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研究生: 楊梅伶
Mei-Ling Yang
論文名稱: 結合擴增實境技術之心智工具輔助學習模式對學習動機與成就之影響
Effects of an Integrated Augmented Reality Technology and Mindtool-Supported Lerning Approach on Students’ learning motivations and achievements
指導教授: 黃國禎
Gwo-Jen Hwang
口試委員: 伍柏翰
Po-Han Wu
Hui-Chun Chu
Chin-Chung Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 心智工具擴增實境認知負荷行動學習
外文關鍵詞: Mindtools, augmented reality, cognitive load, mobile learning
相關次數: 點閱:536下載:9
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隨著資訊科技設備的進步與普及化,教學模式不再是單調的講授式教學,其中行動學習模式不僅提升學生的學習興趣,更鼓勵學習者進行更高層次的思考。近幾年,不少研究證實,透過心智工具輔助教學能夠幫助學生組織學習內容,更在學生探索與思考的學習過程中,給予了鷹架般的協助。因此,本研究開發一套可以辨識蝴蝶標本的擴增實境凱利方格行動學習系統(Augmented Reality & Repertory Grid Mobile Learning System,簡稱ARMLS),以協助學生在理解及推論中學習蝴蝶的知識。本研究的實驗樣本為台北市某國小4年級2個班共50位學生,其中一個班為實驗組,採用擴增實境行動學習之心智工具輔助學習模式;另外一個班為控制組,使用一般擴增實境行動學習模式。研究結果顯示,採用擴增實境凱利方格行動學習模式,對於提升學生之學習成就顯著優於一般擴增實境行動學習模式;另外,在學習動機、學習態度、認知負荷及系統滿意度兩組學生則沒有顯著的差異。

With the advancement and the increasing popularity of information technology, diversified learning has replaced the traditional lecture-centered teaching. These abundant science education studies have shown that technology-supported learning not only enhance students' interest in learning, but also promote their higher order thinking. In recent years, many scholars have further reported that Mindtools can help students organize learning content; that is, the use of Mindtools plays an important role in engaging students in exploring and thinking during the learning process. Therefore, this research aims to propose a Mindtool-supported augmented reality approach to help students comprehend and deduct based on the observations in the field as well as the knowledge learned from the textbook. To evaluate the effectiveness of this proposed approach, an experiment was conducted by applying the Mindtool-supported augmented reality learning system to an elementary school natural science course. The participants were 50 fourth graders from two classes of an elementary school in Taipei, Taiwan. One class was selected as the experimental group, who learned with the proposed approach. The other was the control group, who learned with the conventional augmented reality learning approach. Experimental results show that the students who learned with the integrated Augmented Reality Technology and the Repertory Grid-based Learning approach showed significantly better learning achievements than those who learned with the conventional Augmented Reality approach, while no significant difference was found between the learning motivation, learning attitude and cognitive load of the two groups.

