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研究生: 楊弘德
Hung-Te Yang
論文名稱: “零浪費,零飢餓”的食物銀行與續食計畫—以台灣家樂福為例
“No Waste, No Hunger” of Food Bank and Meal Surplus Programme: A Case Study of Taiwan Carrefour
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
口試委員: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
Seng-Su Tsang
Ying-Jung Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 資源拼湊左右開弓企業社會責任食物銀行
外文關鍵詞: Resource Bricolage, Ambidexterity, Corporate Social Responsibility, Food Bank
相關次數: 點閱:315下載:4
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  • 企業與慈善團體透過資源拼湊與募集食物成立食物銀行,左手零浪費,愛惜食物募集食物;右手零飢餓,幫助弱勢家庭與弱勢族群需要的食物,形成左右開弓的社會中良善的循環與減少食物浪費,透過企業與慈善團體透過資源配置分工,分析資源缺口、整合資源、資源配適,企業與外部慈善團體融合、協同合作,幫助弱勢家庭與弱勢族群得以溫飽,達成社會中”零浪費,零飢餓”的目標。企業致力完善企業社會責任系統,激盪出實踐企業社會責任 (CSR) 創新作法,推動成為企業永續經營、發展的根基,樹立社會良好典範。

    Corporations and charities work together to set up food banks by pooling resources and raising funds for food. Using the idea of “organisational ambidexterity” proposed by American scholar Robert Duncan as the method, they work together to realize the goals of anti-waste and anti-hunger at the same time. Through the division of resources between enterprises and charities, analyzing resource gaps, integrating resources, and adapting resources, enterprises and external charities can integrate and cooperate to help disadvantaged families and vulnerable groups to enjoy food and clothing, and achieve zero waste and zero hunger in society. The company is committed to improving the corporate social responsibility system, inspiring the practice innovation of corporate social responsibility(CSR), promoting the foundation of sustainable business and development, and establishing a good model of society.
    This research will discuss how Carrefour's image and quality of food are decided, with the preference of consumers as the priority, how the food sector is facing a high rate of scrapping, leading to financial loss, and offer solutions about how to deal with the adjustment of the company's operations. This waste of valuable edible food is a social burden. The strategy is to work with charities to utilize innovative practices in corporate social responsibility.
    The thesis contains a case study introduction and the teaching guide. Through this case study, I hope to provide reference for business leaders about how to get their companies to reuse available resources, as well as how to work rigorously and objectively with charity foundations, trade unions, and government departments. By following the method of organisational ambidexterity, maximizing the use of idle resources, and at the same time exercising the corporate-social responsibility as the old Chinese saying, “Take the from the society, give back to the society”.
    With this research, I hope to provide a different perspective to help achieve the maximum implementation results in Taiwanese society as the concept from Confucius’s The Great Together: “Provision is made for the aged till their death, the adults are given employment, and the young enabled to grow up.”
    In recent years, food issues have received global attention. Figuring out solutions about how to effectively use food resources, reduce food waste, and help disadvantaged groups have become a popular topic of study for research groups in various countries.

    摘要 II ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 X 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 個案公司概況描述 1 二、 序幕開啟 1 三、 討論《零浪費,零飢餓》的會議 2 四、 決策衝突點 5 五、 食物浪費概況 5 六、 食物銀行概況 9 七、 邁向《零浪費,零飢餓》的企業社會責任創新 13 八、 本案的時間軸與大事記 21 貳、 個案討論 23 一、 個案總覽 23 二、 教學目標與適用課程 23 三、 學員課前準備 24 四、 個案背景 25 五、 個案分析 27 六、 教學建議 35 七、 板書規劃 36 參、 參考文獻 40 一、 中文文獻 40 二、 英文文獻 40 三、 網路資料 41

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