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研究生: 查明忠
Min-Chung Cha
論文名稱: 產品線寬度、相似度與毛利率間關係之研究-以台灣上市、上櫃IC設計公司為研究對象
The Relationship of Gross Profit Margin and Product Line Breadth﹐Product Line Proximity-A Study of Taiwan-based Public Fabless IC Design House
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 楊維寧
Wei-Ning Yang
Ruey-Huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 毛利率成本差異產品價值產品線寬度產品線相似度IC設計公司
外文關鍵詞: Product line breadth, Value of product, Difference of cost, Product line proximity
相關次數: 點閱:256下載:5
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  • 我國IC設計產業近年來不但成長快速,位居世界第二位,同時也是驅動我國半導體產業的重要成員之一,更有可能繼晶圓代工之後,成為全球市佔率第一的明星項目,因此其未來發展十分重要;本研究將以我國IC設計產業為研究對象,分析其在產品進入策略上的佈局,以產品線寬度與產品線相似度劃分不同的策略群組,探討不同群組間的毛利率是否具有顯著差異,進而找出有效的產品進入模式。

    根據三十七家樣本公司的產品線寬度及相似度所劃分的四組樣本,經單因子變異數分析後發現四組間的確在產品線寬度及相似度上有顯著性差異,因此可以繼續進行迴歸分析與單因子共變數分析;在迴歸分析中使用PLB(產品線寬度值)、PLP(產品線相似度值)、AGE(公司成立年限)、NS(淨營收)、COSTD(成本差異)與VALUE(價值差異)為自變數,Gross Profit Margin(毛利率)為應變數;在單因子共變數分析中則使用Group(組別)為自變數,AGE(公司成立年限)、NS(淨營收)、COSTD(成本差異)與VALUE(價值差異)為共變數,Gross Profit Margin(毛利率)為應變數。

    3﹒公司成立年限雖然在此次研究上顯示並非影響毛利率的顯著因子,但由於此次取樣樣本有限,且排除成立不滿四年的公司,再加上我國IC設計產業發展至今不足三十年,樣本公司中也有不少公司是由整合元件大廠(Integrated Device Manufacturer,IDM)所分立出來,因此有再深入探討的必要。


    Rocketing IC design industry﹐one of the major driving force of Taiwanese semiconductor industry﹐its yearly revenue ranked no.2 in 2003 globally﹐will be another rising star after its foundry business which shared at about 70% of the worldwide market﹒
    This study will focus on Taiwan-based IC design houses to analyze their deployment of product strategy by PLB(product line breadth) and PLP(product line proximity) and use proper measurements of PLB and PLP to categorize different product strategy groups﹐and then compare the gross profit margin of different groups to see if we can find a optimal model.
    In total 37 sampling companies which are categorized into 4 groups by PLB and PLP﹐we find the mean of their PLB and PLP reach significant difference between groups by ANOVA﹐which we can continue following regression analysis and ANCOVA﹒
    In regression analysis﹐we use PLB﹐PLP﹐AGE(company’s age)﹐NS(net sales)﹐COSTD(difference of cost)﹐VALUE(value of product) as independent variables and gross profit margin as depedent variable﹒
    In one-way ANCOVA﹐we use group as independent variable﹐AGE﹐NS﹐COSTD﹐VALUE as co-variates and gross profit margin as dependent variable﹒
    The conclusions of this study are as following:
    1﹒In stepwise regression analysis﹐VALUE﹐COSTD and NS account for major influence of gross profit margin﹐while PLB﹐PLP and AGE are excluded﹒
    2﹒In one-way ANCOVA﹐4 groups categorized by PLB and PLP show no significant difference in gross profit margin statistically﹐though the result seems like that the groups with lower PLP(sub-set 3﹐4) are accompanied with higher gross profit margin ﹐which is compliance with previous regression analysis-PLP is negatively related to gross profit margin﹒
    3﹒Owing to fewer samples﹐excluding age of companies lower than 4 years when sampling﹐some sampling companies were separated from IDM (Intergrated Device Manufacturer) and the development of Taiwan-based IC design industry is under 30 years﹐we think the result of “AGE is not a major influential factor of gross profit margin”will need to be exploited more in detail﹒
    4﹒The trend of bigger is bigger showed on revenue ranking in Taiwan-based IC design houses and the number of them is still growing announced by ITRI(Industrial Technology Research Institute)﹒
    We also find the competition is very fierce in some product lines after checking the appendix-Table of Product Category﹒
    Finally﹐we suggest the company should focus on its core competence and the potential of its target market more than just choosing product lines and making product strategy﹐what the company really need is all-dimension planning ﹐not status quo or chasing vogue only﹒

    目 錄 誌 謝_I 摘 要_II Abstract_III 目 錄_V 圖表索引_VII 圖目錄_VII 表目錄_VIII 第一章 序論_1 第一節 研究背景_1 第二節 研究動機_2 第三節 研究目的_4 第四節 研究範圍_5 第五節 研究限制_5 第六節 研究方法_6 第七節 研究架構_7 第二章 基本定義、理論架構與相關文獻探討_8 第一節 基本定義_8 第二節 理論架構_11 第三節 相關文獻探討_18 第三章 IC設計產業概述_30 第一節 產業介紹_30 第二節 我國IC設計業發展歷程_33 第三節 我國IC設計業重要指標_34 第四章 研究方法_36 第一節 資料來源_36 第二節 研究模式_36 第三節 估計期與樣本選擇_42 第四節 統計檢定流程_42 第五章 實證結果與分析_46 第一節 樣本狀況概述_46 第二節 國內實證研究_50 第三節 案例驗證_73 第六章 結論與建議_78 第一節 結論_78 第二節 建議_80 參考文獻_83 附錄_86 作者簡介_96

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