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研究生: 劉峵瑋
Hung-Wei Liu
論文名稱: 以非破壞耦合試驗研探類岩材料受楔型貫切破壞之側向自由邊界效應
The Effect of Lateral Stress-Free Boundary on Rock-Like Material under Wedge Indentation Fracture by Coupled Nondestructive Techniques
指導教授: 陳堯中
Yao-Chung Chen
Li-Hsien Chen
口試委員: 陳志南
Chee-Nan Chen
Bu-Shang You
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 170
中文關鍵詞: 貫切試驗側向自由邊界聲射電子點紋裂衍偏斜比
外文關鍵詞: indentation, lateral stress-free boundary, acoustic emission (AE), electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), crack path ratio (b/h)
相關次數: 點閱:207下載:7
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  • 機械式鑽掘機於山岳隧道之開挖,可提升工程安全性及營建自動化之成效,惟因鑽掘切削之機制尚有不明處,因此產生切削刀頭之不當耗損,導致機械開挖之不彰;又台灣地質破碎;地下工程遭遇斷層、節理等弱面之機會大增,故本研究藉由將多刀楔掘削開挖斷面簡化為單一刀楔之正向貫切模擬,均質類岩(水泥砂漿)受無圍壓的側向自由邊界方式模擬側向開口不連續之弱面狀況進行探討,藉以瞭解相關貫切破壞機理,冀作增進其開挖效能之參考。試驗能建構二維貫切儀器架設作為探討課題,藉由改變:(1) 側向自由邊界距離貫切點之位置;(2)單一楔形刀角(wedge angle)等變數;於無側壓(stress free)狀況下,實驗排程採開裂變位(COD)控制以求得完整加載歷程,探討貫切所造成之破壞演化。本研究並結合非破壞之聲射(acoustic emission, AE)技術觀察微震裂源(microseismic locations),並輔以電子點紋干涉術(ESPI)對照其微巨觀之脆性破壞特徵。
    從貫切破壞過程的峰前行為得知,相同之楔形刀角之下於不同側向自由邊界位置之條件下,其標稱貫切壓力受側向自由邊界效應之影響極微,惟最大貫切力 及其對應之貫切深度d會隨著接近側向自由邊界位置之距離降低而減少。反之不同刀楔角度之下於相同側向邊界條件下時,標稱貫切壓力隨著刀角變大而降低。

    Proper mechanical tunnel excavation in rock mass is capable to improve underground safety and automatic efficiency under construction. However, the complexity of contact mechanism during boring process raises with different geological conditions such as opening weak plane. To understand this difficult contact interaction, this study presents a cutting simulation by simplifying real excavation as a single, normal indentation on synthetic rock with varying wedge angle of cutter as well as lateral stress-free boundary. By changing the distance from indentation position to lateral stress-free boundary, the effect of opening weak plane on the damage evolution including the growth of plastic zone (ductile failure) and tensile crack propagation (brittle fracture) was monitored. The experimental results were conducted through a 2-D setup of indentation apparatus in laboratory. Using COD (crack opening displacement) as a feedback signal of closed-loop control system, the completely stable loading curve can be approached such that the crack path under indentation can be examined. Meanwhile, in conjunction of a nondestructive technique of Acoustic Emission (AE), the observation between both the visible-crack pattern and micro-crack development, which represented by micro-seismic activities of AE, reveals the characteristics of indentation fracture consistently. Furthermore, to monitor the effect of lateral free boundary on the crack propagation, crack path ratio (b/h) were proposed to measure. Experimental results show that the values of bi/hi keep invariant. In other words, the existence of geometrical similarity of b/h (1/4) was found during indentation. Additionally, the orientation of initial tensile crack is not affected by lateral stress-free boundary.
    Furthermore, by comparing both results from coupled nondestructive techniques of AE and ESPI(electronic speckle pattern interferometry), it is found that the less the ratio of lateral distance(2b/W),the smaller the elasto-plastic interface. Regarding the brittle fracture, micro seismic locations obtained from AE and observed main crack from ESPI evolve a promising consistency.

    論 文 摘 要 I ABSTRACT III 致 謝 V 目 錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 符號對照表 XII 第一章、緒 論 1 1.1背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3範圍與方法 3 1.4 論文內容 5 第二章、文獻回顧 8 2.1 接觸破壞模擬—貫切試驗之沿革 8 2.2 貫切試驗之延性理論-孔洞擴展模式 11 (CAVITY EXPANSION MODEL, CEM) 11 2.3 破壞力學之相關理論-線彈性破壞力學 16 2.3.1 破壞力學之發展 16 2.3.2破壞模式 17 2.3.3 裂紋前端之塑性區 19 2.4 非破壞檢測—聲射技術之發展 21 2.4.1 聲射定位原理 22 2.4.2 聲射定位準則 25 2.5 非破壞檢測—電子點紋干涉術之沿革 27 第三章、試驗架構與執行 39 3.1 試驗材料 41 3.2 試驗設備 43 3.2.1 破壞試驗部份:平面問題之貫切試驗 43 3.2.2 非破壞聲射(AE)儀器架設 44 3.2.3 非破壞電子點紋干涉技術(ESPI)儀器架設 47 3.3 方法與流程 49 3.3.1校正檢驗 49 3.3.2 不同側向自由邊界之貫切破壞試驗 53 3.4 試驗參數說明 59 第四章、試驗結果與分析 79 4.1 側向自由邊界與刀楔角度對巨觀破壞行為之影響 82 4.1.1 側向自由邊界對加載歷程峰前標稱貫切壓力之影響 82 4.1.2 側向自由邊界對加載歷程峰前最大貫切力之影響 83 4.1.3 刀楔角度對加載歷程之峰前標稱貫切壓力影響 84 4.1.4 刀楔角度對加載歷程最大貫切力之影響 85 4.1.5 側向自由邊界貫切之於位置之裂衍特徵 87 4.2 側向自由邊界效應與刀楔角度對微觀破壞行為之影響 90 4.2.1 側向自由邊界對微震裂源與加載歷程之關係 90 4.2.2 刀楔角度對微震裂源與加載歷程之關係 93 4.2.3 側向自由邊界效應對彈-塑性界面發展之影響 94 4.2.4 刀楔角度對彈-塑性界面發展之影響 96 4.2.5 聲射位源之分佈帶寬反應材料之特徵長度 96 4.3 非破壞耦合檢測之成果展示 98 4.3.1彈-塑性界面之比對 98 4.3.2裂縫尖端微小塑性區之探討 100 4.4 試驗值與解析解之驗證 101 第五章、結論與建議 127 5.1 結 論 127 5.2 建議 130 參考文獻 133 附 錄 137

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