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研究生: 楊尚融
Shang-Jung Yang
論文名稱: 監控產品中盤商的經營抉擇
Business dilemma for a distributor of surveillance products
指導教授: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-Huei Yeh
口試委員: 許總欣
Tsung-Hsin Hsu
Chao Ou Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 監視器監控產業商業模式服務品質缺口競合策略共識
外文關鍵詞: Camera, Surveillance market, Business model, PZB, co-opetition, consensus
相關次數: 點閱:342下載:5
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  • 自2012年中國大陸崛起至2015年以低價策略成為全球消費型監控製造業龍頭之後,台灣的監控製造業已失去過去的優勢,但是監控產業的市場需求仍是逐年增加。個案公司創辦人陳先生認為台灣的監控市場除了製造業以外仍有很大的商機,以過去在台灣消費型監控製造大廠「悠克電子」的十年工作經驗所累積的資源,成立了詮創數位公司,為消費型監控設備的中盤商。產品項目包括監控主機、室內監視器、室外監視器、道路監控型、門禁型監視器、密錄型以及周邊相關配件耗材銷售,期間穩定獲利成長。但好景不常,自2021年4月下旬台灣COVID 19疫情正式爆發開始,民生消費產業開店的人開始減少,到了7月份更是幾乎沒了,這直接衝擊到以餐飲、百貨、服務業為主力的中小型方案商客戶群。營建業等大型方案商客戶雖影響不大,但也是有些微下降趨勢,雖然總體營收仍有獲利但至6月底結算時,與3月份相比營業額明顯少了25%,公司內部因此產生了經營意見分歧。為了在一個月內快速做出決策,創辦人分析了現有經營模式,再透過剖析方案商客戶群的服務品質缺口問題來找出公司的優勢,最後再用競合策略來與實現踏足方案市場,此時商業經營模式也有了差異。本個案隱含的核心價值是,創辦人與內部意見分歧股東們的社會互動過程,來達成經營轉型共識。

    Since 2012, due to the rise and growth of China and her low-price strategy in 2015, she has become the global leading manufacturer of consumer surveillance products, which made Taiwan lose her advantage in surveillance manufacturing industry. However, the surveillance industry is still growing year on year. Therefore, Mr. Chen, the founder of the case study company, considered that in terms of the market demand of surveillance industry, Taiwan has business opportunities not only in manufacturing industry but also others. With his 10 years work experiences in YOKO Electronics Co., Ltd, a leading maker of consumer surveillance products in Taiwan, Mr. Chen applied his experiences and accumulated resources to found YUNKAI Digital Company that is a distributor for consumer surveillance devices and systems including surveillance server and cameras such as the types of indoor, outdoor, road and candid. Besides, the company also offers peripherals and consumables. The revenue was stable at that period. Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in Taiwan from April, 2021, the staple merchandise sellers became less and less and almost gone in July. This severely impacted the customers of YUNKAI Digital Company including food service, department stores and other service-oriented middle and small businesses. Though the impact was smaller on construction industry, the impact did exist with a down trend. The overall revenue of YUNKAI Digital Company was positive but the revenue reduced by 25%, which caused some different voices internally. In order to quick respond and make a decision, the founder analyzed the existing business model and found the gap between the programs for customers and the service quality. Therefore, the company applied the coopetition strategy and provide the original service program directly to end users, which renovated the business model of the company. The core value of this case study is the process of the interaction between the founder and stakeholders who had different opinions, achieving the consensus on business transformation.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 第1章 個案本文(A) 1 1.1序場 1 1.2公司歷程與營運模式 1 1.3公司所面臨的決策難題及挑戰 16 1.4方案商以及水電工程行的客戶問題 22 1.5溝通與盤點 25 1.6個案(A)討論問題 27 第2章 個案本文(B) 28 2.1影響決策的關鍵 28 2.2 詮創數位的下一步 33 2.3個案(B)討論問題 35 第3章 教師教學指導手冊 36 3.1個案總覽 36 3.2教學目標與課程適用對象 37 3.3課前準備 38 3.4學員課前討論 39 3.5個案背景 39 3.6個案分析 41 3.7教學建議與時間分配 51 3.8板書規劃 52 參考文獻 53 一、英文部分 53 二、中文部分 53 三、網路部分 54

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