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研究生: 陳禹欣
Yu-Hsin Chen
論文名稱: 基於尺度不變特徵萃取光流法之物件追蹤
Object Tracking Based on Optical Flow With SIFT Feature Extraction
指導教授: 徐勝均
Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu
口試委員: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
Ming-Jong Tsai
Chang-Jung Juan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 拉普拉斯優化之尺度不變特徵萃取光流追蹤行人追蹤
外文關鍵詞: LOG-SIFT (Laplacian of Gaussian – Scale Invaria, optical flow tracking, pedestrian tracking.
相關次數: 點閱:560下載:1
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  • 本論文探討基於尺度不變光流法之物件追蹤,並應用於一個穩健的行人監控系統。這個系統由兩部分組成,第一部分是行人偵測系統,第二部分是以動態偵測系統來輔助行人偵測系統,以此補足行人偵測系統無法辨識的部分,使行人偵測系統更加穩健。
    本論文提出結合LOG-SIFT (優化後的尺度不變特徵)擷取關鍵點的光流追蹤法,此法可改善原始光流法在物體做大動作、旋轉、翻轉或是移動過快時,追蹤的特徵點容易遺失或產生位移的狀況,可以解決在追蹤過程中遺失過多特徵點或導致特徵點無法繼續追蹤的情況。而此法(LOG-SIFT加上光流法)在程式執行時間上,也優於原始單純以LOG-SIFT逐幀進行匹配,可增加追蹤系統的即時性。在應用方面,可將此研發系統整合於交通號誌或線上即時路徑規劃系統,以保持交通順暢。

    This thesis discusses the object tracking based on optical flow with SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) feature extraction, and then applies it to a robust pedestrian detection system. This system is constructed by two parts: 1) a pedestrian detection subsystem; 2) a dynamical detection subsystem, capable of making up the unrecognized part in the former subsystem to assist the former subsystem.
    Literature survey indicates that in most of the pedestrian detection research HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) features are extracted and then the pedestrian and background are distinguished by using the SVM (Support Vector Machines) classifier. However, it is difficult to recognize by using HOG & SVM for the cases with basic patterns different from general pedestrian, e.g., pedestrian holding umbrellas, in wheel chairs, and holding bicycles.
    Concerning the Lucas-Kanade (LK) optical flow method in object tracking, one should extracts the foreground, detects corner point as feature points, tracks feature points, and then calculates the pixel moving distance. For SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform), in order to reduce the computation in programming, some rules will be used to omit many feature points. However, it will result in the lower accuracy in the graphical matching.
    This thesis first proposes the optical flow method integrated with LOG-SIFT (Laplacian of Gaussian – Scale Invariant Feature Transform) to extract features. This method can improve the cases with displacements or feature points easily to be lost, caused by the large action, rotation, overturning, and moving too fast. Therefore, it can solve the problem that the feature points cannot be tracked due to missing too many feature points. Concerning the execution time in programs, this method (LOG-SIFT integrated with the optical flow method) also behaves better than the original LOG-SIFT method, so it can improve the real-time performance. This developed system can be applied to traffic light control or online real-time route planning to reduce traffic congestion and to maintain smooth flow of traffic.

    摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XII 第1章 簡介 1 1.1文獻探討 1 1.2研究動機與目的 3 1.3論文架構 6 第2章 系統架構 7 2.1行人偵測系統 7 2.2行人偵測輔助系統 8 第3章 SVM HOG 10 3.1 HOG特徵 10 3.2 SVM 15 3.3行人偵測結果 18 第4章 抓取前景 19 4.1絕對差(absolute difference) 19 4.2背景相減 20 4.3稠密光流 21 第5章 特徵點提取 23 5.1尺度不變特徵轉換SIFT 23 5.1.1建造尺度空間 24 5.1.2尋找關鍵點 26 5.1.3移除不佳的關鍵點 28 5.1.4關鍵點角度計算 30 5.1.5產生特徵向量 31 5.2 PCA-SIFT 31 5.3 LOG-SIFT 32 5.3.1 Laplace 運算子 32 5.3.2 Laplacian of Gaussian 33 5.3.3 LOG-SIFT 35 5.4 SURF 36 5.4.1提取特徵點 37 5.4.2主方向分配 40 5.4.3特徵點描述 42 5.5比較和結果 43 5.5.1執行時間 44 5.5.2圖像尺度變化匹配 44 5.5.3圖像旋轉匹配 46 5.5.4圖像模糊匹配 51 5.5.5圖像光線改變匹配 54 5.5.6圖像仿射匹配 56 5.5.7比較和討論 57 第6章 尺度不變光流追蹤 60 6.1光流 60 6.2實驗結果與結論 64 6.2.1尺度不變光流追蹤 64 6.2.2將尺度不變光流追蹤應用到行人追蹤實驗 68 第7章 結論與未來展望 75 參考文獻 76

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