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研究生: 王雅柔
Ya-Rou Wang
論文名稱: 聊天機器人結合關懷行為之實踐探討
Discussion on the practice of chatbot combined with caring behavior
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-yi Luor
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 聊天機器人對話式商務主動關心給予關懷關懷行為
外文關鍵詞: chatbot, Conversational Commerce, give care, active care, caring behavior
相關次數: 點閱:291下載:0
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  • 由於現今社會的快速發展帶來了激烈競爭,青少年在就學時期就得面臨高度的學業壓力,除此之外,還有家庭、人際互動的種種煩惱,若這些壓力無法得到妥善處理,最終可能導致嚴重的後果,但據研究顯示,僅5成有心理疾病的人曾尋求協助,許多人可能會因為羞於表露自我而選擇迴避或不去重視自己的心理問題。而隨著智慧型手機和即時通訊軟體的發展,使得聊天型機器人逐漸崛起,經報導指出,有些人在與聊天機器人互動時,由於無需擔心恥辱或成見,會比跟人類治療師還能放鬆並敞開心扉,因此聊天機器人有潛力成為輔助與擴展人類治療師工作的絕佳工具。

    Nowadays, rapid social development has brought about fierce competition. Thus, teens face high academic pressure when they are in school. In addition, teens also face pressure from family and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, if these pressures are not released properly, it might cause a serious problem in the end. According to the research, only 50 percent of the patients had asked for help. Most people choose to ignore their mental issues because they do not think it is important to mention them. Moreover, the ChatBot is gradually growing with the development of applications. On the other hand, some people are more willing to talk to the ChatBot rather than to a real therapist. The reason is people can talk about anything without worrying about prejudice. Hence, ChatBot is seen as the best tool to help with therapy.

    The study and methods of this research on caring behavior are carried out through literafure analysis. The research uses systematic construction and experiments to implement the caring behavior on the ChatBot. And thereby, suggests a framework and guidelines for designing a Caring ChatBot. The research uses the questionnaire method to validate the effectiveness of the Caring ChatBot. Thus, the research results showed that only a few people who used the Caring ChatBot felt that the chat was useful. Moreover, they felt better and were able to cope with their pressure.

    The Caring ChatBot is considered to have a purpose to encourage users and give proper suggestions. Thus, the users can reorganize their thinking and improve their mental problems subconsciously. The research collects the users' stories and experience from internet data or conversations with the users. Then, the system analyzes the users' emotion and needs. Besides, the system uses NLP to understand the users' intentions and thereby provides an effective method to help the users to cope with their mental pressure.

    Nowadays, rapid social development has brought about fierce competition. Thus, teens face high academic pressure when they are in school. In addition, teens also face pressure from family and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, if these pressures are not released properly, it might cause a serious problem in the end. According to the research, only 50 percent of the patients had asked for help. Most people choose to ignore their mental issues because they do not think it is important to mention them. Moreover, the ChatBot is gradually growing with the development of applications. On the other hand, some people are more willing to talk to the ChatBot rather than to a real therapist. The reason is people can talk about anything without worrying about prejudice. Hence, ChatBot is seen as the best tool to help with therapy. The study and methods of this research on caring behavior are carried out through literafure analysis. The research uses systematic construction and experiments to implement the caring behavior on the ChatBot. And thereby, suggests a framework and guidelines for designing a Caring ChatBot. The research uses the questionnaire method to validate the effectiveness of the Caring ChatBot. Thus, the research results showed that only a few people who used the Caring ChatBot felt that the chat was useful. Moreover, they felt better and were able to cope with their pressure. The Caring ChatBot is considered to have a purpose to encourage users and give proper suggestions. Thus, the users can reorganize their thinking and improve their mental problems subconsciously. The research collects the users' stories and experience from internet data or conversations with the users. Then, the system analyzes the users' emotion and needs. Besides, the system uses NLP to understand the users' intentions and thereby provides an effective method to help the users to cope with their mental pressure.

    1. https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/46983/tuituihouse-launched-taiwan-first-ai-chatbot-for-real-estate-market
    2. https://www.florence.chat/
    3. http://m.me/techcrunch
    4. https://bots4health.com/2016/11/05/new-chatbot-release/
    5. https://www.facebook.com/bots4health
    6. https://www.sensely.com/
    7. https://woebot.io/
    8. https://www.your.md/
    9. https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/health/8qvgype.html
    10. https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/51329/woebot-ai-chatbot
    11. https://www.smartm.com.tw/article/35323339cea3
    12. https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/43929/chatbot-and-voicebot-can-not-be-the-cure
    13. https://www.ithome.com.tw/news/113445
    14. https://www.ithome.com.tw/news/113437
    15. https://www.grandsys.com.tw/news/innovative-applications/902-chatbot2

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