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研究生: 陳立偉
Li-Wei Chen
論文名稱: 比較專利前向引證數與專家判斷的專利價值差異之研究:以緊急繃帶為例
A Comparative Study of the Difference of Patent Value Between Patent Forward Citations and Expert Judgment: The Case of Emergence Bandage
指導教授: 耿筠
Yun Ken
口試委員: 陳宥杉
Yu-Shan Chen
Hong-Wen Tsai
Yun Ken
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 專利指標專利價值專利評價專利前向引證數
外文關鍵詞: Patent Indicator, Patent Value, Patent Evaluation, Patent Forward Citation
相關次數: 點閱:745下載:5
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  • 在知識經濟的發展下,產業在建構經營管理所必備的生產要素時,必須關切無形資產的創造與運用。無形資產評價賦予無形資產新的經濟價值,尤其是與智慧財產權相關,舉例而言,專利從保護發明人的技術知識構想,經由評價賦予價值後,使得專利權人能在市場進行專利授權、專利交易、專利質權,進而從中獲取利益。



    Under the development of knowledge economy, while an industry is constructing the essential production factors for management purpose, concerning the creativity and utility of the intangible asset is necessary. The intangible assets have been given new economic value by the evaluation, especially those related to intellectual property. For instance, patent has transform from protecting the inventors’ technical knowledge concept to making profits by enabling the patentee to license, make transactions, or pledge after acquiring a value through evaluation.

    According to scholars such as Trajtenberg, Albert, and Ernst, patent citation indicators are capable of determining the economic or technical value of a patent. Thus, most of the patent evaluations nowadays use patent citation indicators. However, by returning to the origin of patent citation system and how the patent examiners view the “patent citation”, we found tremendous difference between the concept of the scholars and the patent examiners. As a result, the thesis aim to compare the difference between the patent forward citation indicated and experts judged patent values.

    Through analyzing patent information, the research studies the relation between the patent forward citation and the patent value, trying to understand whether the number of forward citations are capable of comprehensively evaluate the patent value, or whether the acknowledged patent value have corresponding patent forward citation. The analysis result are summarized as followed:

    1. The patent forward citations are actually affected by the time;
    2. The mere number of patent forward citation are not comprehensive of evaluating whether a patent is valuable;
    3. The patent value does not correspond to the patent forward citation.

    第1章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.1.1 知識經濟 1.1.2 無形資產評價 1.2 研究動機 1.3 研究目的 1.4 章節概要 第2章 文獻探討 2.1 專利文件與專利指標 2.2 專利指標應用以學者H. ERNST為例 2.3 專利引證 2.3.1 專利引證指標 2.3.2 專利引證指標種類 2.4 專利價值 2.5 專利引證與專利價值 2.6 小結 第3章 研究方法 3.1 研究流程 3.2 探索性研究 3.3 資料分析方法 3.3.1 檢索標的物特徵 3.3.2 資料庫選擇 3.3.3 關鍵字選擇 3.3.4 分類號選擇 3.3.5 擬定檢索式 3.3.6 驗證檢索式 3.3.7 專利資訊彙整 3.4 專利引證數計算與指標應用 3.5 專家介紹 3.6 專家判斷方法與標準 3.7 資料分析限制 第4章 分析結果 4.1 歷年公開年分析 4.2 歷年前向引證數分析 4.3 專利價值與前向引證數分析 4.4 前向引證數為0之專利 4.4.1 高等價值專利 4.4.2 中等價值專利 4.4.3 低等價值專利 第5章 結論 5.1 分析結論 5.2 未來研究建議 參考文獻 61

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