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研究生: 丁銓瑩
Cyuan-Ying Ding
論文名稱: 低雷諾數、高失速角機翼應用於小型軸流風扇之性能強化研究
Performance Enhancement of a Small Axial-Flow Fan Using Low-Reynolds-Number, High-Stall-Angle Airfoils
指導教授: 林顯群
Sheam-Chyun Lin
口試委員: 陳呈芳
Cheng-Fang Chen
Shiuh-Kuang Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 173
中文關鍵詞: 軸流風扇流體數值模擬低雷諾數翼型數據庫高失速角扇葉鑽孔
外文關鍵詞: Axial-flow fan, Numerical flow simulation, Low-Reynolds-number airfoil database, High stalling angle, Drilling holes on the blade
相關次數: 點閱:725下載:0
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  • 隨著電腦主機朝微型化發展,狹小的散熱空間使得系統阻抗上升,進而影響散熱效果,因此提升散熱風扇之性能即成為研究重點,本文以常見的十四公分軸流風扇作為研究目標。首先建立一套具有可信度的翼型升、阻力之分析模擬方法,接著挑選扇葉所需據有高失速角的四種翼型,進行低雷諾數之氣動力資料庫建立,提供風扇葉片外型有合適且可靠的翼型選擇;此外,本研究也嘗試於葉片尾緣加入打孔的結構,並探討此結構對風扇流場及性能的影響。模擬研究結果顯示,使用在低雷諾數及高攻角條件下據有高升力係數之翼型的風扇葉片,可使軸流風扇在最大壓力點有較明顯的變化,但在最大流量點並無明顯提升;其中以E216翼型風扇的效果最佳,其最大靜壓可提升11.2%。而在葉片尾緣鑽孔的結構,藉由調整孔洞角度、直徑及位置等參數後,在r=21mm及r=35mm位置都加入傾角110°的兩個直徑1.0mm孔,於最大流量有2.4%的提升,但最大壓力則影響不大,此外,輪毂附近的回流得到顯著改善,在最大流量點和最大壓力點的能源效率因子分別提高了3.5%和9%。綜合以上研究成果顯示,適當的翼型挑選及孔洞結構能提供正向的影響,而本研究之完成可作為各型軸流風扇提升性能的設計參考。

    Due to the increasing compact-size demand, the system resistance of PC product is strengthening and turning into a critical thermal-design task. Thus, performance enhancement of the axial-flow cooling fan has attracted significant attention and become the goal of this thesis. Firstly, an extensively-used axial-flow fan with 140mm diameter and 25mm thickness (denoted as 14025) is chosen as the research target. Later, its flow pattern and aerodynamic performance are analyzed and calculated with the aids of CFD codes Fluent. Subsequent, a low-Reynolds-number airfoil database is established for the utilization on small cooling fan to replace the inappropriate NACA airfoil databank, which is prepared for the high speed applications. Several high-stall-angle blade geometries, including E216, GOE430, NACA4412, and SG6043, are selected to construct a reliable database via CFD calculations incorporated with a dependable turbulent model. Additionally, holes are imposed near the trailing edge of impeller blade to form a channel, which can induce a high-pressure airstream from the lower pressure surface to the upper suction surface for diminishing the negative effect of separation phenomenon. Subsequently, a systematic parameter analysis on the drilling holes is executed to obtain the best hole design. In this work, the design parameters considered include the hole diameter, the inclined angle, the radius location near the hub, and the distance from the blade trailing edge.
    As a result. there is no significant enhancement on the maximum flow rate when the high-stall-angle airfoils are applied on the fan design. However, an obvious increase 11.2% on the maximum pressure is observed for an impeller with E216 blades. Regarding drilling hole on the rotor blade, the best 2.4% increase of flow rate is found when two 1mm-diameter holes with an 110° inclined angle are added on each E126-airfoil blade at 3mm away from the trailing edge in both r=21mm and r=35mm locations. Moreover, the reversed flow near the hub is improved considerably to yield a better energy efficiency factor by 3.5% and 9% increases at the free-delivery and non-delivery points, respectively. In conclusion, this study successfully constructs a reliable airfoil database for the low-Reynolds-number fan design to improve its performance. Also, adding holes on the blade does result in a superior flow field, higher flowrate, and better energy efficiency.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 IV 目 錄 V 圖索引 IX 表索引 XIII 符號索引 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.2.1 風扇設計 2 1.2.2 風機性能改善 5 1.2.3 數值方法 10 1.3 研究動機與方法 12 第二章 風扇設計 18 2.1 扇葉理論 18 2.1.1 靜止翼列 20 2.1.2 移動翼列 23 2.1.3 無摩擦阻力之翼型葉片 26 2.1.4 含摩擦阻力之翼型葉片 30 2.1.5 風扇效率 33 2.2 軸流式風扇設計 34 2.2.1 三維葉片 34 2.2.2 風扇性能曲線 41 第三章 數值方法 45 3.1 統御方程式 45 3.2 紊流模型 48 3.2.1 k-ɛ model 48 3.2.2 SST k-ω model 49 3.3 數值計算 53 3.3.1 離散化方程式 53 3.3.2 流場數值計算主要方法 55 3.4 網格生成 57 第四章 翼型之升阻力分析 60 4.1 翼剖面參數 61 4.2 網格建立與數值方法 63 4.3 數值模擬驗證 74 4.3.1 網格數與模型維度之驗證 76 4.3.2 數值模擬與實測比較 80 4.4 具高失速攻角的翼型之分析結果 84 第五章 軸流風扇之數值分析 101 5.1 數值模型建立 101 5.1.1 計算區域建立及網格劃分 101 5.1.2 邊界條件 108 5.1.3 網格獨立性驗證 110 5.2 軸流風扇翼型更換之分析與探討 112 5.2.1 氣動力性能比較 117 5.2.2 流場分析比較 120 5.2.3 壓力場分析比較 122 5.3 扇葉打孔之流場分析 129 5.3.1 鑽孔角度 132 5.3.2 鑽孔之直徑及位置 138 第六章 結論與建議 146 6.1 結論 146 6.2 建議 148 參考文獻 150

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