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研究生: 邵柏崴
Bo-Wei Shao
論文名稱: 用於抑制噪音之電感耦合壓控震盪器與超寬頻之雙頻發送機設計
Design of Noise-Suppressed Inductor-Coupled Voltage-Controlled Oscillator and Ultra-Wideband Dual-band Transmitter
指導教授: 王煥宗
Huan-Chun Wang
Jiun-Yu Sung
口試委員: 王煥宗
Huan-Chun Wang
Jiun-Yu Sung
Sheng-Lyang Jang
Mao-Hsiu Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 壓控振盪器發射機超寬帶8字形變壓器功率放大器
外文關鍵詞: Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Transmitter, Ultra-wideband, 8-shaped transformer, power amplifier
相關次數: 點閱:529下載:25
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  • 在RF射頻收發機中,頻率合成器扮演著重要的角色,其內部涵蓋了發射機(Tx) 、接收機(Rx) 、壓控振盪器(VCO)、相位偵測器(PFD)、充電幫浦(CP)、迴路濾波器(LF)、除頻器(FD)與倍頻器(FM) 。此外,而頻率合成器還可應用在頻率偏移調變(FSK)。因為要追求低相位雜訊、低功耗與寬調頻範圍的壓控震盪器(VCO)與低複雜性、高速運行的超寬帶(UWB)之發射機(Tx)特性,所以本篇論文呈現出各種高性能的壓控震盪器(VCO)和超寬帶(UWB)之發射機(Tx)的設計。

    第一部分採用了一種使用8字形三路變壓器的 LC-tank 型 CMOS NP 交叉耦合壓控振盪器 (VCO)。VCO使用一個8字形三路變壓器,用於提升P型MOSFET和N型MOSFET源電壓擺幅以實現低功耗。三路變壓器中其中一個是由兩個8字線圈串聯而成的雙8字形電感,並與第二和第三個單圈8字形電感交錯以獲得高耦合係數。 2:1:1變壓器拓撲實現對稱變壓器佈局,8字形變壓器產生的兩個波瓣輻射遠場磁場用以抑制磁場輻射。本部分由台積電0.18μm CMOS工藝所製作,VCO晶片面積為0.776×0.82mm2。測得的 VCO 振盪頻率為 4.72 GHz,品質因數 (FOM) 為 -185.23 dBc/Hz。

    第二部分設計採用8字形三路變壓器設計了LC-tank型CMOS之NP交叉耦合壓控振盪器(VCO)。 VCO 採用8字形三路變壓器和鬆散耦合源退化電感來優化 VCO 性能。三路變壓器中其中一個是由兩個8字線圈串聯而成的雙8字形電感,並與第二和第三個單圈8字形電感交錯以獲得緊密的三組電感結構以節省面積。變壓器拓撲實現對稱變壓器佈局,8字形變壓器其透過兩個波瓣輻射遠場磁場以抑制磁場輻射。8字形變壓器也減少了注入之拉力。本部分由台積電 0.18μm CMOS工藝所製作,VCO晶片面積為0.889×0.855mm2。測得的 VCO 振盪頻率為 3.8 GHz。

    第三部分設計採用新型8字形變壓器架構的超寬帶發射機。此發射機的新型8字形變壓器,由兩個2瓣8字形電感組成,分別為2:1的O形電感和1:2的O形電感串聯組合而成。其性能和功能在開關鍵控 (OOK) 超寬帶 (UWB) 發射器中得到驗證。UWB發射器由台積電 0.18μm CMOS工藝所製作,測得發射器的晶片面積為1.110×0.963 mm2。此UWB 發射機專為 UWB 通信應用而設計,工作頻率為 3.38 GHz。

    第四部分設計著重介紹了CMOS雙頻超寬帶 (UWB) 發射機的設計,其特點是複雜度低、速度快,並採用開關鍵控結構。在發射機中,設計了一種採用推拉積分技術的差動窄三角脈衝波發射器,並提出了一種新型雙頻帶互補開關模式開關壓控振盪器(VCO)。VCO 使用耦合變壓器來驅動輸出負載。其載波頻率為5.4和6.4 GHz。發射器設計由台積電 0.18μm CMOS工藝所製作,其晶片面積為1.15×1.135 mm2。此發射機的三個電感通過串聯電壓組合的方法配置為一個三路變壓器。其中輸出負載為8字形電感,而兩個壓控振盪器電感和8字形電感組成一個三路變壓器。

    最後部分設計介紹了一個採用線性化技術的兩級功率放大器(PA)。放大器第二級的採用接近class-A的工作方式,從而增強線性度,其由台積電 0.18μm CMOS工藝所製作,且所有匹配線路都集成在晶片上。為了滿足線性度規格,PA 在回退功率區域中運行,導致效率有所下降。此架構選擇共源放大器而不是疊接或堆疊放大器是因為其卓越的線性度,並且在 PA 的設計中得到了利用。

    In the RF transceiver, the frequency synthesizer plays an important role, its blocks include Transmitter (Tx), Receiver (Rx), Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), Phase Frequency Detector (PFD), Charge Pump (CP), Loop Filter (LF), Frequency Divider (FD), Frequency Multiplier (FM). Additionally, the frequency synthesizer can also be utilized as a demodulator for Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) signals. This thesis focuses on the design of a high-performance Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) and Ultra-wideband (UWB) transmitter (Tx), with an emphasis on achieving low phase noise, low power consumption, wide tuning range for the VCO, and low complexity, high-speed operation for the UWB transmitter.

