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研究生: 謝征歷
Cheng-li Hsieh
論文名稱: 文字藝術QR碼
Word Art embed in QR code
指導教授: 姚智原
Chih-yuan Yao
口試委員: 賴祐吉
Yu-chi Lai
Hung-kuo Chu
Ruen-rone Lee
Wen-kai Tai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: QR碼二維條碼QR碼風格化文字藝術
外文關鍵詞: two-dimensional barcode
相關次數: 點閱:339下載:0
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許多藝術家為了設計與眾不同的QR碼,將QR碼加上自己創作的圖案、視覺元素,例如文字、商標……等等,把原本為黑白方格構成的QR 碼,搖身一變成為各種不同的視覺圖像,本論文將提出一個不同風格的視覺QR碼,將設計的文字藝術嵌入QR碼中。

QR Code is one of the most popular two-dimensional barcode, which are widely used for their fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to ordinary barcodes. QR codes have become common in consumer advertising. The growing demand of QR Codes has driven designer to create a specialized QR codes which merged some patterns or visual components, e.g. text, industrial logo or small image, in order to attract attention of people and look away from the usual black and white QR code.
We propose a novel algorithm to generate a new style visual QR code, which is the combination of word art and QR code. The word art is a visual representation for text data and color image user input. The challenge is how to embed word art in QR code and also keep the readability of original QR code. First, we propose a function to find good stream lines according edge tangent flow of color image then generate words alone these lines. Second, to keep the readability of QR code, we propose an algorithm to deform the lines with words and adjust the color of words. We generated some results and also validate the readability of resultant QR codes.

中文摘要 i Abstract ii 第一章 Introduction 1 第二章 QR碼介紹 10 第三章 文字藝術介紹 13 第四章 演算法(1) 16 第五章 演算法(2) 38 第六章 實驗結果與討論 44 第七章 結論與未來工作 51 參考資料 52

ZBar bar code reader. http://zbar.sourceforge.net/.

LAPORTE A. Unitag. http://www.unitaglive.com/qrcode/, 2012.

Hung-Kuo Chu, Chia-Sheng Chang, Ruen-Rone Lee, and Niloy J. Mitra.Halftone qr codes. ACM Trans. Graph., 32(6):217:1{217:8, 2013.

Henry Kang and St Louis. Coherent Line Drawing. 2002.

Yi-Shan Lin, Sheng-Jie Luo, and Bing-Yu Chen. Artistic qr code embellishment. Computer Graphics Forum, 32(7):137{146, 2013. (Paci c Graphics 2013 Conference Proceedings).

Yu-hsun Lin, Student Member, and Yu-pei Chang. Appearance-based QR Code Beauti er. 15(8):2198{2207, 2013.

AA N., PELED U., and ITAMAR. Visualead. http://www.visualead. com/, 2012.

COX R. QArt Codes. http://research.swtch.com/qart/, 2012.

Carsten Rother and Andrew Blake. GrabCut-Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts.

Han-wei Shen. UFLIC : A Line Integral Convolution Algorithm For Visualizing Unsteady Flows.

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