簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林庭宇
Ting-YU Lin
論文名稱: 群光廣場之新經營之道
The New Business Model of Chicony Square
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 群光廣場百貨零售商業模式資源基礎理論服務主導邏輯價值共創實踐歷程
外文關鍵詞: Chicony Square, Department Store Retail, Business Model, Resource-Based Theory, Service Dominant Logic, Value Co-creation, Enactment
相關次數: 點閱:537下載:40
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中國從改革開放1978年到至今2018年中國零售業經過40年的發展歷程,自中國2001年12月加入世界貿易組織WTO(World Trade Organization),開放全球進入中國市場,加速中國零售業的現代化。2008年金融海嘯後,中國零售業開始分岔,百貨零售業快速規模化擴張,以及電子商務快速崛起。

群光廣場成立2003年是由台灣上市公司藍天電腦集團(CLEVO) 所於中國大陸轉投資的大型連鎖百貨。經歷電商平台低價衝擊;規模化的變革;連鎖化實體零售競爭對手大幅增加,許多傳統的百貨商場,陸陸續續面臨倒閉或轉型。此外,外資零售渠道與當地零售商競爭,先天的競爭條件差異,例如:取得資源成本高。
群光廣場百貨發展出獨特的精緻服務,以及科技結合的數字化的經營模式,重塑百貨人貨場,從傳統走向先進零售百貨,業績逆勢快速成長。2016年成都群光廣場,相較去年獲利增長近180%,並創造當年單月單店1億人民幣營業額,2017年更達到13.6億人民幣,1290萬來客人次。以及2017年三店合計營業額,約60 億人民幣傲人成績,並在近年內,在二、三、四線城市快速擴張。


China's retail industry has undergone 40 years’ course of development since the start of the Reform and Opening up. After China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001 by opening its market to the global players, China’s retail industry has witnessed acceleration of the modernization. After the global financial crisis in 2008, China's retail industry began to split towards rapid expansion of department store retail industry or the rapid rise of e-commerce.
Founded in 2003, Chicony Square is a large chain department store invested by Taiwanese listed company CLEVO Group in the Mainland China. Experiencing the fierce competition from e-commerce retail platforms through low-cost and large-scale strategy and significant increase of offline chain stores, many traditional department stores are facing bankruptcy or transformation. Furthermore, foreign-funded retail channels compete with local retailers on different terms by nature, such as higher resource costs. Chicony Square Department Store has developed a digital business model of combining unique and exquisite service with technology, reshaping the department store business from traditional model to the advanced retail department store model. The performance has grown rapidly against the trend. In 2016, Chengdu Chicony Square achieved profit growth of nearly 180% year on year and turnover record of 100 million yuan per store per month during that year. In 2017, it reached 1.36 billion yuan and 12.9 million visitors. The total turnover of the three stores in 2017 reached about 6 billion yuan with rapid expansion in the second, third and fourth-tier cities over the recent years.
This study uses the Harvard case methodology to conduct research, and explores theoretical issues such as business model, resource-based theory, value co-creation of service dominant logic, and enactment through the content of case stories. The study also explores the unique business model and core resources developed by Chicony Square in the context of e-commerce shocks and fierce competition in the industry, and uses service dominant logic to create value together with customers. Finally, through the agile perception of the environment, the company's actions are immediately adjusted to maintain continued competitiveness.
Keywords: Chicony Square, Department Store Retail, Business Model, Resource-Based Theory, Service Dominant Logic, Value Co-creation, Enactment

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 序曲 1 二、 近代中國零售業的概況 2 2.1 中國零售時代背景 2 2.2 百貨零售業行業發展 5 2.3 百貨零售業面臨的發展環境 8 2.4 百貨零售業創新與轉型的做法 10 2.5 百貨零售業未來展望-「新零售的時代的到來」 10 三、 群光廣場百貨簡介 13 四、 百貨業的中國夢 16 4.1 台灣百貨業西進中國大陸 16 4.2 群光廣場百貨的起源 16 五、 挑戰來臨的戰國時代 18 5.1 零售業的線上線下分岔的挑戰 18 5.2 消費者觀念的改變對於零售的挑戰 19 5.3 迎戰挑戰創造價值 20 六、 從Retail商品走進Detail精緻服務 21 6.1 服務品質的堅持-人 21 6.2 品牌的變革-貨 24 6.3 場域的優化與城市文化結合-場 26 6.4 零售數字化轉型新浪潮 29 6.5 人、貨、場的重塑 32 七、 未來展望 33 八、 附錄 34 貳、 個案討論 35 一、 個案總覽 35 二、 教學目的與適用課程 36 三、 學生課前問題思考 39 四、 個案人物背景 40 五、 個案分析 41 5.1 課程目標一:商業模式 42 5.2 課程目標二:資源基礎理論 51 5.3 課程目標四:主導邏輯之服務價值共創 55 5.4 課程目標三:實踐歷程 60 六、 課程結論 64 七、 教學建議 65 參、 參考資料 69 一、 英文參考文獻 69 二、 中文參考文獻 71 三、 網站部分 72

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