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研究生: 陳盈智
Ying-Chih Chen
論文名稱: 深度學習的人工智慧情感分析
Deep Learning Implementation on AI Sentiment Analysis
指導教授: 陳維美
Wei-Mei Chen
口試委員: 陳維美
Wei-Mei Chen
Hsing-Lung Chen
Ching-Shun Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 30
中文關鍵詞: 深度學習(deep learning)情感分析(sentiment analysis)人工智慧(artificial intelligent)
外文關鍵詞: deep learning, sentiment analysis, artificial intelligent
相關次數: 點閱:479下載:0
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  • DL(深度學習)演算法架構的情感分析,由於近年來的準確性提升和擴展應用而變得越來越實用和重要。隨著不斷增長的大數據和高性能計算硬體的易得性,快速成長的AI(人工智慧)工具和方法得到了增強,並將其應用擴展到了關鍵的產業應用中。本研究報告通過建立一個LSTM model, 並使用兩個不同的數據集: (1) IMDb電影影評和(2)Twitter用戶評論, 來訓練該模型。經與先前模型的結果進行比較,展現非常突出的成果表現。此DL模型,經過訓練後,能夠在極短時間內,根據文章的語意極性,完成巨量的文件分析,例如,數以萬計的產品評論分類,同時達到近乎真人的準確結果。

    Sentiment analysis with the DL (Deep Learning) model have been becoming more practical and important due to their enhanced accuracy and extended applications in the recent years. The fast developing AI tools and techniques based on the DL, which powered by the growing big data and high performance computing hardware available, have extended their applications into key industrial practices. In this paper, a DL model, LSTM, is built and trained with two different datasets, (1) IMDb movie and (2) Twitter user reviews, to demonstrate its state-of-art performance and compare with the results from the previous models. The trained DL model presented here is capable of classifying large number of documents, e.g. dozen thousands of product reviews, according to their sentiment polarities, while achieving the results of near-human accuracy in minutes.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 論文摘要........ II Abstract........III 1. Introduction ........1 2. Related Works........4 3. Description of Model........ 6 3.1 Embedding Word Vectors with GloVe........ 7 3.2 Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Model ........9 3.3 Loss function Used for Training: Cross Entropy ........13 4. Experiment Dataset, Results, and Discussion........ 14 4.1 Dataset ........ 14 4.1.1 IMDb (Internet Movie Database) movie reviews ........ 14 4.1.2 U.S. Airlines Users’ Twitter Comments........ 16 4.1.3 Key Hyperparameter Setting For Training........ 19 4.1.4 Training and Testing Sets Allocated for Validation........20 4.2 Specification of Hardware and Software Running the Experiment........22 4.3 Results and Discussion........23 5. Conclusion........28 6. Reference........29

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