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研究生: 陳資文
Tz-Wen Chen
論文名稱: 回收乾電池氧化錳用於化學迴路燃燒程序鐵錳複合載氧體之可行性評估
Feasibility Evaluation of Manganese Oxide from Waste Dry Battery as Fe-Mn Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion
指導教授: 郭俞麟
Yu-Lin Kuo
口試委員: 顧洋
Young Ku
Yao-Hsuan Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 化學迴路燃燒程序鐵錳氧化物載氧體回收乾電池
外文關鍵詞: Chemical Looping Combustion, Fe-Mn Oxide, Waste Dry Cell Battery, Oxygen Carrier
相關次數: 點閱:187下載:0
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  • 化學迴路燃燒程序為一種低成本、高能源效率、環境友善又有高二氧化碳捕獲率的新穎燃燒技術,其關鍵就在名為「載氧體」的一種金屬氧化物陶瓷粉末觸媒上。其中錳系載氧體價格低廉且反應性優良,其選擇亦可為易取得之天然礦石或是工業廢棄物,為目前最具潛力之載氧體選擇,而生活中,廢棄乾電池裡就蘊含了大量的錳元素,將可以作為載氧體的最佳材料。

    The chemical loop combustion process is a novel combustion technology with low cost, high energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and high carbon dioxide capture rate. The key is the catalyst metal oxide ceramic powder called "oxygen carrier". However, manganese-based oxygen carriers are inexpensive and have good reactivity. They can also be selected as natural ores or industrial wastes, which are the most potential oxygen carriers. In our life, waste batteries also include a large amount of manganese will be used as the best material for the oxygen carrier.
    Therefore, in this study, the iron oxide and manganese oxide of the dry cell battery were integrated into a novel oxygen carrier material for chemical looping combustion program was applied to improve the most widely used iron system oxygen carrier. Use XRD, TGA, SEM, lab-scaled semi-fluidized bed reactor and other experimental instruments will first evaluate the material composition and thermal properties of the dry cell battery manganese oxide, and then mix the manganese oxide simulated dry battery powder with iron oxide as oxygen carrier to doing analysis and operation test. Finally, the synthesis of composite oxygen carrier by actual dry cell battery powder and iron oxide will be evaluate the feasibility of chemical looping combustion process.
    In this study, it was finally determined that the recovered dry battery manganese oxide has similar properties to Mn3O4, and it can be used as one of the materials of iron-manganese oxygen carrier. The F7M3 iron-manganese oxygen carrier is obtained to have two mutually existing, so this iron-manganese ratio parameter has the most excellent reactivity and anti-agglomeration ability, but when the ratio of actual manganese oxide is replaced by dry battery manganese oxide, the problem of zinc-iron oxide appears, it will result a decrease in reactivity and attrition resistance. Even so, the presence of zinc allows the manganese to be solid-dissolved into the iron oxide in a large amount, so that the hematite structure which does not have the ability to release oxygen also exhibits oxygen release.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 4 第二章 文獻回顧 7 2.1 化學迴路燃燒程序 7 2.2 載氧體的性能 10 2.2.1 高溫還原/氧化能力 10 2.2.2 載氧能力 13 2.2.3 抗團聚能力 14 2.2.4 機械強度 15 2.2.5 成本 16 2.2.6 環境友善 17 2.3 載氧體的選擇 18 2.3.1 鐵系(Fe2O3/ Fe3O4/ FeO/ Fe)載氧體 18 2.3.2 錳系(Mn2O3/ Mn3O4/ MnO/ Mn)載氧體 22 2.3.3 銅系(CuO/ Cu2O/ Cu)載氧體 26 2.3.4 鎳系(NiO/ Ni)載氧體 28 2.3.5 鈷系(Co3O4/ CoO/ Co)載氧體 30 2.3.6 複合型載氧體 31 2.4 燃料的種類 38 2.5 反應器的設計與種類 41 2.6 乾電池之陰極氧化錳以及其回收處理現況 44 第三章 實驗設備與程序 46 3.1 實驗藥品 47 3.2 材料製備 48 3.2.1 乾電池氧化錳之前處理 49 3.2.2 複合型載氧體之製備 49 3.3 實驗設備與分析儀器 51 3.3.1 X射線螢光光譜儀(X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer,XRF) 51 3.3.2 X光繞射儀(X-Ray Diffractometer,XRD) 52 3.3.3 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy,FE-SEM) 53 3.3.4 熱重分析儀(Thermogravimetric Analyzer,TGA) 54 3.3.5 實驗級半套式流體化床反應器(Lab-scaled semi-fluidized bed reactor) 55 第四章 結果與討論 56 4.1 乾電池氧化錳混合物材料分析 56 4.1.1 乾電池氧化錳混合物之組成分析 56 4.1.2 乾電池氧化錳氧化/還原特性分析 59 4.2 氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體比例評估 66 4.2.1 氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體材料組成分析 69 4.2.2 氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體氧化/還原特性分析 71 4.2.3 氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體多圈氧化/還原循環特性分析 78 4.2.4 氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體於實驗級半套式流體化床多圈循環能力分析 84 4.3 回收乾電池氧化錳混合物於氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體之運用 93 4.3.1 回收乾電池氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體材料分析 93 4.3.2 回收乾電池氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體多圈氧化/還原循環特性分析 101 4.3.3 回收乾電池鐵/錳複合型載氧體於實驗級半套式流體化床多圈循環能力分析 104 第五章 結論與未來展望 107 5.1. 乾電池氧化錳混合物材料分析 107 5.2. 氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體比例評估 107 5.3. 回收乾電池氧化錳混合物於氧化鐵/氧化錳複合型載氧體之運用 108 5.4. 未來展望 109 第六章 參考文獻 110

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