
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This study carried out a series of horizontal permeability tests to evaluate the permeability and drainage efficiency of low permeable soil with geosynthetic drainage system. The experimental variables include: number of drainage layers, with and without sand layer, and sand layer thickness. The objective of this study is to improve the drainage capacity of low permeable soil for the application of geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) structures backfilled with in-situ soil, typically with low permeability, under typhoon and heavy rainfall conditions. Test results indicate that system short-term permeability is improved as number of drainage layer, and number and thickness of sand layer increase. However, the system permeability decreases as the applied normal pressure, simulating the overburden pressure within retaining structures, increases. The reason of decreasing trend is because the normal pressure would compress the thickness of soil and drainage layer, and meanwhile fine soil particles are likely forced to penetrate into drainage layer which results in the clogging of drainage layer. Regarding the long-term permeability, test results demonstrate that system long-term permeability decreases as time elapse increases and the sand layer thickness decreases. By calculating the degree of retention (DOR), the ratio of mass of soil retained in a geotextile to the mass of the pure geotextile, this study finds DOR decreases as sand layer thickness increases, which provides a strong experimental evidence that the sand layer can effectively improve system permeability by preventing the drainage layer from clogging in long-term. Last, the measured results were compared with the predicted results using theoretical equation for equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity of multi-layered soil. The comparison results indicate with absence of normal stress, the measured and predicted system permeability are in a good agreement. However, the theoretical equation was found to overestimate system permeability as normal stress increases.

目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 符號索引 IV 目錄 VII 表目錄 X 圖目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 地工合成材之應用 2 1.3 加勁擋土牆結構物 5 1.4 研究動機 6 1.5 研究目的與方法 6 1.6 論文架構 7 第二章 文獻回顧 9 2.1 回填土設計規範 9 2.1.1優劣回填土之定義 9 2.1.2回填土性質比較 10 2.2 土壤-排水材料水力行為 10 2.2.1排水設計之考量 10 2.2.2排水材料之水力行為 14 2.2.3排水材料之應用 23 2.2.4阻塞機制與解決方法 27 2.2.5邊界條件之影響 30 2.2.6過濾機制與時間關係 35 2.3 排水問題總結 38 第三章 土壤與不織布基本參數試驗 39 3.1 試驗規劃 39 3.2 土壤基本參數試驗 40 3.2.1土壤物理試驗 40 3.2.2相對密度試驗 44 3.2.3土壤夯實試驗 46 3.2.4三軸透水試驗 48 3.3 不織布基本參數試驗 54 3.3.1不織布厚度量測 54 3.3.2不織布開放孔徑試驗 55 3.3.3不織布拉伸試驗 59 3.3.4不織布透水試驗 62 3.3.5土壤與不織布過濾規範之檢核 64 第四章 試驗步驟與儀器介紹 67 4.1 影響土壤滲透性之因素 67 4.2 滲透儀裝置 68 4.3 試體準備 70 4.4 短期滲流試驗步驟 71 4.5 長期滲流試驗步驟 75 4.6 地工織物透水裝置 76 4.7 不織布透水試驗步驟 78 4.8 滲流試驗規劃 82 第五章 土壤-不織布-砂層滲流試驗結果 83 5.1 短期滲流試驗結果 83 5.1.1粉土與砂土滲流試驗結果 84 5.1.2不織布之影響 86 5.1.3不織布加薄砂層之影響 87 5.1.4薄砂層厚度之影響 89 5.1.5短期滲流試驗小結 94 5.2 長期滲流試驗結果 95 5.2.1不織布之影響 96 5.2.2不織布加薄砂層之影響 98 5.2.3薄砂層厚度之影響 100 5.2.4長期滲流試驗小結 104 5.3 不織布透水試驗結果 105 5.3.1單層不織布 108 5.3.2雙層不織布 109 5.3.3三層不織布 111 5.3.4薄砂層厚度之影響 113 5.3.5小結 114 第六章 不織布排水效果分析與探討 115 6.1 系統滲透改善係數 115 6.2 不織布長期滲透折減係數 126 6.3 不織布長期滲流下之阻留度 129 6.4 不織布孔隙比與滲透關係 135 6.5 理論公式之驗證 138 6.5.1不考慮載重與出水口之影響 139 6.5.2考慮載重之影響 141 6.5.3考慮載重與出水口之影響 143 第七章 結論與建議 145 7.1 結論 145 7.2 建議 146 參考文獻 147

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