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研究生: 劉昕暘
Xin-Yang Liu
論文名稱: 台灣產品類群眾募資研究 ——探討贊助者參與動機及募資資訊的接收
A Study on Product-Based Crowdfunding in Taiwan:  Investigating of Backers’ Motivation for Participation and Reception of Information on Crowdfunding Platforms
指導教授: 董芳武
Fang-wu Tung
口試委員: 李峻德
Jiunde Lee
Rung-Huei Liang
Fang-wu Tung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 產品類群眾募資案動機理論推敲可能性模型影響募資成功因素
外文關鍵詞: Product Crowdfunding, Motivation, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Crowdfunding Success Factors
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:12
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  • 群眾募資平台上發佈的訊息旨在幫助人們更好的理解募資專案並引起他們支持和贊助專案的意願。募資專案成功的關鍵在於吸引贊助者的參與,所以了解贊助者的參與動機以及如何有效地運用募資平台發佈的資訊來吸引贊助就變得至關重要。本研究首先對過去關於群眾募資研究的文獻及募資行業的發展的的現況進行分析整理,總結與群眾募資平台上發布資訊相關之影響募資成功的因素。

    Recently, as a new online financial and business model, crowdfunding has helped a large number of the designers, startups, entrepreneurial teams to obtain funds. They launch crowdfunding campaigns to bring their concepts to public.
    The information published on the crowdfunding platform aims to allow people to understand the crowdfunding project and trigger their motivation to fund and support commercialization of the project. The key to success of a crowdfunding project is to attract the participation of backers, so it is vital to understand the motivations of backers and how to effectively use the crowdfunding platform to release the information. This research started with literature review on fund raising and the development of crowdfunding, and summarized the factors that affect the success of crowdfunding in terms of the information released on the crowdfunding platform.
    This study recruited 115 participants who have funded a product crowdfunding project (s) to fill online questionnaires. And analyzed the current status of Taiwan's product crowdfunding with expert interviews. Findings of this study reveal that the motivation of backers who supported product crowdfunding projects includes five motivations of Philanthropy, Interest, Playfulness, Sociality and Reward. Backers who supported product crowdfunding projects could be classified into three types: "Pragmatic Backers" " Philanthropic Backers " and "Social Backers" based on that five motivations. These three groups appeared differences on preferences on product types and involvement in crowdfunding activities. Regarding on the acceptance of information on crowdfunding platforms, this study reveals that the three groups pay more attention on center than peripheral. According to the results of this research, suggestions on how to launch a product crowdfunding project are proposed in hoping to improve the success rate of product crowdfunding.

    第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究範圍 1.4 研究流程 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 群眾募資相關學術研究 2.1.1 群眾募資概述 2.1.2 群眾募資的類型 2.1.3 群眾募資執行流程 2.1.4 影響群眾募資成功的因素 2.2 動機理論 2.2.1 動機理論概述 2.2.2 群眾募資參與者的動機與行為研究 2.2.3 群眾參與募資的動機 2.3 推敲可能性模型 2.3.1 推敲可能性模型(Elaboration Likelihood Model)綜述 2.3.2 影響ELM模型路徑選擇的因素 2.3.3 ELM模型群眾募資中的運用 第三章 研究設計 3.1 研究架構 3.2 研究問題 3.3 線上問卷調查 3.4 專家訪談 3.4.1 案例篩選 3.5 資料分析工具及統計方法 第四章 研究結果分析 4.1 受測者樣本資料分析 4.2 問卷信度分析 4.3 贊助動機之因素分析 4.4 以贊助動機類型為依據的贊助者分群 4.5 不同動機類型贊助者差異分析 4.5.1 產品類型選擇偏好 4.5.2 不同動機類型消費者分享意願的差異 4.5.3 不同動機類型贊助之滿意度與再參與意願分析比較 4.6 不同類型贊助者對募資專案訊息重視度差異分析 4.6.1 不同類型贊助者對兩條路徑間重視程度差異性分析 4.6.2 不同類型贊助者間對兩條路徑重視程度差異分析 4.6.3 各類型贊助者對於募資資訊重視程度排序 4.7 專家訪談結果分析 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 研究結論 5.2 實務建議 5.3 研究限制及未來建議 參考文獻 附錄

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