    The first part presents the design of an LC-type CMOS NP-cross-coupled voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO uses an 8-shaped trifilar transformer used to enhance the voltage swing of the P-Channel MOSFET and N-Channel MOSFET source, achieving low-power operation. One inductor of the trifilar transformer consists of two serially connected 8-shaped coils, while the second and third transformers are single-loop 8-shaped coils arranged in an interleaved manner to achieve a high coupling coefficient. The symmetric transformer layout is realized using a 2:1:1 transformer topology, and the two lobes of the radiated far-field magnetic field generated by the 8-shaped transformer are utilized to suppress magnetic field radiation. This part presents a VCO fabricated using TSMC 0.18μm CMOS process, with a chip area of 0.776×0.82mm2. The measured VCO oscillation frequency is 4.72 GHz, and the figure of merit (FOM) is -185.23 dBc/Hz.

    The second part introduces the design of an LC-type CMOS NP cross-coupled voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO utilizes an 8-shaped trifilar transformer with loosely coupling source degenerated inductors to optimize the VCO performance. One inductor of the trifilar transformer consists of two serially connected 8-shaped coils, while the second and third transformers are single-loop 8-shaped coils interleaved to achieve a compact three-group inductor structure for area savings. The implementation of the transformer topology allows for a balanced transformer arrangement, while the 8-shaped transformers utilize two lobes of radiated far-field magnetic field, resulting in mitigated magnetic field radiation. The 8-shaped transformer also reduces the injection pulling. This part presents a VCO fabricated using TSMC 0.18μm CMOS process, with a chip area of 0.889×0.855mm2. The measured VCO oscillation frequency is 3.8 GHz.

    The third part introduces a new 8-shaped transformer used in Ultra-Wideband Transmitter. The transmitter utilizes a new 8-shaped transformer, which consists of a series combination of a 2:1 O-shaped transformer and a 1:2 O-shaped transformer. The transformer is formed by two 2-lobe 8-shaped inductors. Its performance and functionality are demonstrated in an on-off keying (OOK) ultra-wideband (UWB) transmitter. The UWB transmitter is specifically designed for applications in UWB communications and operates at a frequency of 3.38 GHz. The design of the UWB transmitter is fabricated using the TSMC 0.18μm CMOS process, and the resulting die area of the transmitter is measured to be 1.110×0.963mm2.

    The fourth part focuses on the design of a CMOS Dual-band UWB transmitter, characterized by its low complexity and high speed. The transmitter incorporates an on-off keying structure. Within the transmitter, a differential narrow triangular pulse generator was meticulously designed using a push-and-pull integrating technique. Additionally, a novel dual-band complementary switch-mode on-off voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) was proposed, with the carrier frequencies set at 5.4 GHz and 6.4 GHz. The implementation of the transmitter design was achieved using a 0.18μm CMOS process, while the die area is 1.15 ×1.135 mm2. The VCO uses a transformer balun to drive the output load. Three inductors are configured as one trifilar by the series-voltage combining approach. The output load is an 8-shape inductor. The two VCO inductors and the 8-shaped inductor form a trifilar transformer.

    The final part presents a 2-stage power amplifier that incorporates a linearization technique. The second stage of the amplifier operates close to class-A operation, which enhances linearity. The power amplifier is fabricated using a 0.18 μm CMOS process, with all matching networks integrated into the chip. To meet the linearity specifications, the PA operates in a backed-off power region, resulting in some efficiency degradation. The choice of a common-source amplifier over a cascode or stacked amplifier is motivated by its superior linearity and is utilized in the design of the PA.

    摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 VI Table of Contents VII List of Figures IX List of Tables XVIII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Thesis Organization 4 Chapter 2 Principles and Design Considerations of Voltage-Controlled Oscillators 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 The Oscillators Theory 9 2.2.1 Feedback Oscillators (Two ports) 10 2.2.2 Negative Resistance and Resonator (One port) 12 2.3 Category of Oscillators 15 2.3.1 Ring Oscillator 15 2.3.2 LC-Tank Oscillator 19 2.4 Design Concepts of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator 24 2.4.1 Parameters of a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator 25 2.4.2 Phase Noise 27 2.4.3 Quality Factor 33 Chapter 3 Implementation of 2:1:1 8-shaped Trifilar in a Coupling Noise Suppression CMOS VCO 35 3.1 Introduction 35 3.2 Circuit Design 37 3.3 Experimental 42 Chapter 4 VCO with Low-Coupling 2:1:1 8-shaped Trifilar for Coupling Noise Suppression 47 4.1 Introduction 47 4.2 Circuit Design 49 4.3 Experimental 55 Chapter 5 A New 8-shaped Transformer Used in Ultra-Wideband Transmitter 60 5.1 Introduction 60 5.2 Circuit Design 62 5.3 Experiment of the UWB Transmitter 68 Chapter 6 CMOS Dual-band UWB Transmitter 71 6.1 Introduction 71 6.2 Circuit Design 73 6.3 Experimental 80 Chapter 7 High Linear CMOS Power Amplifier 100 7.1 Introduction 100 7.2 Circuit Design 102 7.3 Experimental 104 Chapter 8 Conclusions 107 References 110

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