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研究生: 李俊霖
Chun-lin Li
論文名稱: 在IEEE 802.16j中適用於混合式多重跳躍中繼網路的訊框架構研究
Study on Frame Structure for Hybrid Multihop Relay Network in IEEE 802.16j
指導教授: 黎碧煌
Bih-hwang Lee
口試委員: 吳傳嘉
Chwan-chia Wu
Tien-chi Chen
I-shyan Hwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: IEEE 802.16j正交分頻多工存取訊框架構
外文關鍵詞: IEEE 802.16j, OFDMA, frame structure
相關次數: 點閱:452下載:2
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IEEE 802.16j標準為基於IEEE 802.16e所延伸而來,目標是在不更動現有IEEE 802.16e用戶端(Subscriber Station, SS)設備規格的前提下,更新基地台(Base Station, BS)支援中繼站(Relay Station, RS)。藉由加入成本較低的中繼站,轉送基地台與用戶端之間的資料,來達到擴展系統的涵蓋範圍與增加系統傳輸產能。在IEEE 802.16j標準中定義了兩種類型的中繼站,分別是穿透式中繼站(Transparent Relay Station)與非穿透式中繼站(Non-Transparent Relay Station)。此兩種中繼站各有其功能與目的,訊框架構(Frame Structure)也有所區別。然而,在標準中所定義的多重跳躍中繼(Multihop Relay, MR)網路,只允許使用同一種中繼站,對於如何混合使用兩種中繼站並無定義,而且現行的研究也都是針對單一種中繼站網路做探討,但是對於日漸複雜的網路環境,中繼站的共存將是必要的。而且兩種中繼站各有其優點,如果能藉由混合這兩種中繼站,同時達到所有優點,將會進而改善網路的整體產能。

IEEE 802.16j standard is based on IEEE 802.16e. The purpose of IEEE 802.16j is to update BS (Base Station) and support RS (Relay Station) without the modification of MS (Mobile Station). We can replace BS by cheaper RS, and let RS to forward messages and data between BS and MS, so we can expand radio coverage, increase capacity, and improve throughput. In IEEE 802.16j standard, it defined two types of relay stations, transparent relay station and non-transparent relay station. These two types of relay stations have different functionality and goal, and they also use different frame structure. However, the Mulithop Relay (MR) network that defined in IEEE 802.16j can only use one type of relay stations. IEEE 802.16j didn’t define how to use both types of relay stations simultaneously in a network, and many researches only focus on one type of relay stations. However, the network environment is getting more and more complicated, so the requirement of cooperation between transparent relay station and non-transparent relay station is also increasing. And each type of relay stations has their own advantages. If we can use two types of relay stations at the same time, we can get benefits from both to improve system throughput.
In this thesis, we proposed a new frame structure for hybrid multihop relay network to make the combination of these two types of relay station possible. Moreover, we also discuss some problems occur in our hybrid multihop relay network, and solve them.

中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 v 目次 vi 圖目次 viii 表目次 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 簡介 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 3 1.3 章節概要 4 第二章 IEEE 802.16j標準概述 5 2.1 IEEE 802.16j標準 5 2.1.1 IEEE 802.16j 簡介 5 2.1.2穿透式中繼站 7 2.1.3 非穿透式中繼站 11 2.2 OFDMA多重存取技術 15 2.2.1 OFDMA簡介 15 2.2.2 OFDMA資源配置 18 2.2.3 OFDMA二維映射(Two-Dimension Mapping) 21 2.2.4 OFDMA 測距(Ranging) 23 第三章 系統架構 25 3.1 混合式多重跳躍中繼(Hybrid MR)網路架構 25 3.2 混合式訊框架構 27 3.3 資源的排程 29 3.4 資源重複使用 32 第四章 系統模擬與結果 40 4.1 模擬環境 40 4.1.1 IEEE 802.16d 點對多點網路環境 41 4.1.2 IEEE 802.16j 穿透式多重跳躍中繼網路環境 42 4.1.3 IEEE 802.16j 混合式多重跳躍中繼網路環境 43 4.2 效能評估項目 44 4.2.1端點對端點的總產能(total end-to-end throughput) 44 4.2.2平均端點對端點的延遲(average end-to-end delay) 45 4.2.3一跳躍的總產能(total one-hop throughput) 45 4.2.4平均一跳躍的延遲(average one-hop delay) 46 4.2.5系統總產能(total system throughput) 46 4.3 系統參數 47 4.4 結果分析與比較 48 第五章 結論及未來研究 54 參考文獻 55

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