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研究生: 楊素卿
Su-Chin Yang
論文名稱: 從共享經濟探討新創公司的智慧財產權議題之研究-以美國加州Uber公司為例
Study on Intellectual Property Rights : Sharing Economy start-up company Issues - A Case Study with Uber in San Francisco, California.
指導教授: 耿筠
Yun Ken
口試委員: 蔡鴻文
Hung-Wen Tsai
Chien-Chung Yuan
Chun-Chieh Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 共享經濟智慧財產權知識經濟商業間諜
外文關鍵詞: shared economy, intellectual property, knowledge economy, commercial espionage
相關次數: 點閱:914下載:53
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  • 隨著數位經濟時代的來臨,近年來「共享經濟」風潮,透過行動網路平台整合,以閒置資產來創造經濟效益,媒合「供給」與「需求」創造經濟發展的新動能,新創公司在起步時獲得投資人的資助,本文個案公司便是交通運輸領域相當成功的數位經濟新創公司Uber Technologies Inc.。

    本文研究「共享經濟」個案公司Uber,藉由蒐集大量美國華爾街日報(Wall Street Journal,WSJ),萃取新聞資料,進行分析與歸納,最後整理出相關焦點論述。本研究所用的研究方法是脈絡分析法,以Uber公司智慧財產權、專利、著作權、商標與營業秘密等關鍵字蒐集資料,智慧財產權制度扮演的角色,發掘智慧財產權管理與公司快速發展之關聯性,分析相關意涵來作為本研究的理論基礎,並輔以與Uber公司經營的角度,發掘智慧財產權管理與公司發展之關聯性,如何創造智慧財產權競爭優勢?瞭解Uber公司在全球擴張同時,推演出新創數位公司面臨科技管理的可能議題。


    As the era of the digital economy approaches, the wave of "shared economy" in recent years has created economic benefits through the integration of mobile Internet platforms and idle assets. It has created new momentum for economic development through "supply" and "demand" for start-ups and funding from investors. This case study is about the successful digital economy startup in the transport sector, the Uber Technologies Inc..

    In this research, we try to study Uber, as a case of "shared economy", by collecting a large number of Wall Street Journals (WSJ), extracting news materials, analyzing and summarizing them, and going through discussions of relevant focuses. The research method used in this study is the method of context analysis, which is based on gathering information using key words such as Uber's intellectual property rights, patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets. This paper uses the role of the system of intellectual property rights, to explore the relevance between the management of intellectual property rights and the rapid development of the company. By analyzing the relevant meaning and using it as the theoretical basis of this study, in support with Uber's management point of view, this study explores the relationship between intellectual property rights management and the development of the company. Namely, how to create the competitive advantage of intellectual property rights? And to deduct the possible science and technology management issues emerging companies might face, while Uber's continues its global expansion.

    Finally, according to the Uber's WSJ news, this paper summarizes the key topics of WSJ as supporting data to support the six important findings of this study. From the research results, we can know the diversity of topics related to S & T management, as well as the particularity of management. This will enable digital technology start-ups to learn from others and create new areas of the “shared economy”.

    目錄 中文摘要 IV ABSTRACT V 目錄 VII 圖表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1  第一節、研究背景 1  第二節、研究目的 3 第二章 文獻探討 4  第一節、共享經濟 4   一、共享經濟世代之源起 4   二、新創網路平台之發展 6   三、全球數位經濟之創新實踐 8   四、美國矽谷UBER發展歷程 11  第二節、智慧財產權管理 17   一、知識經濟 17   二、智慧財產權制度 19   三、CARLSSON於2008年對智慧財產管理之研究 20   四、新創公司如何保護智慧財產 22  第三節、競業禁止內涵及商業機密保護 23   一、美國經濟間諜法發展 23   二、競業禁止內涵 25  第三章 研究方法 27   第一節、研究策略 27   第二節、資料來源 29   第三節、資料分析的流程 30  第四章 研究結果 33   一、重要發現一 33  二、重要發現二 34  三、重要發現三 35  四、重要發現四 36  五、重要發現五 37  六、重要發現六 38 第五章 結論與建議 40  第一節、結論 40  第二節、建議及未來研究方向 41 參考文獻 42

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