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研究生: 李文貴
論文名稱: 三維變形量測技術於隧道及邊坡安全監測之應用與精度分析
指導教授: 陳堯中
Yao-Chung Chen
口試委員: 陳志南
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 298
中文關鍵詞: 三維變形量測自由測站法傾度管邊坡穩定隧道
外文關鍵詞: 3-D Displacement Measurements, Free Station Method
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:19
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  • 傳統的隧道內空收斂觀測方式無法反應開挖面附近的真正變形行為,三維變形量測技術可量得測點之絕對坐標,並能繪製影響線和趨勢線等圖形,進行前方地質之預判,在國內外隧道工程已有許多應用案例。然實務上仍有一些疑點待釐清,如測點之精度範圍、誤差之傳遞方式等,此外三維變形量測技術是否能應用於邊坡安全監測,亦是本研究欲探討之主題。
    本研究於某一隧道內進行兩年之三維變形監測,於隧道內進行高精度測量實驗,透過自由測站法對監測點進行量測及精度分析,監測結果顯示精度介於 ±1.2~2.5mm之間,經誤差傳遞後約增加為±1.3~4.8mm之間,欲降低誤差傳遞應對後視點進行控制測量如導線測量或三角三邊測量。

    Traditional ways of tunnel convergence observations cannot reflect the true deformation behavior around the tunnel excavation face. The three-dimension (3D) deformation measuring technique could obtain the absolute coordinates of the survey points of the tunnel and plot the influence lines, and trend lines, etc. These figures can be used to predict the possible geological conditions in front of tunnel excavation face. There have been many applications in tunneling; however, there are still some doubts to be clarified practically, such as the range of precision of the survey points and the way of error propagation. Besides, whether the 3D deformation measuring technique is suitable to monitor the safety of slope is also the subject to be studied in this research.
    This research conducted a two-year experimental study in a tunnel and high precision surveying experiments were carried out. The precisions of the survey points were analyzed by means of free station method and monitoring results showed that the precisions were between ± 1.2~2.5mm and they increased to ± 1.3~4.8mm by errors propagation. To reduce error propagation, it is necessary to conduct control survey, such as traverse networks or triangulation network adjustment method, to the reference points.
    The 3D deformation measuring technique was applied to monitor the safety of a dip slope and the results were compared with other monitoring methods to examine the effectiveness and precision of this technique. In addition to triangulation method, two free station methods, including single survey station and dual survey station, were used to analyze the precisions of survey points. The monitoring results of two-year survey showed that the results of 3D deformation measuring technique were quite consistent with the data of inclinometers, and were influenced by seasonal rainfall. As compared with triangulation method, free station method has smaller standard deviation of measurement.
    A complete information system for 3D deformation measuring technique is developed in this research which includes derivation of mathematical theory for survey adjustment, procedures of field survey with 3D measuring technique to collect data, automatic process of the survey data and display of trend lines and historic lines of the deformations. The practical procedures of applying 3D deformation measuring technique with total station instrument to the tunnel and slope monitoring were also established.

    中文摘要I 英文摘要III 誌謝V 目 錄VI 符號索引 X 表索引 XIII 圖索引 XV 第一章 緒論1 1.1前言1 1.2研究目的與動機2 1.3研究內容3 1.4 論文整體架構4 第二章 文獻回顧6 2.1自由測站法原理與精度6 2.1.1 自由測站法之原理6 2.1.2數學函數模式7 2.1.3 影響觀測精度之因素9 2.1.4單一測站之精度10 2.2利用自由測站法進行隧道變形監測12 2.2.1國內三維變形量測方法研究13 2.2.2 國外三維變形量測方法研究18 2.3隧道縱向變形應用之探討21 2.3.1隧道變形方位展示22 2.3.2 隧道變形曲線方程式之介紹25 2.3.3 影響線、趨勢線及位移向量方位趨勢線在預判地質強弱之應用26 2.4 各種隧道或邊坡三維變形監測方法28 2.4.1 全測站使用於隧道或邊坡變形監測28 2.4.2 雷射掃描技術應用於隧道變形量測32 2.4.3 數位相機應用於隧道變形量測37 2.4.4 大地工程監測與預警系統-光纖監測技術40 2.4.5 多通道無線遙測42 2.4.6 各種主要量測方法比較42 第三章 三維變形量測技術44 3.1三維量測原理概述44 3.2 自由測站法原理與施測方法46 3.2.1 自由測站法公式推導47 3.2.2 前視點標準偏差及變位量55 3.2.3 如何判斷已知後視點坐標是否有變動57 3.2.4 儀器設備61 3.2.5 實驗場測試「三維量測技術」62 3.3自由測站法量測誤差與精度64 3.3.1 精度與誤差來源64 3.3.2 後視點點位數量對於精度之影響66 3.3.3 監測網的質量指標68 3.4 自由測站法-先求測站坐標再利用光線法求前視點69 3.5三角三邊法於坡地監測之精度探討71 3.6自由測站法及三角三邊法於坡地監測之精度比較73 第四章 邊坡地滑監測作業成果與精度分析75 4.1 基地地質概況75 4.1.1 區域地質及層面概況75 4.1.2 地下水位分佈與降雨強度對基地穩定性之影響76 4.2邊坡監測計畫76 4.2.1 監測場地概況77 4.2.2傾度管及水壓計佈設79 4.2.3 三維坐標監測點位佈設80 4.2.4 監測頻率81 4.3邊坡應用三維坐標量測方法監測之成果83 4.3.1 GPS與全測站儀於邊坡監測之適用性比較83 4.3.2三維量測觀測方式84 4.3.3三維坐標量測方法監測成果85 4.3.4綜合監測成果探討86 4.3.5三維變形量測成果與降雨量之關係89 4.3.6單站法與雙站法之自由測站法精度分析91 4.3.7不同覘標型式之觀測成果比較93 第五章 三維變形量測技術於隧道變形 之應用與分析95 5.1 隧道變形監測之場地概況95 5.2 隧道監測點自由測站法精度分析96 5.2.1 監測點配置與觀測方式96 5.2.2 測區控制點佈設與測量98 5.2.3 引測地面控制點至襯砌覘標點99 5.2.4 控制點坐標值誤差傳遞分析101 5.2.5 前視點變成後視點對新前視點之精度影響103 5.2.6 監測成果綜合分析105 5.3岩盤分類須配合使用之監測儀器精度106 5.3.1 Barton變位管制圖於變形量測分析上的應用106 5.3.2儀器精度與變位管制圖間之關係108 5.4 現場監測注意事項與建議112 5.4.1 儀器與覘標點佈設方面注意事項與建議112 5.4.2 其它方面注意事項與建議113 第六章 三維變形量測資訊系統116 6.1 系統軟體介紹116 6.2 『大地工程三維變形量測資訊系統』功能展示117 6.3 隧道三維量測資訊系統(雪隧)量測成果展示124 6.4 討論126 第七章 結論與建議128 7.1結論128 7.2建議131 參考文獻132 附錄132 作者簡介306 授權書306

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