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研究生: 高銘燦
Ming-Tsan Kao
論文名稱: 探討企業官方帳號顧客之使用意圖 以中國信託LINE個人化服務為例
Effects of official account on customer behavior intentions - A case study of CTBC LINE official account
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Yeh, Y. J.
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: Line企業官方帳號延伸型整合科技接受模型臺灣
外文關鍵詞: LINE official account, UTAUT2, Taiwan
相關次數: 點閱:170下載:0
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  •   隨著網路的發展,行動裝置的普及,原本受限於櫃檯服務的金融業,已逐步開放網路交易,而經營銀行業務的模式也隨之轉變,因此本研究欲探討企業官方帳號顧客之使用意圖,暸解消費者在網路上與官方帳號互動的狀況,在過程中,影響其最大的因素有哪些。

      With the development of the Internet and the popularity of mobile devices, the financial industry, which was originally limited to counter services, has gradually opened up online transactions, and the mode of operating banking business has also changed. Use intent to understand the status of consumers interacting with official accounts on the Internet, and in the process, what are the biggest factors affecting them.
      In this study, the extended integrated technology acceptance model (UTAUT2) was used to understand the customer ’s intention to use the official account. The questionnaire was distributed through the community, and the maximum variation method in hierarchical regression analysis, multiple regression analysis and orthogonal rotation method was used to analyze UTAUT2. The seven aspects proposed in the model, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value and habit have an impact on usage intentions, and discuss the situation affected by gender, age, and use experience interference variables.
      The results of the study show that for the services that "customary" customers often use, it is easy to stay in the idiomatic way, and in the "expectation effort" to shorten the distance of finding functions, the intuitive and simple operation interface will be an important item for customers to use intentions. The results also show that the research hypothesis has significant positive effects on behavioral intentions in the seven constructs. Finally, provide conclusions and suggestions based on the research results, which will be provided to the LINE and China Trust official account operators as a reference for future decision planning.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第壹章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的與重要性 2 第貳章、文獻探討 3 2.1 企業官方帳號 3 2.1.1企業官方帳號定義 3 2.1.2中國信託LINE個人化服務 4 2.1.3 LINE企業官方帳號 (LINE Biz-Solutions) 5 2.2 理性行為理論 (TRA) 5 2.3 計畫行為理論 (TPB) 6 2.4 科技接受模型 (TAM) 7 2.5 整合科技接受模型 (UTAUT) 8 2.6 延伸型整合科技接受模型 (UTAUT2) 9 第參章、研究方法 11 3.1研究對象 11 3.2研究假說 11 3.3 研究設計 12 3.4 研究架構 14 第肆章、研究分析與結果 15 4.1 敘述統計分析 15 4.1.1樣本結構之次數分配 15 4.1.2樣本結構之次數分配 17 4.2 信度與因素(效度)分析 17 4.2.1因素分析 17 4.2.2信度分析 18 4.3 多元迴歸分析 21 4.3.1績效預期對行為意圖之迴歸分析 21 4.3.2努力預期對行為意圖之迴歸分析 21 4.3.3社會影響對行為意圖之迴歸分析 22 4.3.4有利條件對行為意圖之迴歸分析 22 4.3.5享樂動機對行為意圖之迴歸分析 24 4.3.6價格價值對行為意圖之迴歸分析 25 4.3.7習慣對行為意圖之迴歸分析 26 4.3.8行為意圖對使用行為之迴歸分析 27 第伍章、結論與建議 28 5.1 研究結論 28 5.2 理論貢獻 29 5.3 實務意涵 29 5.3.1對於LINE企業官方帳號 29 5.3.2對於中國信託官方帳號 30 5.4 研究限制 30 5.5 未來展望 31 參考文獻 32 中文文獻 32 英文文獻 33 附錄:問卷 34

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