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研究生: 黃怡璟
Ellen Yih Jing Huang
論文名稱: 印尼泗水市與台灣台北市之社會住宅興辦模式之比較
Comparison of Social Housing Development Models in Surabaya City, Indonesia and Taipei City, Taiwan
指導教授: 杜功仁
Kung-Jen Tu
口試委員: 何明錦
Ming-Chin Ho
Kuang-Tsung Tseng
I-Hsu Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: social housingpolicydevelopment processdesign featuresproperty management modelSurabaya
外文關鍵詞: social housing, policy, development process, design features, property management model, Surabaya
相關次數: 點閱:420下載:13
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  • Housing affordability has been an ongoing issue in both Taiwan and Indonesia. Although the background of the issue may be different, both countries choose to create ambitious social housing policies as part of the solution to the housing problems. Zooming to Taipei City in Taiwan and Surabaya City in Surabaya, both cities have similar population scale and density, and both cities, compared to the more established social housing systems in Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and the Netherlands, are still finding their own footing in terms of creating their own social housing policies, development model, design, and management system, and the number of research on social housing in Surabaya and Taipei is low. Based on these reasons, this thesis had the objectives of finding data on the policy, development process, design features, and property management model of social housings in Surabaya and Taipei, and later compare them and discuss the major differences.

    Through field observations, redrawing of layouts using CAD software, interviews, and document collection, data about policy, development process, design features, and property management model of social housings in both cities are collected. By comparison, there are some differences found in these four aspects between social housings in Surabaya and Taipei. Policy-wise, Indonesia focuses on building new development, while Taiwan uses both new development and vacant existing housings, due to different background in both countries’ housing problems. Development process-wise, Taipei has improved previous method of social housing provision to be much more efficient in an effort to speed up development process, and also allow the development of residential buildings on government’s lands, so that a percentage of units can be let out as social housings. The rent to income ratio differs a lot with Surabaya’s being 0.6-2.8% and Taipei’s being 5.88-20.26%. Design features-wise, Surabaya’s social housings are low-rise to minimize costs, and Taipei’s social housings are high-rise, as land availability is limited. Average private living space per person also differs, with around 6m2 per person for Surabaya, and 25.22m2 per person for Taipei. Property management model-wise, Surabaya’s social housings are managed by government, with varying residents’ involvement in different social housings, while the management of social housings in Taipei is outsourced to professional property management companies, because the financial aspect has been considered into the rent.

    Housing affordability has been an ongoing issue in both Taiwan and Indonesia. Although the background of the issue may be different, both countries choose to create ambitious social housing policies as part of the solution to the housing problems. Zooming to Taipei City in Taiwan and Surabaya City in Surabaya, both cities have similar population scale and density, and both cities, compared to the more established social housing systems in Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and the Netherlands, are still finding their own footing in terms of creating their own social housing policies, development model, design, and management system, and the number of research on social housing in Surabaya and Taipei is low. Based on these reasons, this thesis had the objectives of finding data on the policy, development process, design features, and property management model of social housings in Surabaya and Taipei, and later compare them and discuss the major differences.

    Through field observations, redrawing of layouts using CAD software, interviews, and document collection, data about policy, development process, design features, and property management model of social housings in both cities are collected. By comparison, there are some differences found in these four aspects between social housings in Surabaya and Taipei. Policy-wise, Indonesia focuses on building new development, while Taiwan uses both new development and vacant existing housings, due to different background in both countries’ housing problems. Development process-wise, Taipei has improved previous method of social housing provision to be much more efficient in an effort to speed up development process, and also allow the development of residential buildings on government’s lands, so that a percentage of units can be let out as social housings. The rent to income ratio differs a lot with Surabaya’s being 0.6-2.8% and Taipei’s being 5.88-20.26%. Design features-wise, Surabaya’s social housings are low-rise to minimize costs, and Taipei’s social housings are high-rise, as land availability is limited. Average private living space per person also differs, with around 6m2 per person for Surabaya, and 25.22m2 per person for Taipei. Property management model-wise, Surabaya’s social housings are managed by government, with varying residents’ involvement in different social housings, while the management of social housings in Taipei is outsourced to professional property management companies, because the financial aspect has been considered into the rent.

