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研究生: 甯立言
Li-Yen Ning
論文名稱: 兩個不同材質大面積玻璃建築室內熱環境之實驗測量與模擬分析研究
Field measurements and computer simulations of two built thermal environments of different large-area glass windows
指導教授: 林怡均
Yi-Jiun Lin
口試委員: 陳明志
Ming-Jyh Chern
Hao-Yang Wei
Yun-Shiang Chiou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 159
中文關鍵詞: 建築能源模擬軟體標準氣象年太陽輻射溫度輻射熱傳室內熱環境
外文關鍵詞: Building energy simulation program, TMY, Solar radiation temperature, Radiation heat transfer, Built thermal environment
相關次數: 點閱:399下載:2
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This research focuses on field measurement and computer simulation of two prototype houses having the same shape. Two houses use different properties of glass. One uses ordinary glass and the other one uses the heat-insulation solar power glass, a research product of NTUST, which combines functions of self-clean, heat-insulation and power generation. The house using the heat-insulation solar power glass can effectively reflect internal and external radiation of the house, and maintain stable indoor temperature. The house using regular glass window has more extreme hot and cold indoor temperature.
This research uses building energy simulation program, DesignBuilder, to simulate the indoor environmental temperature. The simulation work replaces inputs of regular Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) data with inputs of local outside measurement data, and weather station data. This thesis focuses on comparing the field measurements of two prototype houses and the simulation results of two houses in different seasons.

Differences between field measurements and simulation results are significant especially in the Fall, the Winter and the Spring, the possible causes are incorrect calculations of radiation heat transfer. The research proposes two compensation methods of radiation heat transfer. The first method uses the differences between solar radiation temperature and outdoor air temperature to modify the simulation results. The second method uses measurement inside ceiling glass temperature and simulation indoor temperature to estimate the radiation heat transfer effect and modify the simulation results. The research results show that the second method is more precise than the first method.

目錄 中文摘要...........................................................i 英文摘要...........................................................ii 致謝...............................................................iv 目錄...............................................................v 符號索引...........................................................vii 表目錄.............................................................ix 圖目錄.............................................................x 1. 緒論 1.1 研究動機與目的.................................................1 1.2 文獻回顧.......................................................2 1.3 論文架構.......................................................7 2. 基本原理與應用..................................................9 2.1 傳導...........................................................9 2.2 對流...........................................................11 2.3 輻射...........................................................11 2.3.1 短波輻射.....................................................12 2.3.2 長波輻射.....................................................18 3. 實驗研究設備與模擬方法..........................................21 3.1 實驗測量建築...................................................21 3.2 實驗測量點的設置...............................................21 3.2.1 室外環境.....................................................22 3.2.2 室內環境.....................................................22 3.2.3 小結.........................................................22 3.3 實驗測量儀器...................................................23 3.3.1 資料擷取器...................................................23 3.3.2 熱電偶.......................................................23 3.4 建築能源模擬軟體...............................................24 3.4.1 EnergyPlus...................................................25 3.4.2 DesignBuilder................................................25 4. 室內熱環境實驗測量與電腦模擬結果................................29 4.1 實驗測量結果...................................................29 4.2 電腦模擬與實驗測量的比較.......................................31 4.2.1 比較電腦模擬結果使用TMY與實驗測量戶外氣候資料的差異..........31 4.2.2 兩個實驗屋共同的可能誤差原因.................................32 4.2.3 比較電腦模擬結果使用實驗測量戶外氣候與氣象觀測站資料的差異...34 4.2.4 比較電腦模擬結果使用氣象觀測站與實驗測量室內熱環境的差異.....35 4.2.5 普通玻璃實驗屋可能的誤差原因.................................42 4.3 建議模擬修正方法...............................................42 4.4 建議模擬修正方法之結果.........................................48 4.4.1 修正方法(1)之模擬結果比較....................................48 4.4.2 修正方法(2)之模擬結果比較....................................55 5. 結論與建議......................................................61 5.1 結論...........................................................61 5.2 建議...........................................................63 參考文獻...........................................................65

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