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研究生: 林宛萱
Wan-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱: 生物製劑專利延續案申請策略之研究
A Study on Strategy of Patent Continuation application for Biologics
指導教授: 蔡鴻文
Hung-Wen Tsai
口試委員: 王丞浩
Ch'eng-Hao Wang
Chieh-Yang Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 生物製劑延續案專利申請
外文關鍵詞: Biologics, Patent continuation application, Patent filing strategy
相關次數: 點閱:884下載:2
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  • 新藥物自研發到上市平均耗費時間10至15年和8.68億美元,藥廠在上市後,可在專利期間內以獨佔市場之姿銷售全球,故獲得專利是製藥產業獲利的基礎。然而,一旦專利期屆滿,學名藥廠競爭湧現,造成原廠藥售價跌降至原價的十分之一。如何有效地在專利期限內增加保護範圍,申請專利的策略及方向成為關鍵因素。

    Developing a new drug would take almost 10 to 15 years averagely and costs averagely $ 868 million. The pharmaceutical company will monopolize the market during the certain period.Patent right protection secures the profit of pharmaceutical industry. However, once the patents expired, the pharmaceutical competition would emerge and cause the drug price fell down to one-tenth of the original one due to the generic pharmaceutical companies appeared. Thus, the effective filing strategy for patents becomes a key factor to assure maximum advantages during the patent protection period.

    The biologics have been rapidly developed in the recent decade. The patent filing strategy of the biologics is generally different from small molecule drugs by single patent protection. The biologics usually submitted different types of patent to extend their patent scopes. Based on the mentioned reasons, threebiologics selected from the best-selling drugs in 2013 have been invesgated.The practical filing strategies of patent for each biologic including the different types of continuation applications and contents are discussed in this thesis. It not only realizes the aspects of various patent application architectures, but also concludes the five methods for filing process. The first one isswitch the targets as process and manufacture patents in turn. The second is combination of plural drug uses. The third is transformation of treatment steps. The forth is combination of special sequences or different sources. And the last is development of new indications.

    According to the case studies, the respondent information over the process of related continuation applications of biologics during the the United States Patent Office examination would be further discussed. Meanwhile, the drug's patent litigation and the points of dispute between the similar biological agents are identified. In this thesis, it preliminarily analyzed the continuation applications’ filing strategies of some pharmaceutical companies. Based on the results, it proposed a helpful suggestion of patent filing direction of continuation application for reference.

    摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目 錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機 1.2 研究目的與方法 第二章 製藥產業與趨勢 2.1 藥廠研發流程 2.2 藥物種類─小分子藥物與生物製劑 2.3 生物製劑市場趨勢 第三章 藥品專利重要性 3.1 仿製藥相關法規 3.2 藥品專利保護策略 第四章 美國專利延續案在製藥產業之應用 4.1 延續案簡介 4.2 延續案的策略 4.3 延長專利權 第五章 申請策略個案分析 5.1 亞培公司藥物─Humira 5.2 羅氏藥廠集團藥品─Rituxan 5.3美國安進公司藥品─Neulasta 第六章 答辯方向與訴訟之個案分析─Humira 6.1 答辯方向 6.2 專利訴訟─嬌生v.亞培 6.3 亞培公司與Centocor公司之專利佈局 第七章 結論 參考資料

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