致謝..............................................................I 中文摘要.........................................................II 英文摘要........................................................III 目錄.............................................................IV 圖目錄.........................................................VIII 表目錄...........................................................IX 第一章 緒論......................................................1 1.1 研究背景與動機............................................1 1.2 研究目的..................................................2 1.3 研究問題..................................................2 1.4 名詞解釋..................................................3 1.4.1 擴增實境(Augmented reality,AR).............................3 1.4.2 心智工具(Mindtools).........................................3 1.4.3 分散注意力效應(Split-attention effect)......................3 1.4.4 認知負荷(Cognitive Load)....................................4 1.4.5 行動學習(Mobile Learning)...................................4 1.4.6 學習風格( Learning Styles)..................................4 1.5 研究範圍與限制............................................5 1.5.1 研究範圍....................................................5 1.5.2 研究限制....................................................5 第二章 文獻探討..................................................6 2.1 心智工具..................................................6 2.1.1 凱利方格....................................................7 2.1.2凱利方格特色及相關研究.......................................8 2.2 擴增實境..................................................9 2.2.1 擴增實境的在教學上的應用及相關研究.........................11 2.2.2 擴增實境技術介紹...........................................12 2.2.3 擴增實境技術未來在教育的研究發展...........................13 2.3 多媒體設計原則與相關研究.................................14 第三章 研究方法 .................................................16 3.1 研究架構................................................16 3.2實境之心智工具系統設計........................................18 3.2.1 系統架構...................................................18 3.2.2 系統流程...................................................19 3.2.3 系統介面...................................................20 3.3研究工具與分析方法............................................24 3.3.1 自然與生活科技成就測驗.....................................24 3.3.2 學習風格量表...............................................25 3.3.3 學習動機量表...............................................25 3.3.4 認知負荷量表...............................................26 3.3.5 對於學習模式系統滿意度量表.................................26 3.3.6 學習態度量表...............................................26 第四章 實驗設計.................................................27 4.1 實驗對象.................................................27 4.2 學習內容與活動設計.......................................27 4.3 實驗流程.................................................29 4.4 實驗過程與記錄...............................................30 4.4.1 實驗組學生.................................................30 4.4.2 控制組學生.................................................35 第五章 實驗分析結果.............................................38 5.1 學習成就.................................................38 5.1.1 共變數分析結果.............................................38 5.1.2 二因子變異數分析結果.......................................39 5.2 學習動機.................................................42 5.2.1 獨立樣本t檢定..............................................42 5.2.2 二因子變異數分析結果.......................................42 5.3 學習態度 .................................................44 5.3.1 獨立樣本t檢定..............................................44 5.3.2 二因子變異數分析結果.......................................44 5.4 認知負荷 .................................................45 5.5 系統滿意度...............................................46 5.6 訪談過程與整理...........................................46 第六章 結論與討論...............................................48 6.1 討論....................................................48 6.2 結論與建議..............................................50 第七章 參考文獻..................................................52 7.1中文文獻......................................................52 7.2 英文文獻.....................................................53 附件一...........................................................58 附件二...........................................................62 附件三...........................................................63 附件四...........................................................64 附件五...........................................................65 附件六...........................................................66 附件七...........................................................68 附件八...........................................................72 圖2-1擴增實境示意圖...............................................9 圖2-2 Oliver Bimber提出擴增實境基本架構..........................10 圖2-3 QualComm AR SDK官方網站提供的管理介面......................11 圖3-1研究架構圖..................................................18 圖3-2系統架構圖..................................................18 圖3-3系統流程圖..................................................20 圖3-4系統畫面-學習引導...........................................21 圖3-5系統畫面-填寫凱利方格表.....................................22 圖3-6系統畫面-全部填答完畢畫面...................................23 圖3-7系動畫面-回饋機制...........................................23 圖3-8系統畫面-成績畫面...........................................24 圖4-1實驗流程圖..................................................29 圖4-2昆蟲單元教學現場狀況........................................30 圖4-3利用AppleTV投影做系統說明的畫面.............................31 圖4-4學生1活動學習的畫面 .........................................32 圖4-5學生2活動學習的畫面 .........................................33 圖4-6學生3紅蛺蝶3D蝴蝶活動學習的畫面.............................34 圖4-7學生4學習紅紋鳳蝶學習畫面...................................35 圖4-8控制組活動中畫面1...........................................36 圖4-9控制組活動中畫面2...........................................36 圖4-10控制組活動中畫面3 .........................................37 圖4-11控制組活動中畫面4 .........................................37 圖5-1組別和學習風格在學習成就表現之二因子關係圖 .................40 圖5-2組別和學習風格在學習成就表現之二因子關係圖 .................41 圖5-3組別和學習風格在學習動機表現之二因子的關係圖................43 圖5-4組別和學習風格在學習動機表現之二因子的關係圖................44 表3-1自變項......................................................17 表4-1教學單元活動設計表..........................................27 表4-2教學活動之設計..............................................28 表5-1描述性資料及後測ANCOVA的分析表..............................38 表5-2組別和學習風格在學習成就表現之二因子分析表..................39 表5-3組別和學習風格在學習成就表現之二因子分析表..................40 表5-4組別與學習風格在成就後測之單純主要效果變異數分析摘要表......41 表5-5 動機量表獨立樣本t檢定之摘要分析表..........................42 表5-6組別和學習風格在學習動機表現之二因子分析表 .................42 表5-7組別和學習風格在學習動機表現之二因子分析表..................43 表5-8態度量表之獨立樣本t檢定分析表...............................44 表5- 9學生學習態度之二因子分析表 .................................45 表5-10學生學習態度之二因子分析表 .................................45 表5-11學生認知負荷獨立樣本t檢定分析表............................46 表5-12系統滿意度之獨立樣本t檢定分析表............................46

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