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研究生: 陳嘉萍
Julie Chia-Ping
論文名稱: 促進成功老化的集合住宅公共設施
Exploring Views on Housing Communal Amenities for Elderly Well-being in Taiwan
指導教授: 蔡欣君
Lucky Shin-Jyun Tsaih
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
Kuang Tsung Tseng
Huey-Jiun Wang
Wei-Hwa Chiang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 幸福感住宅公共設施高齡住宅設計決策
外文關鍵詞: Well-being, Housing communal amenity, Housing for seniors, Design decision-making
相關次數: 點閱:291下載:44
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  • 高齡化係當今國際間需要共同面對的課題。台灣將在2050年迅速達到超高齡化的社會。為協助高齡者成功老化,我們應積極準備及提供適當的環境或設施來協助人們適應逐漸老化的過程。研究顯示體力活動、社交活動及智能學習活動有助於高齡人口維持健康及各項行動能力,因此值得探討如何深入規劃及設計。
    由於當前對促進高齡者健康與福祉的研究大多專注於都市設施及建築設計,因此本研究將目標鎖定集合住宅內部的公共設施。透過文獻回顧確認卅個較普及的集合住宅公共設施來製作問卷、並以立意抽樣法在台灣調查訪問健康專業工作者(n=21)與一般民眾(n=727)。問卷採用李克特五等第量尺(Likert 5-point scale) 來請受訪者表達對前述集合住宅公共設施的重要性。問卷資料採用弗里曼等級檢定 (Friedman Ranking Test) 及克拉斯卡-瓦立斯檢定 (Kruskal-Wallis Test) 來進行分析。

    As population aging and Taiwan quickly becoming a super-aged society in 2050, there is an urgency to provide appropriate built environment to assist elderlies during their transitions into old age. Since exercising the body, being socially active, and enriching the mind have been scientifically proven to help older population keep functional capabilities and maintain health, forward-thinking planning and design approaches should be investigated.
    Researches promoting health and well-being for elderly, so far, are directed mainly on urban facility and architecture design. Hence, this study will focus on communal amenities within housing estates. The aim is to explore amenities that promote elderly well-being from views of healthcare professionals (n=21) and the general publics (n=727). From literature review, 30 popular communal amenities are identified and tested via questionnaires conducted in Taiwan. Participants were asked to evaluate the importance level of the proposed amenities with 5-point Likert scale. Data are analyzed with Friedman Ranking Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test. Results show both respondent groups placed outdoor open space, trail, and garden with seat as the top three important amenities, where outdoor and multifunction are the spatial and functional qualities. While the general public believe physical amenities are more important, healthcare practitioners put more emphasis on social and spiritual amenities. Within the general public group, respondents aged 65 and older have different views than younger respondents on dog run area, BBQ areas, and video game room. Further, respondents from different regions value swimming pool and religious space differently. It can be concluded that in Taiwan, views may differ with upbringing and cultural backgrounds, residing regions, and age. The initial findings can assist policy makers, real estate developers and designers for decision-making in future housing projects.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS page ABSTRACT 4 ABSTRACT IN CHINESE 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 LIST OF TABLES 11 LIST OF FIGURES 12 INTRODUCTION 13 Research Aim and Objectives 14 Research Scope and Procedures 15 Research Questions 16 LITERATURE REVIEW 18 Aging and Health 18 Well-being and Successful Aging 18 Physical Exercise and Well-being 20 Social Interaction and Well-being 22 Spiritual Activity and Well-being 23 Environmental Influence 24 Research Trend and Gaps in Knowledge 26 HOUSING COMMUNAL AMENITY 28 Background 28 Popular Communal Amenities 28 Housing Communal Amenity in Taiwan 29 30 Housing Estates Nationwide (Case Study A) 30 20 Housing Estates from Top Ten Developers (Case Study B) 34 Farglory Wen-Chin Housing Project (Case Study C) 36 Taibay Housing Estate (Case Study D) 40 METHOD 43 30 Housing Communal Amenities 43 Questionnaires 45 Respondent Group: Healthcare Practitioners 45 Respondent Group: The General Public 45 Background of Respondents 46 Nonparametric Statistical Tests 47 Reliability Test 48 DATA ANALYSES AND RESULTS 49 Ranking of Amenities for Healthcare Practitioners and the General Public 49 Views Between Genders Within the General Public 54 Views of Age 65 Split Within the General Public 54 Views Among Age Subgroups Within the General Public 55 Views Among Residing Regions Within the General Public 56 Comparison Between Respondent Groups to Case Studies 58 CONCLUSIONS 60 FUTURE STUDY 62 LIST OF REFERENCES 63 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 70

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