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研究生: 王靖煊
Jing-Syuan Wang
論文名稱: 以誘導式深度學習為基礎之配藥核實技術及應用
Highlighted Deep Learning and Its Application in Identification of Pharmaceutic Blister Packages
指導教授: 鍾聖倫
Sheng-Luen Chung
口試委員: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
Gee-Sern Hsu
Guo-Sheng Huang
Hsien-Wei Ting
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 誘導式深度學習影像辨識配藥核實
外文關鍵詞: Highlighted Deep learning, Blister package identification, Prescription
相關次數: 點閱:329下載:2
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正確的處方配藥—藥袋中的排藥與處方箋的內容一致—是病人用藥安全最基本的前提。然而一旦涉及的藥物種類繁多即有人為失誤的可能。將有極高識別效果的深度學習技術,應用在輔助藥師進行即時性配藥核實的需求上理應值得期待,然而,在現實中,處方配藥台中的排藥種類繁多、包裝相似,並且可用於模型訓練的排藥影像樣本相對稀少,導致深度學習技術在排藥辨識應用上難以施展。本文提出「誘導式深度學習」之概念,透過人工的引導,讓深度學習系統能更加專注於重要特徵的學習,提升排藥辨識的效果。本文利用自建之成人錠劑排藥影像資料集,驗證了「誘導式深度學習」在各種經典的物體識別架構 (YOLO v2、ResNet、SENet) 都能產生顯著的識別效果提升;同時,本文也透過嵌入式技術,將排藥識別系統推向實時化、應用化的產品雛型階段,為進一步商品化打下了堅實的基礎。

Correct filling a prescription is of paramount importance to patient’s treatment and can be critical to parent’s life. Leveraging deep learning technique’s superior performance in identifying objects seems a promising solution to assist pharmacists in filling prescriptions. However, considering the huge number of blister package types involved, common appearance similarity present, and mostly importantly scarce data quantity encountered, direct application of deep learning results in less than desirable performance. This paper proposes a highlighted deep learning (HDL) approach to address the problem. Features are highlighted before entering the learning process so that most critical features can be learned with focus. Based on an Adult Lozenge dispensing station at MacKay Memorial Hospital, a pool of 250 types of blister packages, with 54 images of each type for training and 18 images for testing, has been collected. Three classic object identification networks of YOLO v2, ResNet, and SENet, have been used to implement the proposed HDL approach, all achieving close to the perfect overall performance. Meanwhile, the proposed solution has been implemented as a prototype in an embedded system that takes into account of requirements like real-time response and cost, making the proposed HDL solution halfway to commercial products.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 List of Figures List of Tables Chapter I. 概要 1.1 研究動機與目的 1.2 排藥識別所遭遇的挑戰 1.3 本論文之貢獻 1.4 論文架構 Chapter II. 文獻審閱 2.1 坊間的配藥覆核技術 2.2 基於人工智慧的藥物識別方法 2.3 深度學習的偵測與識別技術 2.4 目標分割影像處理技術 Chapter III. 誘導式深度學習 3.1 誘導式深度學習概念總覽 3.2 校正之雙面拼整模板技術 Chapter IV. 嵌入式的實時取樣識別系統 4.1 雙面實時取樣機構的設計 4.2 深度學習系統的架構優化 4.3 Jetson TX2 嵌入式系統開發 Chapter V. 實驗成果與展示 5.1 系統實現架構與平台 5.2 排藥識別系統實驗 5.3 嵌入式的實時取樣識別系統實現 5.4 更多的應用層面 Chapter VI. 結論與未來發展 6.1 誘導式排藥識別系統的特性與成效 6.2 未來發展 Reference Appendix 口試委員建議與問題回覆

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