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研究生: 張靜宜
Ching-Yi Chang
論文名稱: 堅毅度及網路使用自我效能對護理人員網路學習情意與行為之影響
The Impact of Hardiness and Self-Efficacy of Nursing Staff on their online Learning
指導教授: 黃國禎
Gwo-Jen Hwang
口試委員: 黃國禎
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 護理教育堅毅度網路自我效能網路學習
外文關鍵詞: Nursing education, Hardiness, Web-based self-efficacy, online learning
相關次數: 點閱:904下載:0
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  • 護理人員必須面對高壓力及不斷提升臨床專業知識的工作環境,因此持續學習對於維持護理品質是非常重要的。在網路學習環境中進行探究與知識建構活動,可以幫助學習者連結護理專業知識及真實臨床環境的經驗,讓學習更具意義,進而可以培養護理人員具有真實臨床環境的問題解決能力。瞭解影響護理人員學習表現的因素是在制訂相關辦法及改善培訓模式的重要參考,但過去在這方面的研究並不多,尤其在數位化的學習環境進行探討。過去的研究顯示,堅毅度及網路自我效能可能影響學習者在面對壓力時持續進行網路學習的重要因素;因此,護理人員在忙碌及高壓的輪班工作環境下,堅毅度及網路自我效能可能是影響其學習行為的重要因素。此外,基於網路學習的科技接受模型,網路環境的認知有用性、認知易用性,皆會影響對網路學習的態度及學習行為。因此,本研究嘗試針對在網路學習環境中針對護理人進行培訓活動,並探討不同堅毅度及自我效能面向,對護理人員網路學習態度之影響。本研究發現,護理人員堅毅度及網路自我效能越高,網路學習之使用意願越高;且當護理人員認為網路學習越是有用,越是易用,則對網路學習之使用意願越高,越能提高網路學習之使用行為,可作為未來研究改進護理教學模式及網路學習系統設計的參考。

    Nurses must face a high pressure and a changing work environment, so continuous learning is very important for maintaining the quality of care. Conducting inquiry and knowledge construction activities in an online learning environment can help learners to link nursing professional knowledge and experience in a real clinical environment, so that learning is more meaningful, and it can then develop nursing staff with good real-world clinical environmental problem-solving skills. Understanding the factors affecting the learning performance of nursing staff is an important reference in formulating relevant methods and improving the training model. However, there have been few studies in this area in the past, especially in the context of science and technology. Past studies have shown that self-efficacy and perseverance are important factors that may affect learners’ continuous learning in the face of stress. In the busy and high-pressure shift work environment, the hardiness and self-efficacy of nursing staff may affect all kinds of learning. The important factor of performance. In addition, based on the science and technology acceptance model of online learning, the cognitive usefulness and perceived ease of use of the Internet environment will affect attitudes and learning behaviors towards online learning. Therefore, this study attempts to conduct training activities for caregivers in an online learning environment, and discusses the influence of different levels of hardiness and self-efficacy on the online learning of nursing staff. This study found that the higher the degree of hardiness and internet self-efficacy of nursing staff, the higher the willingness to use online learning; and the willingness to use online learning when nursing staff believe that online learning is more useful and easier to use. The higher, the more can improve the use of online learning behavior, can be used as a reference for future research to improve the design of nursing teaching model and online learning system.

    第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景 1.2研究動機 1.3 研究目的與問題 1.4名詞釋義 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 網路學習 2.2堅毅度 2.3網路自我效能 2.4 網路學習態度 第三章 研究設計 3.1 研究架構 3.2 實驗對象 3.3 教學課程 3.4 實驗流程 3.5 研究工具 3.6 統計方法與資料處理 第四章 研究結果與分析 4.1樣本基本資料分析 4.2變項基本特性分析 4.3 探索性因素分析結果 4.4驗證性因素分析與信效度分析 4.5研究模型驗證性因素分析與信效度分析 4.6結構模式與假設驗證 第五章 結論與建議 5.1結論 5.2建議 中文參考文獻 英文參考文獻 附件

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