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研究生: 陳慕珊
Mu-shan Chen
論文名稱: 研究生專業能力養成輔助系統建置之研究
A Study on Professional Capabilities Building by Using a Learning-Career Planning System for Graduate Students
指導教授: 李國光
Gwo-guang Lee
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-kang Chen
Tzu-chuan Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 知識、知識盤點、知識資產、網路化學習歷程檔案
外文關鍵詞: Web-based Learning portfolio
相關次數: 點閱:312下載:1
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最後以問卷調查以及個別訪談的方式,驗證本研究之雛型系統的可行性以及實用性。並整理歸納本研究之研究貢獻:(1) 透過系統化的專業職能知識盤點,幫助學生對於產業內容以及相關職能進行初步的認識,並檢視自己的知識資產現況(2) 提升學生對於知識盤點的重視程度,並定期檢視自我知識現況(3) 能幫助學生記錄學習之過程,並提供學習生涯規劃之參考建議(4)幫助學生尋找學習夥伴,讓志同道合的夥伴一起學習成長。

As the unemployment rate increase in modern society, the competitiveness for students who are going to enter the workplace is no doubt to be dramatically increased. That's why many of them will choose to continue their studies after graduating from college. However, highly educated does not mean much easier to get a job. Thus students should be more careful to take their time to enhance their professional competitiveness in their limited learning career. In addition, in such a knowledge-based economy era, knowledge is becoming an indispensable competitive tool for individuals. That's why how students can improve their insufficient immediately is becoming an important issue for them.

This study is based on the concept of knowledge audit, and use system development to build up an assistant system for developing the professional abilities of graduate students. The main purpose for this system is allowing students to understand the current state of knowledge of their expected career as well as the gap between their expected career and themselves. Moreover, students used other functions of the system to think of their learning condition and try to adjust their learning behavior.

Students of the department of Information Management of NTUST are the target group for implementing this system. This group of students was allowed to do knowledge auditing through the system by the classification of occupations of UCAN, in order to help them to view their current status of knowledge and to understand the knowledge that their expected career need.

At last, we used questionnaires and individual interviews to verify the feasibility and practicality for the prototype system of this study. Organized and summarized the contributions of this study: First, helped students to have a preliminary understanding of the contents and related functions of the career, and view the current status of their knowledge assets regularly. Second, enhanced the degree of attention for knowledge audit of the students, and view the current status of their knowledge assets regularly. Third, helped students to record their learning process, and provide reference proposal for their learning career. Finally, helped students to find learning partners, so that like-minded partners can learn and grow together.

摘 要I AbstractII 誌 謝III 目 錄IV 表目錄VII 圖目錄VIII 第一章緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究目的2 1.3論文架構3 1.4研究限制5 第二章文獻探討6 2.1知識的定義與分類6 2.1.1知識的定義6 2.1.2知識的分類9 2.2知識資產12 2.3知識盤點13 2.3.1知識盤點的定義14 2.3.2知識盤點的方法與流程16 2.4學習歷程檔案19 2.4.1學習歷程檔案的定義19 2.4.2學習歷程檔案的特性21 2.4.3學習歷程檔案的效益21 2.5網路化學習歷程檔案23 2.5.1網路化學習歷程檔案的定義與特性23 2.5.2網路化學習歷程檔案的建構程序24 2.6知識網絡26 2.6.1知識網絡的定義26 2.6.2知識網絡的結構特徵27 2.7結語27 第三章研究設計與系統架構29 3.1研究方法29 3.1.1文獻分析法29 3.1.2系統展示法29 3.2研究流程與步驟31 3.3系統概念32 3.4系統架構分析33 3.4.1職涯類型分類33 3.4.2系統架構35 3.4.3系統流程36 3.4.4系統建置環境38 3.5系統設計38 3.5.1帳號權限設計38 3.5.2系統模組設計39 3.5.3資料庫設計43 3.6結語46 第四章系統實施與驗證48 4.1系統實作48 4.1.1個人資料管理模組48 4.1.2知識盤點模組 56 4.1.3歷程記錄與學習曲線模組59 4.1.4修課建議與成績紀錄模組66 4.1.5知識網絡模組69 4.1.6系統管理模組75 4.2系統驗證79 4.2.1選擇個案79 4.2.2擬定資料收集的方式79 4.2.3系統驗證問卷資料與討論81 4.3結語87 第五章結論與建議89 5.1研究貢獻89 5.2後續研究建議90 參考資料92 附錄一系統實施成效驗證問卷98

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