    Abstract Acknowledgement i Table of Contents ii List of Tables v List of Figures vii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research Objectives 3 1.3 Research Methods 3 1.4 Scope of Research 4 1.5 Limitations of Research 4 Chapter 2. Literature Review 5 2.1 Definition of Social Housing 5 2.2 Social Housing Provision as a Way to Solve Housing Inequality 5 2.3 Social Housings in Singapore 5 2.4 Social Housings in Hong Kong 8 2.5 Social Housings in South Korea 10 2.6 Social Housings in The Netherlands 11 2.7 Conclusion 13 Chapter 3. Social Housings in Surabaya 15 3.1 Social Housing Policy in Indonesia and Surabaya 15 3.1.1 One Million Housing Program (2015-2019) as A Solution to Housing Backlog in Indonesia 15 3.1.2 Social Housing Policy as A Part of The One Million Housing Program 17 3.1.3 Surabaya’s Part in The National Social Housing Plan 19 3.2 Development Process of Social Housings in Surabaya 20 3.2.1 Multilevel Government Efforts in Social Housing Development Process 20 3.2.2 Operation and Maintenance of Social Housings in Surabaya By DPBT 23 3.3 Design Features of Social Housings in Surabaya 28 3.3.1 Dukuh Menanggal Social Housing 28 3.3.2 Romokalisari Social Housing 40 3.3.3 Grudo Social Housing 49 3.3.4 General Conclusion 55 3.4 Different Models of Social Housings Property Management in Surabaya 56 3.4.1 Dukuh Menanggal Social Housing – Full Resident Involvement 56 3.4.2 Romokalisari Social Housing – Full Government Involvement 59 3.4.3 Grudo Social Housing – Shared Load Of Work Between Different Government Departments 61 3.4.4 General Conclusion 68 Chapter 4. Social Housings in Taipei 70 4.1 Housing in The Past Up to The Present 70 4.1.1 Various Housing Problems in Taiwan 70 4.1.2 New Generation of Social Housings in Taiwan 74 4.1.3 Taipei’s Part in The National Strategy of 200,000 New Social Housing Units 76 4.2 Development Process of Social Housings in Taipei 78 4.2.1 Level of government involved in the development of social housings 78 4.2.2 Development Process of Social Housings and The Corresponding Departments 80 4.2.3 Outsourcing Property Management Service 86 4.2.4 Application Process, Requirement, Rent, and Maximum Period 87 4.3 Design Features of Social Housing in Taipei 91 4.3.1 Jiankang Social Housing 91 4.3.2 Xinglong D2 Social Housing 104 4.3.3 General Conclusion 120 4.4 Property Management Models of Social Housings in Taipei 122 4.4.1 Case Study – Dalongdong Social Housing (大龍峒公共住宅) 122 4.4.2 On-Site Outsourced Property Management Team and Their Responsibilities 125 4.4.3 Further Outsourced Services to Professional Licensed Companies 127 4.4.4 Operation and Maintenance Cost 128 Chapter 5. Comparison Between Social Housings in Taipei And Surabaya 130 5.1 Social Housing Policy 130 5.2 Social Housing Development Process 132 5.2.1 Development and Property Management 132 5.2.2 Application Process and Rent Details 135 5.2.3 Summary 137 5.3 Social Housing Design Features 137 5.3.1 Building Design 137 5.3.2 Facilities 139 5.3.3 Unit Design 141 5.3.4 Summary 142 5.4 Social Housing Property Management Model 142 5.4.1 On-site Team 143 5.4.2 Other Services 144 5.4.3 Summary 145 5.5 General Conclusion 146 5.6 Suggestion 146 Chapter 6. Conclusion 148 6.1 Summary 148 6.1.1 Social Housing in Surabaya 148 6.1.2 Social Housing in Taipei 149 6.1.3 Comparison of Social Housing in Surabaya and Taipei 149 6.2 Suggestion for further research 150 References 151

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