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研究生: 吳秉昱
Ping-Yu Wu
論文名稱: 歐美專利局應用合作專利分類差異研究─從同一家族之歐美專利出發
The Difference between EPO and USPTO’s Application of CPC System - From Comparing Europe and US Patents in Same Simple Families
指導教授: 管中徽
Chung-Huei Kuan
口試委員: 蘇威年
Wei-Nien Su
Yen-Jen Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 專利分類合作專利分類專利家族比較分析
外文關鍵詞: Patent Families, Comparison Analysis
相關次數: 點閱:464下載:0
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  • 合作專利分類(Cooperative Patent Classification, CPC)自2013年啟用以來,取代了歐洲專利局使用的歐洲分類號(European Classification, ECLA)分類與美國專利局使用的美國分類號(United States Patent Classification, USPC)分類,成為兩專利局在國際分類號(International Patent Classification, IPC)以外的通用分類。本研究以2015年06月01日至2018年06月30日主張日本優先權之歐洲公告專利與美國公告專利所形成的簡單專利家族作為樣本,比較兩局審查相同技術時賦予的CPC是否具有差異。共分析了11,122筆公告專利,分為4,970個家族。

    The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) has simultaneously replaced European Classification (ECLA) managed by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent Classification (USPC) operated by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to be one of the universal classification systems between the offices from its launch on 2013. This thesis collected the simple patent families which contain both EP patent[s] and US patent[s] that claiming the same Japan (JP) previous patent set as their priority during from 2015/6/1 through 2018/6/30 to compare the CPC symbols assigned by the offices. In total, 11,122 patents, as 4,970 patent families have been analyzed.
    In the chosen collection, the average quantities of CPC codes was 7.83 assigned by the EPO, and 6.67 by the USPTO, with a difference of 1.16 symbols on average. Contrary to the first perception, the codes that assigned for the same invention by the offices were not such similar with each other. Generally, only 68.4% of the families are “Equal”, meaning the quantity and contents were both the same. And 31.6% of the families belonged to the types which were not such similar with others. If the gap of the Application Date between the two offices had been cut down to a 30-day limit, the rate of “Equal” raised to 72.6%, as the dissimilar rate lower to 27.4%
    As a result, from 2015 to 2018, the difference in the exercise of CPC existed between the view scopes of the examiners from the two offices, and the difference could even reach 30%. In most situation, the quantity of CPC symbols assigned by the EPO was larger than the quantity that USPTO assigned. In about 20% cases, the CPC symbols assigned by the EPO was more than and fully contained all the symbols assigned by the USPTO.
    Thus, while applying the same subgroup-level (or deeper level ) symbols into search strategies, the result of the EP patents may be more than the US patents.

    致謝i 摘要ii Abstractiii 目錄I 圖目錄IV 表目錄V 第1章 緒論1 1.1. 專利分類系統2 1.2. 分類的差異5 1.3. 研究動機7 1.4. 論文架構8 第2章 文獻與制度探討10 2.1. CPC合作分類系統10 2.1.1. CPC的分類架構11 2.1.2. CPC的特點12 2.2. 專利家族15 2.2.1. 專利家族的分類15 2.2.2. 優先權的限制21 2.3. 歐、美專利申請路徑23 2.3.1. 兩局間優先權23 2.3.2. 他國優先權25 2.3.3. 不主張優先權26 2.3.4. PCT申請26 第3章 分析方法28 3.1. 分類差異的種類28 3.2. 分析流程與差異態樣33 3.2.1. 分類一致35 3.2.2. 完整包含35 3.2.3. 分類交集36 3.2.4. 分類歧見41 3.3. 資料處理42 3.3.1. 資料來源42 3.3.2. 檢索條件設定44 第4章 分析過程與結果56 4.1. CPC分類系統之觀察56 4.2. 資料概述59 4.3. 差異態樣分析63 4.3.1. 總體分析63 4.3.2. 最早申請日差30天內66 第5章 結論71 5.1. 研究總結72 5.2. 未來研究建議74 5.3. 後記74 參考文獻76 附錄一、隨機抽選人工驗證資料表80 附錄二、總體分析中分類歧見的15族列表82 附錄三、申請日差30天中分類歧見的14族列表83

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