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研究生: 郭靜宜
Ching-Yi Kuo
論文名稱: 基於深度學習之人臉法向量貼圖生成研究
A Study on Facial Normal Map Generation based on Deep Learning
指導教授: 林宗翰
Tzung-Han Lin
口試委員: 歐立成
Li-Chen Ou
Pei-Li Sun
Kuo-Jui Hu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 色彩與照明科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Color and Illumination Technology
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 人臉法向量貼圖人臉特徵點卷積神經網路U-net立體光度法光影重建
外文關鍵詞: Facial normal map, Facial landmark, Convolutional neural network(CNN), U-net, Photometric stereo, Image relighting
相關次數: 點閱:355下載:6
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實驗中,本研究使用評估指標餘弦相似度(Cosine similarity)和結構相似度(SSIM)比較真實法向量貼圖與模型生成的法向量貼圖,來評估模型性能。實驗結果發現,對於使用照相系統拍攝的測試資料來說,將訓練資料擴增至2,304張所訓練出來的模型表現最佳。而對於使用手機拍攝的測試資料來說,將訓練資料擴增至16,128張所訓練出來的模型表現最佳。這說這證明了本研究的資料擴增方法有助於增加訓練資料的多樣性並提升模型性能。另外,實驗結果顯示,對於使用照相系統拍攝的測試資料來說,僅使用不加入人臉區域編號資料之影像就能獲得良好結果。而對於使用手機拍攝的測試資料來說,加入人臉區域編號資料所得到的結果較穩定。

Due to the complexity, diversity, and uncertainty of photography conditions for faces, generating high-quality normal maps from single or multiple face images is a challenging task.
This study aims to propose a model architecture based on the convolutional neural network U-net. Users only need to input a front-facing and uniform light source color image into the model to generate a 512x512-sized face normal map.
We employed a photography system based on photometric stereo to collect the required face image data for training. A total of 32 training datasets and 6 test datasets were captured, and additionally, 2 test datasets were captured using mobile phones. To increase data diversity, we relit the images to augment the training data from 1 image to 16,128 images. Additionally, we segmented and numbered face regions using facial landmarks, concatenating the numbering data and the images to enable the model to learn different facial parts. The training data was then grouped to train ten separate models.
In the experiments, we used metrics such as Cosine similarity and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) to compare the real normal maps with the generated ones to evaluate the models’ performance. The results showed that for test data captured using the photography system, the model trained with 2,304 augmented images performed the best. For test data captured using mobile phones, the model trained with 16,128 augmented images performed the best. This demonstrates that our data augmentation method improves data diversity and enhances model performance. Furthermore, the experiments showed that for test data captured using the photography system, good results were achieved even without using numbering data. However, for test data captured using mobile phones, the results were more stable when numbering data was used.
Finally, we observed that the quality of the models’ results was affected when input face images have messy hair or covered certain parts. Therefore, in this study, we required input images to meet certain restrictions, including front-facing, clean facial appearance, tied-up hair, or hair fixed behind the ears, and not wearing glasses.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 第1章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 1 1.3 論文架構 2 第2章、文獻回顧 3 2.1 光影重建與法向量貼圖研究 3 2.1.1 影像處理法 3 2.1.2 立體光度法 4 2.1.3 人工智慧法 6 2.2 人臉檢測研究 8 2.2.1 人臉資料集 8 2.2.2 人臉檢測方法 10 2.3 影像相似度評估方法 13 2.4 卷積神經網路U-net 16 第3章、實驗數據集與神經網路模型 18 3.1 實驗數據之建立 18 3.1.1 硬體設備 18 3.1.2 拍攝環境 20 3.1.3 法向量貼圖生成 20 3.1.4 訓練資料蒐集 22 3.2 影像前處理 22 3.2.1 去背方法 23 3.2.2 資料擴增(Data Augmentation)方法 24 3.2.3 人臉區域編號資料之產生 25 3.3 神經網路模型之設計 26 3.3.1 U-net網路架構 26 3.3.2 鄰近點採樣(Nearest neighbor) 30 3.4 神經網路模型之參數 30 3.4.1 損失函數(Loss function) 30 3.4.2 評估指標(Metric) 31 3.4.3 優化器(Optimizer) 31 3.4.4 正規化(Normalize)編碼 32 3.5 實驗設計 33 3.5.1 資料分組 33 3.5.2 訓練模型 34 3.5.3 實驗內容 35 第4章、實驗結果與討論 36 4.1 實驗一結果:模型生成之法向量貼圖分析 36 4.1.1 模型輸出之結果 37 4.1.2 生成之法向量貼圖細節比較 39 4.1.3 生成之法向量貼圖不合理之處 40 4.2 實驗二結果:評估模型(利用餘弦相似度與結構相似度) 40 4.3 實驗三結果:光影重建 43 第5章、結論與未來展望 49 5.1 結論 49 5.2 未來展望 50 參考文獻 51 附錄 56 附錄一 56 附錄二 58

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