簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 楊采璇
Tsai-Hsuan Yang
論文名稱: 專利分類號數量與被引用數量關聯性研究
The study of correlation between the number of classification symbols and forward citations of patents
指導教授: 管中徽
Chung-Huei Kuan
口試委員: 劉顯仲
John S. Liu
Mei HC Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 專利指標專利分類號專利廣度專利價值專利引用相關係數
外文關鍵詞: patent index, patent scope, patent value, correlation
相關次數: 點閱:1779下載:21
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  • 專利指標是用以衡量專利價值的一種方式,常應用於評估企業或公司的技術能力,主要分為二類,包含量之指標,以及質之指標,為度量專利資訊的重要參考。專利分類號為專利書目資料中重要的資訊,能夠代表不同的技術領域,賦予專利不同的專利分類就可對其進行分類,同時,過去也曾有文獻認為能夠以專利分類號的數量來代表專利廣度,進而測量專利的質量,即將專利分類號視為質之專利指標之一。迄今仍有許多學者認同這種說法,並沿用此觀念進行研究。然而,本研究對此學說抱有疑慮,認為專利分類號有不同的系統,不同的分類系統又皆有階層關係,此外,無論是同階層或不同階層之間似乎也有迥異的涵蓋範圍大小。因此本研究希望能夠藉由已被認同為專利指標之一的專利被引用數來驗證專利分類號是否能夠真正反映專利的價值。

    Patent Index is a way to measure the value of patents, often used to evaluate the technical capacity of enterprise or company, mainly divided into two categories comprising the amount index and the quality index. It is also an important reference to measure patent information. Patent Classification is one of the patent bibliographic information and represents different technical fields. Patents assigned different patent classification can be classified; meanwhile, some researches think that the number of patent classification can represent patent scope and further measure the quality of patents. So far, there are many scholars agree with this statement, and continue to apply this concept in their study. However, the present study have doubts about this hypothesize since there are different patent classification systems and all of them divided into many classes. Therefore, this study hope to verify whether there is a correlation between patent classification and patent citations, which is identified as one of the patent indicators.
    In this study, big data analysis methods is been used. The data are granted patents in 2007, 2009, 2011 from the United State Patent and Trademark Office database. The selection of the Patent Class are class three , class four, and class five. In addition, the data of patent citation is from previous studies. Compared with three different years and three different class of patent classification, observing the relation between the number of patent classification and the amount of patent citations. After the preliminary analysis, the study found that the two variables seem to be increasing or decreasing together by the correlation coefficient analysis of statistical software SPSS. In another word, the conclusion shows that if the number of patent classification of analysis data falls in a certain interval, two variables are certainly highly positive correlation. Thus, patent classification is one of the patent indexes and can reflect certain values of patent.

    指導教授推薦書I 學位考試委員審定書II 中文摘要III ABSTRACTIV 致謝V 目錄VI 圖表目錄VIII 第1章 概論1 第1.1節 研究背景1 第1.2節 研究方法6 第1.3節 研究架構9 第2章 文獻探討10 第2.1節 專利分類號10 第2.2節 專利分類號應用於衡量專利價值的方式14 第2.3節 專利引用與專利價值18 第2.4節 個案分析21 第3章 分析方法23 第3.1節 資料來源及處理23 第3.2節 分析工具29 第3.3節 分析方式35 第4章 分析結果37 第4.1節 資料概況37 第4.2節 初步分析結果39 第4.2.1項 各年各階圖表觀測結果40 第4.2.2項 分段分析結果48 第4.2.3項 關聯性統計初步檢驗結果51 第4.3節 關聯性統計檢驗結果54 第5章 結論59 第5.1節 研究結果與貢獻59 第5.2節 研究限制及未來研究方向60 參考文獻62 英文部份62 中文部份64

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