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研究生: 鄭宗仁
論文名稱: 行動通訊網路使用動態頻寬調整機制於系統效能之研究
Study on Dynamic Bandwidth Adjustment Scheme in Mobile Networks
指導教授: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
口試委員: 吳傳嘉
Chwan-Chia Wu
Ying-Kuei Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 移交斷訊率行動通訊網路 頻寬保留
外文關鍵詞:  bandwidth reservation, mobile networks,  handoff dropping ratio
相關次數: 點閱:403下載:1
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但縮小細胞範圍會增加移交(Handoff) 發生機率,一般的使用者最不希望正在通訊的連線被中斷,所以降低移交斷訊率(Handoff dropping ratio)極為重要。一般頻寬保留機制雖能降低移交斷訊率,但卻會犧牲新連線(New call)的使用頻寬,造成新連線阻塞率(New call blocking ratio)過度的上升; 或是沒能真正配合網路流量變化做最佳化頻寬配置及流量管理,使得系統頻寬使用率(System bandwidth utilization)下降。

在本論文中,我們提出一個動態頻寬保留(dynamic bandwidth reservation;DBR)機制,針對在不同環境下,移交連線數目和新連線數目的比例是不一樣的,而我們所提出的DBR演算法,會隨著環境的不同,而動態的調整移交連線和新連線保留的頻寬,使得新連線阻塞率不會過度上升,所以我們所提出的演算法,不論在什麼環境下,都能使移交斷訊率和新連線阻塞率維持在可接受的範圍之內,並提昇系統頻寬使用率。

The current cellular network was proceeded toward the “ Pico-Cell” architecture (decreasing cell ranges) to facilitate channel reuse and improve the system performance. However, decrease of cell range will increase the chance of handoff. Although most of the general bandwidth reservation schemes could lower the handoff dropping ratio, but they would also sacrifice the bandwidth of new call, which causes the over-raising of new call blocking ratio. On the other hand, they might also fail to adjust the optimization of bandwidth allocation and traffic management according to the network traffic variation.

In this paper, we propose a dynamic bandwidth reservation (DBR) system. There are always differences between the handoff call number and new call number in different environment, and our DBR algorithm could dynamically adapt the reserved bandwidth between the handoff call and new call, which prevents the over-raising of blocking ratio of new call. Therefore, our algorithm could keep handoff dropping ratio and new call blocking ratio in the tolerant range and improve the system bandwidth utilization despite the change of environment.

第一章 緒論1 1.1行動通訊系統之簡介1 1.2研究動機3 1.3章節概要5 第二章行動通訊系統6 2.1 行動通訊網路架構6 2.2 分碼多重存取技術8 2.3 頻寬的配置與相關研究12 2.3.1 連線要求12 2.3.2頻寬配置方法13 第三章 系統架構18 3.1 環境假設18 3.2 系統架構19 3.3 DBR演算法20 3.4 BD演算法24 第四章 模擬參數與結果27 4.1系統模擬參數與模型27 4.2 效能評估項目29 4.2.1 各類別連線拒絕率 (total call refusing ratio of System)29 4.2.2 頻寬使用率(bandwidth utilization)31 4.3模擬結果32 第五章 結論54 參考文獻55

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