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研究生: 王冠崴
Kuan-wei Wang
論文名稱: 台灣智慧型手機效能評估:模糊多準則(FANP)之應用
Performance Evaluation for Smartphones in Taiwan:The Application of Fuzzy Multiple Criteria (FANP)
指導教授: 張順教
Shun-chiao Chang
口試委員: 賴法才
Fav-tsoin Lai
Wen-chih Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 智慧型手機模糊集理論混合模糊模式營運模式決策實驗室分析法BOCR模式多準則決策方法敏感度分析
外文關鍵詞: smartphone, Fuzzy set theory, hybrid Fuzzy model, business model, DEMATEL, BOCR model, MCDM methods, sensitivity analysis
相關次數: 點閱:620下載:25
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  • 本研究採用混合式模糊多準則決策法來評估台灣的智慧型手機。本研究的架構涵概了BOCR四個主準則(Benefits, Opportunities, Costs, and Risks) (Saaty, 1996)以及二十六個質化與量化的次準則(qualitative and quantitative sub-criteria)。質化與量化次準則的挑選,是經由相關的文獻和專家群的討論而來。更進一步地,本研究利用決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)與模糊網路層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Network Process, FANP),來獲得主構面彼此之間的因果關係並計算各評估指標的權重值。此外,透過ANP的敏感度分析(sensitivity analysis)來確認方案的排名是否因指標的權重變化而影響。最後,透過先前取得的權重,我們得以使用折衷排序法(VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje, VIKOR)來排序方案,找出台灣最佳的智慧型手機。研究結果顯示以下資訊。就主構面而言,重要性按照順序為利益、成本、機會,以及風險。就次構面而言,前五名的指標為營收成長、產品成本、研發成本、行銷與銷售以及獲利能力。就ANP的敏感度分析來看,假如成本的權重提高到83.4%,Huawei Ascend P系列將會擊敗LG L系列,由第六名晉升成第五名;假如機會的權重提高到51.5%,HTC One系列將會擊敗Samsung Galaxy系列,由第三名晉升為第二名; 假如機會的權重提高到74.5%,Sony Xperia系列將會擊敗Samsung Galaxy系列,由第四名晉升為第三名。就方案的排名來說,按照順序為Apple iPhone 5系列、Samsung Galaxy系列、HTC One Series、Sony Xperia Series、LG L Series,以及Huawei Ascend P系列。最後,我們希望這個評估模式可以作為參考依據,有效的提升公司績效,促進產業的發展。

    This study adopts hybrid Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Approach to evaluate smartphones in Taiwan. The research structure is inclusive of BOCR (Benefits, Opportunities, Costs, and Risks) (Saaty, 1996) criteria and twenty-six sub-criteria. The selection of sub-criteria is through much literature and discussions of related experts, inclusive of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Furthermore, this study utilizes the DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) and the FANP (Fuzzy Analytic Network Process) to obtain causalities among the BOCR criteria and calculate weights of evaluation indicators. In addition, through the sensitivity analyses, we can confirm whether the ranking of alternatives change as weights are adjusted. Eventually, by previous obtained weights, we can use the VIKOR (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) to rank alternatives and pick up the best smartphone in Taiwan. The result demonstrates the following information. In terms of criteria, the importance is Benefits, Costs, Opportunities, and Risks in ranking order. In terms of sub-criteria, the Top Five indicators are Revenue growth, Product costs, RD costs, Marketing and sales, and Profitability. In terms of sensitivity analysis of ANP, if the weight of Costs is up to 83.4%, the Huawei Ascend P Series will defeat the LG L Series as the fifth place; if the weight of Opportunities is up to 51.5%, the HTC One Series will defeat the Samsung Galaxy Series as the second place; if the weight of Opportunities is up to 74.5%, the Sony Xperia Series will defeat the Samsung Galaxy Series as the third place. In terms of alternatives, the ranking of branded smartphones is Apple iPhone 5 Series, Samsung Galaxy Series, HTC One Series, Sony Xperia Series, LG L Series, Huawei Ascend P Series in order. At last, we hope this evaluation model can be a reference to elevate performance of firms and to promote the development of industry.

    中文摘要 Abstract Contents List of Tables List of Figures Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1.2 Research problems and objectives 1.3 Research framework Chapter 2 Smartphone-related Industry Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 The BOCR model 3.2 The DEMATEL method 3.3 Fuzzy set theory and Fuzzy numbers 3.4 Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Methods 3.4.1 The FAHP method 3.4.2 The FANP method 3.4.3 The VIKOR method Chapter 4 Construct an Evaluation Model for Smartphones Chapter 5 Empirical Results 5.1 Analysis of the DEMATEL method 5.2 Analysis of the FANP method 5.3 Sensitivity analysis 5.4 Analysis of the VIKOR Chapter 6 Conclusions, Suggestions, and Limitations References Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C

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