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研究生: 廖家成
Jia-Cheng Liao
論文名稱: 爐石基鹼激發漿體之鹼-氧化矽反應研究
Study on Alkali-Silica Reaction in Slag-based Alkali-Activated Paste
指導教授: 陳君弢
Chun-Tao Chen
口試委員: 張大鵬
Ta-Peng Chang
Wei-Chien Wang
Chun-Tao Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 173
中文關鍵詞: 鹼激發材料無機聚合物pyrex 玻璃稻殼灰鹼矽粒料 反應抗壓強度
外文關鍵詞: alkali-activated material, geopolymer, pyrex glass, rice husk ash, alkali-silica reaction, compressive strength
相關次數: 點閱:337下載:0
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鹼激發材料為一種水化鍊狀矽酸鹽架構材料,可用於替代水泥,擁有力學性能佳、耐久性佳、導熱性低、可固化廢棄物、耐化學侵蝕性質佳、能源消耗低及碳排放量低等優勢。由於製造過程中須使用鹼液,因此若使用活性粒料製作砂漿時,被認為容易產生鹼-矽粒料反應(ASR, alkali-silica reaction)。有鑑於此,本研究嘗試探討爐石基鹼激發漿體中鹼-矽粒料反應之影響因子,並期望能夠改善其ASR膨脹性。試驗過程中,以液固比0.6、0.4及氫氧化鈉與水玻璃體積比4:6、5:5、6:4製作爐石基鹼激發砂漿,最後再選定膨脹性較大之組別以稻殼灰取代部分水淬高爐石粉。試體養護環境為相對濕度75 %、溫度25°C,加速試驗環境則參考ASTM C1260之加速試驗法,但改以50°C之溫度進行加熱,後續放置於30°C之溶液中進行冷卻。結果發現,試體之抗壓強度隨著鹼激發劑混合比而改變。液固比0.4時,以6:4之組別抗壓強度最高,28天抗壓強度達79.7 MPa,5:5次之,4:6最低,僅達64.2 MPa。液固比0.6時,以6:4之組別抗壓強度最高,28天抗壓強度達68.7 MPa,5:5次之,4:6最低,僅達62.2 MPa。於ASR加速試驗中,亦為鹼激發混合劑比例6:4之組別為最佳。以液固比0.6、預先養護1天之試體為例,混合比例6:4下,加速試驗7天膨脹率僅0.29%,5:5次之,4:6最差,膨脹率達0.46%。後續以稻殼灰取代爐石粉後發現,隨著稻殼灰取代率增加,ASR所造成的膨脹也隨之降低。當稻殼灰取代率由0%增加至20%時,膨脹量可降低約91.6%。

The alkali-actived material (ACM) is a hydated chain-like silicate material and used as an alternative for the Portland cement. It has benefits of the high mechanical property and durability, the low thermal conductivity, the ability to solidify the waste, the resistance to the chemical corrosion, the reduced energy consumption, the low carbon release, and so on. However, since the alkali solution is required during the production, the alkali-silica reation (ASR) could possibly happen. In view of this issue, this study explored the factors influencing the ASR in the ground granulated furnace slag (GGBS)-based ACM and hopes to find ways in mitigating the expansion due to the ASR. During the study, the specimens were prepared using liquid to solids ratios (LS) of 0.4 and 0.6 and the volume ratios of the sodium hydroxide (Na(OH)) to the water glass of 4:6, 5:5 and 6:4. The mixture of the specimens with the largest expansion was chosen, and its slag was further partially replaced by rice husk ash (RHA). Specimens were cured at 25°C and 75% RH. The accelerated environment was in reference to ASTM C1260, but the curing temperature was reduced to 50°C. The specimens were cooled in the solution of 30°C. Results showed that the compressive strengths were changed by the mixing ratios of the alkali-activaotrs. At LS of 0.4, the specimens with the ratio of 6:4 had the highest 28-day strength of 79.7 MPa, followed by the one with 5:5 and the one with 4:6 having the least strength of 64.2 MPa. At LS of 0.6, the specimens with the ratio of 6:4 had the highest 28-day strength of 68.7 MPa, followed by the one with 5:5 and the one with 4:6 having the least strength of 62.2 MPa. In the accelerated ASR tests, the specimen with the ratio of 6:4 had the minimum expansion. For example, with the precuring time of 1 day and LS of 0.6, the specimen with the ratio of 6:4 had 7-day expansion of only 0.29%, followed by the one with 5:5 and the one with 4:6 having the largest expansion of 0.46%. The slag was then partially replaced by the RHA. It was found that the ASR expansion was reduced by the increased RHA. The expansion was reduced by around 91.6% when the replacement was increased from 0% to 20%.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 I 圖目錄 II 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究方法與流程 2 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1 水淬高爐石粉 5 2.1.1 物化性質 5 2.1.2 工程應用 6 2.2 稻殼灰 6 2.2.1 物化性質 7 2.2.2 添加稻殼灰對混凝土之影響 7 2.3 鹼激發材料 7 2.3.1 開發歷程 8 2.3.2 反應機理 9 2.3.3 物化性質 11 2.3.4 耐久性質 14 2.3.5 工程應用 14 2.4 鹼-氧化矽反應 15 2.4.1 反應機理 15 2.4.2 影響因子 16 2.4.3 測定法 17 2.4.4 鹼激發材料中的鹼-氧化矽反應 18 第三章 試驗規劃 29 3.1 試驗內容以及變數 29 3.1.1 變數說明 29 3.1.2 編碼說明 30 3.2 試驗材料與設備 31 3.2.1 試驗材料 31 3.2.2 試驗設備 33 3.3 配比設計 35 3.4 試驗項目 36 3.4.1 抗壓強度試驗 36 3.4.2 鹼矽粒料反應加速試驗 37 3.4.3 微觀分析 40 第四章 試驗結果與討論 59 4.1 前言 59 4.2 先期試驗 59 4.2.1 抗壓強度 59 4.2.2 ASR加速試驗長度變化率 60 4.2.3 ASR加速試驗法之參數 61 4.3 抗壓強度 61 4.3.1 鹼性激發劑混合比例影響 62 4.3.2 液固比之影響 64 4.3.3 稻殼灰取代之影響 67 4.4 長度變化量 68 4.4.1 粒料種類影響 68 4.4.2 鹼性激發劑混合比例影響 70 4.4.3 液固比之影響 72 4.4.4 養護齡期之影響 74 4.4.5 稻殼灰取代率之影響 76 4.5 比表面積 77 4.6 X光繞射分析 77 4.6.1 鹼性激發劑混合比例影響 77 4.6.2 液固比之影響 78 4.6.3 稻殼灰取代率之影響 80 4.6.4 養護齡期之影響 80 4.7 掃描式電子顯微鏡 82 4.7.1 ASR加速試驗之試體 82 4.8 壓汞法孔隙測量(MIP) 82 4.9 核磁共振光譜(NMR) 83 4.9.1 29Si MAS–NMR光譜分析結果 83 第五章 結論與建議 131 5.1 結論 131 5.1.1 ASR加速試驗之方法 131 5.1.2 抗壓強度 131 5.1.3 ASR膨脹性 132 參考文獻 135 附錄A XRD圖譜 141 附錄B SEM分析 145 附錄C 27Al MAS–NMR光譜分析結果 147

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