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研究生: 徐鼎昀
Ding-Yun Hsu
論文名稱: 比較專利被引證數與專家判斷之專利價值差異之研究:以中置式電機電動輔助自行車為例
A Comparative Study of the Difference of Patent Value Between Patent Forward Citations and Expert Judgment: The Case of Mid-drive Electric Bike
指導教授: 耿筠
Yun Ken
口試委員: 耿筠
Yun Ken
Hung-wen Tsai
Yu-Shan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 專利指標專利價值專利評價專利被引證數
外文關鍵詞: Patent Indicator, Patent Value, Patent Valuation, Patent Forward Citation
相關次數: 點閱:879下載:3
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  • 各方專利權人、企業、國家等,無不想要探究單件或是多件專利的價值。例如以會計的方式計算專利價格,或是專利分析評估綜合價值,甚至是利用書目計量學的專利指標評價。本研究以中置式電動輔助自行車相關專利為標的,交由專家判斷專利價值,並與該些專利之被引證數指標所判斷之專利價值進行比較,試圖了解專利被引證數作為專利價值指標的適切性。

    Patentees, Entities, and even countries, everyone wants to know how much a patent or a group of patents is worth. People have been using accounting method to evaluate patent value, patent analysis to assess comprehensive value, and even patent indicators of the bibliometric method to evaluate. This research focus on patents about mid-drive electric bike. By letting the experts to evaluate the value of a patent and comparing them to the value determine by the patent forward citation indicators, we try to understand the appropriateness of using the forward citations as a patent indicator.
    The research cooperates with the senior engineer from the R&D department of the Cycling & Health Tech Industry R&D Center. After letting the expert manual read and judged the patent value of the US patent related to mid-drive electric bike, distribute the patents into three groups: low value, middle value, and high value. Then, analyze the outcome of patent value groups with the historical patent applications and patent forward citations.
    The historical patent applications and patent forward citation analysis are used to understand the developing trend of the subject over the years and the overview of the forward citation; the distribution of patent value groups rated by the expert, forward citation trend analysis, and individual analysis of each patent value groups are used to determine the difference and relationship between patent value rated by the expert and forward citation. At last, the additional discussion of patents having 0 forward citations are used to understand the performance of the patents which are unable to be determine by the forward citation indicator.
    The result are organized and listed as follows: (1) The mid-drive electric bike industry is growing drastically in recent years, the analysis subject is a new technology; (2) The higher the patent value rated by the expert is, the more the average forward citations; (3) From the perspective of the expert rating result, the earlier patents have higher proportion being low value, and the more recent ones are more likely to be middle value or high value; (4) Because of the accumulation of time, chronologically, patents in the mid-term have higher forward citations than the others, but are rated more to be low and middle value; (5) In the technical field of the research, with the baseline of the expert rating, using forward citation to determine the patent value has a higher probability of misjudge; (6) Patents having 0 forward citation are possible to be rated all low, middle, or high value, as a result, patent forward citation indicator should still rely on the expert’s judgement.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 8 1.3 研究目的 9 1.4 章節概要 10 第二章 文獻探討 13 2.1 專利資訊 13 2.2 專利引證 14 2.3 專利價值與專利指標 17 2.4 以引證為基礎的專利指標 20 2.5 以引證為基礎的專利指標與專利價值的相關實證研究 23 2.5.1 技術上重要專利的引證率(Carpenter, Narin & Wool, 1981) 23 2.5.2 專利作為企業技術實力的指標(Narin, Noma & Perry, 1987) 24 2.5.3 引證數為工業重要專利指標(Albert, Avery, Narin & McAllister, 1991) 25 2.5.4 引證頻率與專利發明的價值(Harhoff, Narin, Scherer & Vopel, 1999) 26 2.5.5 引證、家族、專利價值之不同看法(Harhoff, Scherer & Vopel,2003) 28 2.6 本章小節 28 第三章 研究設計 31 3.1 探索性研究 31 3.2 研究流程 34 3.3 研究範疇 35 3.3.1 研究標的 35 3.3.2 資料庫選擇 38 3.4 專利資料蒐集 39 3.4.1 初步檢索 39 3.4.2 確定檢索式 43 3.4.3 人工篩選 45 3.4.4 檢索遺漏 46 3.4.5 專利資訊彙整 47 3.5 合作專家背景 48 3.6 專利價值評等與分析 50 3.6.1 專利價值評等原則 50 3.6.2 專利價值評等分析 51 3.7 資料分析限制 53 第四章 分析結果 55 4.1 整體分析 55 4.1.1 歷年專利件數 55 4.1.2 歷年專利被引證數 56 4.2 專利價值分析 57 4.2.1 整體被引證趨勢 60 4.2.2 歷年專利價值分布 62 4.2.3 評等低價值專利分析 63 4.2.4 評等中價值專利分析 66 4.2.5 評等高價值專利分析 68 4.3 被引證數為零之專利分析 70 第五章 結論 73 5.1 分析結果總結 73 5.2 未來研究建議 75 參考文獻 77

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