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研究生: 劉育哲
Yu-Che Liu
論文名稱: 應用文件探勘技術於接觸式影像感測器專利分析之研究
Application of Text Mining Techniques for Contact Image Sensor Patent Analysis
指導教授: 郭中豐
Chung-Feng Kuo
口試委員: 蔡鴻文
Hung-Wen Tsai
Yung-Ho Leu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 接觸式影像感測器本體論文件探勘集群分析分類分析
外文關鍵詞: Contact Image Sensor、Ontology、Text Mining、Clu
相關次數: 點閱:629下載:0
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  • 我國為影像感測器的生產大國,在整體的製造與研發技術上亦居於全球領先地位。且國內外業者對智慧財產權的重視,積極對接觸式影像感測器技術進行專利佈局,每年皆有大量的專利申請案。針對這些大量的專利資料,實有必要以有系統的方式進行專利的管理及專利分析,以確保在未來的技術競爭中,獲得持續性的優勢。

    Taiwan is a major image sensor producing region, and its overall manufacturing and R&D technologies are in a leading position of the world. Companies have paid attention to the intellectual property, and patented their contact image sensor technologies actively. There are numerous patent applications annually. For the mass patent data, it is necessary to manage and analyze patents systematically, so as to guarantee persistent advantages in the future technology competition.
    In the present patent analysis, the R&D personnel or patent engineers need to retrieve patents first in order to master technology conditions from patents. It is time-consuming to read through the patents, in order to learn the technical content in the patent data obtained from patent retrieval. If the technical keywords in patent data can be known by text mining, the data can be analyzed efficiently, and the patent data are analyzed technically and rapidly by the defined ontology keywords. The processing of mass data can be accelerated.
    This study retrieved the U.S. patents for contact image sensor, and used patent map to discuss the technical development trend of contact image sensor field. The keywords of the technical field were extracted from the retrieved patent data by using text mining technology. The ontological framework of contact image sensor was built, and the contact image sensor patents were analyzed using this ontology. The sequential information bottleneck method of cluster analysis and the Bayes Classifier of classification analysis were used for discussion. In terms of application, the cluster analysis is a non-supervised analysis method, and the sample patents are divided into 5 clusters after algorithmic calculation, represented as visual graphic interface, and the technical classes of various clusters are discussed respectively. The classification analysis is supervised analysis method. After data processing, the eigenvalues of the weighted TF-IDF are screened by entropy calculation method, the precision of the optimized eigenvalue result after entropy calculation is 90.4%. The recall is 91.7%, and the F-Measure is 91.1%. The text mining method is used in this study to analyze the contact image sensor patents, using this analysis method to process mass data can shorten the patent document processing time for the R&D personnel or patent engineers, so as to increase the accuracy and efficiency of patent analysis.

    摘 要I ABSTRACTII 目 錄IV 圖目錄VI 表目錄VIII 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 研究動機和目的2 1.3 文獻探討3 1.4研究架構6 第二章 接觸式影像感測器技術7 2.1 影像感測器種類7 2.2 接觸式影像感測器構造9 2.2.1 光源11 2.2.2 導光體13 2.2.3 透鏡組14 2.2.4 感測器16 2.2.5 線型感測器比較18 2.3 接觸式影像感測器產業鏈20 第三章 研究分析方法22 3.1 專利資訊22 3.1.1 專利地圖23 3.1.2 專利檢索27 3.2 文件探勘30 3.3 關鍵詞的擷取32 3.4 特徵值的權重33 3.5 向量空間模型35 3.6 本體論36 3.7 文件分類分群38 3.7.1 連續信息瓶頸法39 3.7.2 貝氏分類法40 第四章 專利分析42 4.1 接觸式影像感測器檢索42 4.2 接觸式影像感測器專利地圖44 第五章 專利文件探勘59 5.1 分析流程59 5.2 文件探勘60 5.3 本體論的建置69 5.4 特徵值擷取72 5.5 專利集群分析74 5.6 專利分類分析84 第六章 結論與未來展望93 6.1 結論93 6.2 未來展望97 參考文獻98

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