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研究生: 林育萱
Yu-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱: 嵌入式植物養殖系統
Planting System Based on Embedded Device
指導教授: 黃忠偉
Jong-Woei Whang
Bin-Chang Chieu
口試委員: 黃忠偉
Jong-Woei Whang
Bin-Chang Chieu
Show-Ran Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網嵌入式系統物聯網晶片種植系統
外文關鍵詞: Internet of Things, Embedded System, Internet of Things Chip, Planting System
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:0
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  • 隨著科技的進步,當今物聯網的蓬勃發展,能夠連結上網的裝置,不再只是個人電腦和手機,延伸到生活當中的日常用品,越來越多的物品變得更有智慧,使得人們現在的生活與過去相比有了重大的改變,讓我們更加輕鬆和方便的去完成許多事情。

    With the advancement of technology, today’s Internet of Things is booming. Devices that can connect to the Internet are not just personal computers and mobile phones. They are extended to daily in life. More and more items become more intelligent. Internet access has made a major difference in people’s lives compared to the past, making it easier and more convenient for us to do many things.
    The pace of society is accelerating. People in today’s society pursue comfort and efficiency. Diet focuses on food safety. There are too many external uncertainties, which make people start to grow indoors, whether it is decorative flowers at home or greenhouse fruits and vegetables. There are not so many times for modern people to take care of plants, and farmers who want to grow crops more efficiently. So design a system to solve this problem.
    Based on smart planting, the thesis uses Internet of Things chip to design a planting system. Users can instantly view the device status and parameters through the mobile phone, use the remote monitoring and human-machine interface design to make appropriate adjustments when there are abnormal conditions, so that the traditional planting method can be intelligent.

    摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第 1 章 緒論 1.1 前言 1.2 研究動機 1.3 研究目標 1.4 論文架構 第 2 章 開發環境與相關技術 2.1 物聯網 2.1.1 物聯網架構 2.2 嵌入式系統 2.3 Linux 作業系統 2.4 OpenWrt 作業系統 2.5 物聯網晶片開發板 2.5.1 物聯網晶片開發板開發環境 2.5.2 物聯網晶片開發板程式開發架構 2.6 Arduino 整合開發環境 2.7 I2C 協定 2.7.1 I2C 特性 2.7.2 I2C 與 I2S 比較 2.8 PCB LAYOUT 環境 第 3 章 系統設計 3.1 種植監控設計 3.1.1 晶片系統建置 3.2 感測器 3.2.1 PH 計模組 3.2.2 繼電器 3.2.3 水溫感測器 3.2.4 濁度感測器 3.2.5 水位感測器 3.2.6 WS2812B 燈條 3.2.7 LCD 液晶顯示器 3.2.8 電磁閥 3.3 視訊串流 3.3.1 FFmpeg 3.3.2 FFmpeg 使用方法 3.4 雲端平台 3.5 電路設計 第 4 章 系統展示 4.1 硬體展示 4.2 種植系統展示 4.2.1 手動系統展示 4.2.2 雲端系統展示 4.3 APP 展示 第 5 章 結論與未來展望 5.1 結論 5.2 未來展望 參考文獻

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