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研究生: 林玉秋
Margaret Lin
論文名稱: 全球人才移動服務專業人員職能模型之建置
Develop the competency model for Global Mobility Service provider
指導教授: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yeh
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Chun-Hsi Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 全球人才移動服務職能外派人員
外文關鍵詞: Global Mobility Service, GMS, Competency, Expatriates
相關次數: 點閱:250下載:0
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  • 本研究目的是建置全球人才移動服務(Global Mobility Service, GMS)專業人員的職能模型,以Spencer&Spencer所提出的職能模型建置的方法為參考, 採用行為事例訪談以及檔案資料處理方式來進行。其中,行為事例訪談的方法透過事先設計好的訪談問題,向個案公司五位目標訪談對象分別進行訪談,從受訪者口述的實際案例,進行質化研究與分析,歸納出GMS專業人員的職能模型,再透過收集和整理個案公司的檔案資料,除公開資訊和核心價值之外,也包括該公司內部的工作說明書、客戶簽約服務內容和績效考核表等檔案資料,進行交叉驗證。
    建置完成的GMS專業人員的職能模型包含12項職能,分別為可觀察到的外在表現的「外語溝通能力」、「解決問題的能力」、「團隊合作」、「專業知識」、「注重工作品質」和「正常差勤及積極參與所內活動」,以及不可觀察到的內在特質的「以客為尊的態度」、「人際敏銳度」、「耐心及抗壓的工作態度」、「積極主動的責任感」、「彈性變通」和「維持良好客戶關係」。 經檢視比較結果發現,此職能模型和個案公司之6個核心價值都有相互關聯,但個案公司的績效評估項目並未包含針對「以客為尊的態度」、「人際敏銳度」、「耐心及抗壓的工作態度」以及「彈性變通」等行為方面的評估。建議個案公司人資部門在未來績效考核時,增列這些屬於行為評估的項目,安排情境個案的討論訓練,提升員工解決問題的能力和培養「彈性變通」的特質,以及應徵人才時,仍然強調「外語溝通能力」的要求。

    The purpose of this study is to build a competence model for Global Mobility Service (GMS) providers, according to the competence model defined by Spencer & Spencer, the research methods adopted in this study include the Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) and file data processing. Interviews were conducted separately with a total of five target interviewees from the case company through pre-designed questionnaires. The research procedures utilized in this study included recording actual cases narrated by the interviewees, further qualitative research and analysis to develop the competency model for GMS providers, and then collecting and organizing the case company's file data, public information, and core values, internal cross-validation of the work manual, engagement letters, performance assessment forms, and other files.
    The competency model for GMS providers includes 12 competencies, which include the observable external performance characteristics "foreign language communication ability", " problem solving ability", "teamwork", "expertise", "focus on quality of work" and "work attendance and active participation in company activities ", as well as the unobservable inherent characteristics "customer-oriented attitude", "interpersonal acuity", "patient and stress-resistant working attitude", "proactive sense of responsibility", "flexibility" and "maintaining good customer relationships". After reviewing and comparing the results, it was found that this competency model and the six core values of the case company are interrelated, but the performance evaluation assessment of the case company does not include "customer-oriented attitude", "interpersonal acuity", and "patient" characteristics. In addition, the case company also doesn’t not include “stress-resistant work attitudes", "flexibility" and other behavioral assessments. It is recommended that the human resources department of the case company add these behavior evaluation items to future performance evaluations, arrange discussion training for situational cases to improve problem solving ability, and also cultivate the characteristic of "flexibility", and continue to strongly require "foreign language communication ability".
    Due to time constraints, this research ended at the stage of cross-comparison and verification with the internal data of the case company. The results are only applicable to the internal research and investigation of the case company. Hopefully the research results can be applied to case company’s work practices, and in the future further expand the research scope to build up more results and benefits for related parties.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表格目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 研究背景及動機 1 1-2 研究目的 3 1-3 研究流程 3 第二章  文獻探討 5 2-1 全球人才移動服務(GMS)的定義、工作特性與功能 5 2-1-1 全球人才移動服務(GMS)的定義 5 2-1-2 GMS專業人員的工作特性與功能 5 2-2 職能的意義、內容與功能 10 2-2-1 職能的意義 10 2-2-2 職能的內容 11 2-2-3 職能的功能 13 2-3 如何建立職能模型 14 2-3-1 職能模型建立之方法 15 2-3-2 職能模型建置的步驟 16 2-3-3 職能模型的類型 17 第三章  研究方法 19 3-1 研究方法內容 19 3-2 研究方法之進行步驟 19 3-3 個案公司之行為事例訪談 20 3-3-1 個案公司介紹及GMS服務 20 3-3-2 訪談對象的背景介紹及問題 23 3-4 檔案資料收集整理 25 第四章  研究分析 26 4-1 訪談結果以及檔案資料的檢視 26 4-1-1 可觀察到的外在表現 26 4-1-2 不可觀察到的內在特質 28 4-2 職能模型之建置 32 第五章  討論與建議 36 5-1 討論 36 5-1-1 與個案公司之核心價值部分 36 5-1-2 與個案公司之績效考核表部分 37 5-1-3 建議 38 5-2 未來研究方向 38 5-3 研究限制 39 參考文獻 40 中文文獻 40 英文文獻 41 附錄 42 一、外國人士來臺發展統計分析 42 二、財政部稅法釋令 46

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