簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林麗茜
Li-Chien Lin
論文名稱: 綠建築建案開發決策之研究 -以都市更新集合住宅為案例
Research on the development decision-making of green building construction cases -Take urban renewal collective housing as an example
指導教授: 楊亦東
Yi-Dong Yang
口試委員: 呂守陞
Shou-Sheng Lu
Jie-Hao Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 12~104/105~130/130
中文關鍵詞: 綠建築智慧建築智慧綠建築容積獎勵都市更新都市危險及老舊建築
外文關鍵詞: Green building, Intelligent building, Intelligent green building, Floor area ratio bonus, Urban renewal, Urban danger and old buildings
相關次數: 點閱:409下載:0
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(一) 自四大面向延伸,分析智慧綠建築對建築開發商的推動誘因。
(二) 透過相關文獻研究及案例探討,分析智慧綠建築的造價成本。
(三) 透過專家訪談瞭解不同群體對智慧綠建築的認知與重視程度。
(四) 瞭解購屋者未來購屋時對智慧綠建築的重視與偏好程度。
(五) 運用成本推估模式,分析大台北地區綠建築及智慧建築的實證案例,建立不同等級與造價成本之間的關聯。

In recent years, due to changes in the environment, government laws and the needs of the construction industry, construction development has become a high-risk, low-income industry. faced with the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, market fluctuations in man-machine materials, labor shortages, and interruption of labor technology, greatly affect the development schedule and cost. Faced with such an impact, construction investors can no longer rely on intuition and experience to do pre-investment analysis, It must be extended from the four aspects of environment, regulations, policies, and needs, and a complete and comprehensive evaluation model must be considered. Especially now " Green building" has become a trend, and it is a subject that every construction project must actively face in its development.
This study takes urban renewal collective housing as an example to discuss the development decisions of " Green building" projects. The Executive Yuan approved the " Intelligent Green Building Promotion Plan" in 2010, which combines smart buildings with green buildings to make them more capable of exerting the comprehensive benefits of green buildings. This research also includes intelligent buildings. The purpose of the research is as follows:
(1) Extending from four major aspects, analyze the incentive measures for " Intelligent green buildings" to promote building developers.
(2) Analyze the cost of " Intelligent green buildings" through relevant literature studies and case studies.
(3) Through expert interviews, learn about the understanding and importance of " Intelligent green buildings" by different groups.
(4) Use the questionnaire to understand the importance and preference of home buyers for Intelligent green buildings when buying houses in the future.
(5) Use cost estimation models to analyze empirical cases of " Green buildings" and " Intelligent building"in the Greater Taipei area, and establish the relationship between different levels and costs.
This study found that when developers promote the choice of “Green buildings” and " Intelligent building","floor area ratio bonus" have become a key factor in decision-making. However, the " floor area ratio bonus " will vary according to the legal source and the scale of the project, and the selection of the reward project will also be different. Therefore, the return to cost-effectiveness and the needs of homebuyers are still important considerations in the evaluation of building development.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究範圍 1.4 研究流程 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1 綠建築探討 2.1.1 綠建築標章現行制度 2.1.2 綠建築造價評估 2.1.3 綠建築的成本分析 2.2 智慧建築探討 2.2.1 智慧建築標章現行制度 2.2.2 智慧建築造價評估 2.2.3 智慧建築的成本分析 2.3 智慧綠建築推動四大面向探討 2.3.1 環境面(人口城市集中化的居住解決方案) 2.3.2 法規面(人類與環境如何永續發展的課題) 2.3.3 政策面(透過獎勵提供加速永續住宅誘因) 2.3.4 需求面(生態節能減廢與健康成購屋要件) 2.4 小結 第三章 研究內容與方法 3.1 研究架構 3.2 研究方法 3.3 研究訪談與調查 3.3.1 專家訪談 3.3.2 專家資格及訪談流程 3.3.3 訪談問題設計 3.3.4 訪談方法 3.4 訪談結果及分析 3.4.1 資料彙整 3.4.2 訪談資料分析 3.4.3 不同群體間之差異分析 3.5 小結 第四章 案例探討與分析 4.1 都更容積獎勵案例探討 4.1.1 實證案例資料 4.1.2 綠建築標章分析 4.1.3 綠建築成本分析 4.1.4 智慧建築標章分析 4.1.5 智慧建築成本分析 4.2 容積移轉案例探討 4.2.1 實證案例資料 4.2.2 綠建築標章分析 4.2.3 綠建築成本分析 4.3 危老獎勵實證案例探討 4.3.1 實證案例資料 4.3.2 綠建築標章分析 4.3.3 綠建築成本分析 4.4 小結 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 結論與研究成果

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