簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李榮輔
Rong-Fu Lee
論文名稱: 臺華窯-窯身一變的創新商機
TAI HWA POTTERY- Changing Kiln Opens Up New Business Opportunities
指導教授: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
口試委員: 歐陽超
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 創業精神資源拼湊異業結盟價值共創商業模式
外文關鍵詞: Entrepreneurship, Resource bricolage, Cross-industry alliance, Value co-creation, Business model
相關次數: 點閱:52下載:6
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  • 本個案中的主角呂兆炘董事長憑藉著對陶瓷產業市場的敏銳度和觀察,發現了傳統產業受到外在環境的強烈竸爭下必須做企業轉型,尤其是在1989年鶯歌陶瓷產業加速外移而逐漸沒落,企業只能快速的應變和積極尋找新市場。

    In this case, the protagonist, Chairman Lu Zhaoxun, with his keen understanding and observation of the ceramic industry market, discovered that traditional industries must undergo business transformation due to intense competition from the external environment. Especially in the 1980s, when the Yingge ceramic industry accelerated its relocation and gradually declined, businesses could only respond quickly and actively seek new markets.
    Since 1988, the establishment of the “Brilliant Art Studio” has demonstrated active innovation, and began to research new glaze processes and glaze development, solving problems in pigment performance and firing. In 1995, the studio established the “Ceramic Art Study Center” and invited painters to join the research and creation room to explore the diverse use of colored porcelain. In 1999, it established the “Taihua Kiln Art Center”, integrating artistic thinking into the craft market, and enriching the diversity of colored porcelain craft culture. The studio adheres to the belief that one must be brave to innovate in order to break through the current situation; continuous creation can be fearless of imitation, demonstrating excellent artistic standards and market competitiveness.
    After opening the kiln site, they directly interacted with consumers, grasped the pulse of the market, and cooperated with partners in different fields in a timely manner to create a win-win situation and enrich the diversity of ceramic products. At the same time, they established their own retail stores and franchise stores, entered the retail market, and brought new vitality to the industry.
    Lu Zhaoxun is an innovation-led chairman who leads the company in transformation and change, and co-creates value with partners in different fields, consumers, art experts, and ceramic industry operators. This paper will use the Harvard case study method to analyze how the protagonist of the case uses his entrepreneurial traits to overcome difficulties in the process of the company facing challenges, and improve organizational efficiency under limited resources.

    摘要 ..................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................. II 誌謝 ..................................................... III 目錄 ..................................................... IV 圖目錄 ................................................... VI 表目錄 ................................................... VII 第 1 章 個案本文 ......................................... 1 1.1 序曲 ................................................. 1 1.2 鶯歌陶瓷產業發展狀況 ................................. 1 1.2.1 鶯歌陶瓷的發展與歷程 ............................... 1 1.2.2 鶯歌產業人口與工廠數量之變化 ....................... 3 1.3 產業轉型的改革之路 ................................... 6 1.3.1 成立初期的公司營運模式 ............................. 6 1.3.2 企業面對之轉機與挑戰 ............................... 8 1.3.3 核心能力向下扎根 ................................... 10 1.3.4 開放胸襟打開多元市場 ............................... 13 1.3.5 工藝與藝術碰撞以提昇彩瓷價值 ....................... 15 1.3.6 與不同產業之策略合作 ............................... 18 1.3.7 深值在地文化底蘊發展 ............................... 20 1.3.8 在地產業結合推往永續發展 ........................... 22 1.4 課前的問題討論 ....................................... 29 第 2 章 教學指引 ......................................... 30 2.1 個案的總覽 ........................................... 30 2.2 個案的層次 ........................................... 31 2.3 教學目標 ............................................. 34 2.3.1 教學目標一:創業精神之探討 ......................... 34 2.3.2 教學目標二:資源拼湊之探討 ......................... 38 2.3.3 教學目標三:異業結盟之探討 ......................... 41 2.3.4 教學目標四:價值共創之探討 ......................... 45 2.3.5 教學目標五:商業模式之探討 ......................... 49 2.4教學建議 .............................................. 53 2.5板書規劃 .............................................. 54 參考文獻 ................................................. 55 附錄 ..................................................... 58

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