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研究生: 廖佳銘
Liao-Chia Ming
論文名稱: 違章建築拆除工程人力配置最佳化模式之研究
Optimizing Manpower Allocation for Demolition of Illegal Buildings
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
Minh-Tu Cao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 拆除工程人力配置最佳化生物共生演算法2.0(SOS2.0)生物共生演算法(SOS)
外文關鍵詞: demolition engineering, manpower allocation, optimization, biological symbiosis algorithm2.0 (SOS2.0), biological symbiosis algorithm(SOS)
相關次數: 點閱:246下載:0
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  • 臺灣都市地區地狹人稠,在寸土寸金的土地上,民眾為尋求最大使用空間,而未依建築法規擅自建造,造成違章建築的產生,各縣市為抑制違章建築的發生,亦紛紛訂定許多違章建築管理規定,為解決大量違章建築,在有限的人力資源及預算下,為維護公共利益,分別訂定新違建及既存違建劃分日期,除優先拆除新違建外,針對有影響公共安全、公共交通、公共衛生、市容觀瞻等既存違建亦列為優先拆除,惟每年各縣市拆除違章建築預算有限,本研究係為探討如何在有限預算下,由最佳化程式運算,求得最小拆除成本,達成最佳人力配置,以增加違章建築拆除數量,進而降低因違章建築帶來之公共安全。

    The urban areas of Taiwan are densely populated and crowded. In the land of huge amounts of land, people are seeking the maximum use of space, and they did not build without authorization in accordance with the construction regulations, resulting in the occurrence of illegal buildings. Various counties and cities have also tried to suppress the occurrence of illegal buildings. To stipulate many illegal building management regulations, in order to solve a large number of illegal buildings, with limited human resources and budget, in order to protect the public interest, separately set the date for the new illegal building and the existing illegal building. Existing illegal constructions that affect public safety, public transportation, public health, and city appearance are also listed as priority for demolition. However, each county and city has a limited budget for demolition of illegal constructions. This study is to explore how to optimize the program under a limited budget. Calculation, to obtain the minimum demolition cost, to achieve the best manpower allocation, to increase the number of demolition of illegal buildings, and thereby reduce the public safety caused by illegal buildings.
    Most of the illegal buildings are located in narrow alleys. Examples include illegal buildings with roofs, fire compartments, balconies, terraces, mezzanines, etc. This type of illegal buildings can not be demolished due to the narrow location, and most rely on manual demolition. Therefore, this study focuses on manual demolition, and uses roof-covered illegal buildings as the demolition structures. Through optimization programs, an optimized model of manpower allocation for illegal building demolition works is established.
    This research is based on the case of the demolition of illegal buildings with roofs. Under certain construction period and manpower constraints, it is arranged through mathematical planning, using Symbiosis Algorithm 2.0 (SOS2.0), Symbiosis Algorithm (SOS), and Genetic Algorithm. Methods such as GA, particle swarm algorithm (PSO) and other programs are used to optimize the manpower configuration of the demolition project, and the minimum cost of the demolition project is set according to the solution objective function, so as to obtain the best manpower configuration of the demolition project, and analyze and review each The difference between algorithm calculation results and manual dispatch.

    第1章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究範圍與限制 1.4 研究方法與流程 1.4.1研究方法 1.4.2研究流程 1.5 論文架構 第2章 文獻回顧 2.1 違章建築認定及拆除工程概況 2.1.1違章建築認定概況 2.1.2違章建築拆除工程概況 2.2人力及設備排程最佳化文獻回顧 2.3基因演算法(GA) 2.4粒子群演算法(PSO) 2.5生物共生演算法(SOS) 2.6生物共生演算法2.0(SOS2.0) 第3章 模式建構與求解法 3.1 問題描述與現況作法 3.1.1問題描述 3.1.2現況作法 3.2 模式建立 3.3 參數定義、決策變數、目標函數及限制式 3.3.1參數定義及決策變數 3.3.2目標函數及限制式 3.4 求解方法與步驟 3.4.1作業環境及分析方法 3.4.2求解步驟 第4章 案例測試與驗證 4.1 案例資料分析 4.1.1案例分析 4.1.2人力拆除作業相關資料擬定 4.2 人工指派人力配置 4.3 基因演算法(GA)測試 4.3.1 基因演算法(GA)程式求解測試 4.3.2 基因演算法(GA)測試輸出結果 4.4 粒子群演算法(PSO)測試 4.4.1 粒子群演算法(PSO)程式求解測試 4.4.2 粒粒子群演算法(PSO)測試輸出結果 4.5生物共生演算法(SOS)測試 4.5.1生物共生演算法(SOS)程式求解測試 4.5.2生物共生演算法(SOS)測試輸出結果 4.6生物共生演算法2.0(SOS2.0)測試 4.6.1生物共生演算法2.0(SOS2.0)程式求解測試 4.6.2生物共生演算法2.0(SOS2.0)測試輸出結果 4.7案例分析比較結果 第5章 結論與建議 5.1 結論 5.2 建議 參考文獻 附錄A基因演算法(GA)程式碼 附錄B粒子群演算法(PSO)程式碼 附錄C生物共生演算法(SOS)程式碼 附錄D生物共生演算2.0(SOS2.0)程式碼

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