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研究生: 廖進發
Eric Ivander Junaidi
論文名稱: Integrated Dock-Door Assignment and Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Door Cross-Dock
Integrated Dock-Door Assignment and Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Door Cross-Dock
指導教授: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
Po-Hsun Kuo
口試委員: 林詩偉
Shih-Wei Lin
Aldy Gunawan
Aldy Gunawan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: cross-dockintegrated assignment routing problemmixed service mode dock-doorsimulated annealingadaptive neighborhood
外文關鍵詞: cross-dock, integrated assignment routing problem, mixed service mode dock-door, simulated annealing, adaptive neighborhood
相關次數: 點閱:934下載:0
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This research proposes the utilization of a mixed service mode dock-door instead of an exclusive service mode dock-door inside a cross-dock facility. In the mixed service mode dock-door, a door (called a flexible door) can be assigned as an inbound door or as an outbound door depending on the situation. Inbound trucks from the supplier site need to be assigned to the inbound doors, while outbound trucks are dispatched from the outbound doors and deliver the products to customers. The objective of this problem is to decide which doors are selected to either the inbound or outbound doors, assign suppliers to inbound doors, and construct the vehicle routes to deliver products to customers, such that the total transportation and material handling (to move products from inbound to outbound door) costs are minimized.
We generate a problem set and develop a mathematical programming model to solve the problem. Because of the limitation of commercial software (CPLEX) in solving large problems, we propose a simulated annealing (SA) algorithm and test it on the same dataset. When solving the mixed service mode dock-door model and within the 2-hour running time limit for CPLEX (only for 25 and 50 customers), SA is able to find 28 of the same optimal solutions as CPLEX and enhances 27 solutions from a total of 58 problems. When solving the exclusive service mode dock-door model and within the 2-hour running time limit for CPLEX (only for 25 and 50 customers), SA is able to find 34 of the same solutions as CPLEX (30 of them are optimal) and enhances 23 solutions from a total of 58 problems. Finally, we compare the total costs between using an exclusive service mode dock-door and a mixed service mode dock-door, in which the former presents 8% cost savings versus the latter, especially in a large problem (50 customers, 20 dock-doors).

This research proposes the utilization of a mixed service mode dock-door instead of an exclusive service mode dock-door inside a cross-dock facility. In the mixed service mode dock-door, a door (called a flexible door) can be assigned as an inbound door or as an outbound door depending on the situation. Inbound trucks from the supplier site need to be assigned to the inbound doors, while outbound trucks are dispatched from the outbound doors and deliver the products to customers. The objective of this problem is to decide which doors are selected to either the inbound or outbound doors, assign suppliers to inbound doors, and construct the vehicle routes to deliver products to customers, such that the total transportation and material handling (to move products from inbound to outbound door) costs are minimized.
We generate a problem set and develop a mathematical programming model to solve the problem. Because of the limitation of commercial software (CPLEX) in solving large problems, we propose a simulated annealing (SA) algorithm and test it on the same dataset. When solving the mixed service mode dock-door model and within the 2-hour running time limit for CPLEX (only for 25 and 50 customers), SA is able to find 28 of the same optimal solutions as CPLEX and enhances 27 solutions from a total of 58 problems. When solving the exclusive service mode dock-door model and within the 2-hour running time limit for CPLEX (only for 25 and 50 customers), SA is able to find 34 of the same solutions as CPLEX (30 of them are optimal) and enhances 23 solutions from a total of 58 problems. Finally, we compare the total costs between using an exclusive service mode dock-door and a mixed service mode dock-door, in which the former presents 8% cost savings versus the latter, especially in a large problem (50 customers, 20 dock-doors).

ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES vi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Research Purposes 4 1.3. Research Limitations 4 1.4. Organization of Thesis 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1. Cross-dock 6 2.2. Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-dock 7 2.3. Integrated Routing Scheduling 9 2.4. Mixed Service Mode Dock-Doors 10 CHAPTER 3 MODEL DEVELOPMENT 12 3.1. Problem Definition 12 3.2. Mathematical Programming Model 13 CHAPTER 4 SOLUTION METHODOLOGY 17 4.1. Solution Representation 17 4.2. Initial Solution 21 4.3. Simulated Annealing Algorithm 22 CHAPTER 5 COMPUTATIONAL RESULT 26 5.1. Test Problems 26 5.2. Parameter Selection 29 5.3. Algorithm Verification 31 5.4. Integrated Versus Separated Model 40 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH 42 6.1. Conclusion 42 6.2. Future Research 43 REFERENCES 44 APPENDIX 50 Appendix 1: Result for 10 customers problem for the mixed service mode 50 Appendix 2: Result for 15 customers problem for the mixed service mode 57 Appendix 3: Result for 25 customers problem for the mixed service mode 67 Appendix 4: Result for 50 customers problem for the mixed service mode 76

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